The son-in-law of the stunning president

Chapter 1192 He is in the Tribulation Period

" kill him?"

Tang Chen was very hesitant, and he could only come to such a conclusion.

It seems that only by killing this chestnut directly can future troubles be eliminated forever.

Don't look at him now needing a lot of life-support equipment to keep him alive, he looks like a vegetative, half-dead, but God knows, will he just jump up and start killing in the next moment.

It even set off a terrifying bloody storm all over the earth.

After all, in this Dharma-ending era, Tang Chen is the only one left who can be considered a fairy, and he is still a poor little weak chicken.

What is the concept of a monk in the alchemy stage in front of a monk in the transformation stage?

Ants?Well, it's just ants, and the gap in strength has even reached the point where there is no difference between Tang Chen and an ordinary person with no cultivation level for a cultivator at the transformation stage.

They are all things that can be crushed to death by moving a finger.

This is really too dangerous.

The origin of this monk is unknown, it is hard to say whether he is kind or evil, Tang Chen dare not bet, nor can he bet.

Because this time it is not only his life that is on the line, but also the lives of countless people. As long as this god-turning power is a jerk, then he can at least kill millions, or even tens of millions of people. of humans.

Let's do it, kill him, and never have trouble again.

Tang Chen gradually approached Chestnut, he had no choice, and his Dao heart was unwavering, because he could be sure that what he did was right.

But when Tang Chen quietly pressed his palm on Chestnut's forehead, he did not take any further action.

Because there is no need, this chestnut is a dead man.

Yes, it is a dead person. Although the vital signs are still there, his soul has dissipated, and only a few fragments of his soul are left in Shenhai Cave.

Or to put it more simply and popularly, this chestnut is already a brain-dead deep coma.

The physical body of such a person may continue to linger on for a period of time through the instrument, but it is absolutely impossible to be resurrected.

Needless to say, it was modern medical technology, even if Tang Chen personally used the Dragon Doctor Gu, it would not save him.

Divine Dragon Doctor Gu can save most injuries, but there is one thing that can't be done anyway, and that is to revive a person whose soul has disappeared.

The soul is the essence of a living body. If it is gone, it is gone and cannot be regenerated.

In this way, is it necessary for him to kill this chestnut?

Ti Kui suggested: "Since his soul has been annihilated, there is no need to destroy his body. Let him stay. In the future, when you are promoted to the stage of transforming gods, or the stage of Nascent Soul, you can also use his body to do something." Research is very helpful for your breakthrough."

It is indeed very helpful. How can other monks have the opportunity to obtain a body with the power of transforming gods to study?
Tang Chen hesitated and said, "His body is left for the confidential department to study, will they develop some skills that they shouldn't have?"

Tikui said: "That's absolutely impossible, just like treasures, the existence above the stage of transforming gods is not something they can research, why don't you ask them to preserve this powerful body first, and save it for you .”


Tang Chen nodded slightly, still not at ease, and pressed his palm on Chestnut's body again, and began to probe into his body for a careful inspection.

In case this chestnut is really not dead, it will be a big trouble.

It's okay not to investigate, but Tang Chen was dumbfounded after careful inspection. The DNA information of Chestnut was so weird to the point of incomprehension in the eyes of scientists.

In Tang Chen's eyes, his meridians were also weird to an unbelievable degree.

He doesn't have meridians running through his body like ordinary humans, and he doesn't even exist in his dantian.

Yes, there is no dantian, and all the meridians in his body are of the same size, and only have the simplest structure.

There are no countless small side branches, but a meridian running through the hands and feet of the whole body, which looks like a child's graffiti stick figure.

The only acupoint on his body was the Shenhai acupoint, and his Shenhai acupoint was astonishingly large, at least five times that of Tang Chen's!
Almost half of his brain is occupied by the Shenhai acupoint. It is hard to imagine how powerful this guy's soul must be when he is alive.

Tang Chen asked Ti Kui: "With such a weird meridian, is he really a monk? Or, is he really a human being?"

Ti Kui did not respond, but fell into a long silence.

Tang Chen asked repeatedly several times before Ti Kui came back to his senses.

He replied in a tone that could almost be called trembling: "Well, I don't know if this guy is human, but I can be sure that he is not a monk in the transformation stage."

Not the god transformation period?Tang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, that's good.

However, Ti Kui said in a terrified tone: "He, he is probably the legendary monk who has never been seen before!"

What! ?

Tang Chen was dumbfounded, what the hell, just the stage of transformation into a god can already scare people, this guy is actually in the stage of crossing the catastrophe?

Good guy, if this buddy wants to live, then he can already destroy human beings in a single thought.

Transcending the tribulation period, that is a real god at a fair price. It can operate and even change the way of heaven, that is, it can change certain physical laws of the earth in a single thought.

He doesn't even need to make any big moves, as long as he uses his thoughts to increase the temperature of the earth by five or six degrees, then the only way for human beings to become extinct is left.

This, such an existence... that is no longer able to have any hostile thoughts against him.

Tang Chen was startled and said, "Are you sure he is a cultivator in the Tribulation Period?"

Ti Kui said in a low voice: "I can't be sure, after all, no one has really seen the monks in the Tribulation Stage, even the Kunlun immortals, not all of them are powerful in the Tribulation Stage, and they are mainly in the Transformation Stage. So I don't know what kind of body structure a cultivator in the transcending tribulation stage should have, in short, the meridians of this person are definitely not in the stage of transforming gods."

Tang Chen nodded. Ti Kui, a cultivator in the transformation stage, had seen at least one of them, and that was his body, the real great immortal Ti Kui.

Therefore, Ti Kui must have a more accurate understanding of the meridians in the body of the monks in the transformation stage.

He said that this chestnut is not in the stage of transformation, so it must not be in the stage of transformation.

Tikui said: "He only has one big acupoint, Shenhai acupoint, and all the acupoints disappear, leaving only the main meridian that runs through the whole body. Even the Shenhai acupoint has disappeared, so it is the existence after the success of the tribulation."

It was the first time Tang Chen heard about the state after the Tribulation Transcendence Period.

So he asked curiously: "What is the realm after the tribulation period?"

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