The son-in-law of the stunning president

Chapter 1229 The Strange Monster


Hashimoto Takashi and the people around were all dumbfounded, and looked up at the huge flower in a daze.

The appearance of this thing became more and more clear, and it also made people see what it was.

It was not a flower, but a person, and the flower-like structure they saw was that person's big skirt.

Yes, it's a big skirt.

The upper body of this person is in the shape of a skeleton without a trace of flesh and blood, while the lower body is wearing something like a huge skirt, and there is a golden crown on top of the head.

This virtue, looking at it, it is not to mention how weird it is.

And at this time on the street, there happened to be a TV station from Japan doing street interviews.

Their topic is the problem of low desire and desire among young people in Japan. Why don’t everyone want to get married?
The female reporter put the microphone on a young girl's mouth: "Excuse me, what is your criteria for choosing a mate?"

What a young girl looks like is indescribable.

But after listening to the question, he still said very straightforwardly: "Oh, it's very simple, the person is nice, and the income is right."

The female reporter asked curiously, "Then how much income is appropriate?"

The girl said: "It doesn't need to be too much, an annual salary of 2000 million Dongying coins is enough."

The female reporter was dumbfounded, 2000 million?Is it okay?
Dongying is indeed a developed country, but with an annual salary of 2000 million, that is more than 120 million Chinese yuan. This income is definitely the upper middle of the pyramid.

Especially for young people, it is even more difficult.

It's not that there are such people, but they are definitely rare. Just this very ordinary-looking girl has such a high standard for choosing a mate?

The female reporter really wanted to ask her why, but she was too embarrassed to ask her.

No wonder their marriage rate in Japan has been declining year by year. This is where the relationship problem lies.

She was feeling emotional when suddenly she heard the photographer behind her exclaim.

The female reporter looked back at him angrily and amusedly.

This income requirement is indeed quite high, but it is not so rude, right?

But when she looked back, she found that the photographer hadn't photographed the two of them at all.

The female reporter is so angry, what are you doing?
However, before she could ask, the photographer let out an exclamation of unknown meaning while desperately pointing the camera at the distant sky to shoot.

The female reporter really didn't understand, what could there be in the distant sky?As for this... oh my mother!
It doesn't matter if the female reporter doesn't read it, she is immediately dumbfounded after seeing it.

On this commercial street, in mid-air not far from them, there is actually floating a... Well, what is that?
It seems to be a person, no, it seems to be a skeleton?

This, in the past, the female reporter might not have cared about it at all, and would think it was some trick like [-]D projection.

But it's different now, and now the immortals are coming out one by one, so this thing that looks like a skeleton, God knows if it's an immortal?

Well, although the appearance is a bit miserable, who stipulated that the immortal must be good-looking?
"Let's go over there!" The female reporter was really courageous enough, she decisively decided to give up her current filming task, and went directly to film this unexpected situation.

The picture he sent back to the headquarters also caught the attention of the TV station leaders in an instant.

They immediately realized the seriousness of the problem!
If the skeleton on the screen is really a fairy, then this is newsworthy...

The leader of their station can be regarded as a courageous person, and immediately decided to cut off the currently broadcasting program and simultaneously transmit the images captured by the female reporter.

Well, as soon as this picture came out, the whole Dongpu was almost blown up, my God, that, that, what is that?
Immortal?Dongpu's new Onmyoji?Or...a monster like a nine-tailed fox?

Who knows, anyway, watching the excitement is not afraid of big things. Netizens and audiences immediately started eating melon mode.

They ate melons happily, but the commercial street on this side was completely messed up.

Countless people raised their mobile phones and began to take pictures of the monster in mid-air.

And the monster finally spoke.

"Ka Ka... Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

Well, well, it's not talking, this thing is just a skeleton, it can only make such a clicking sound.

But judging by its posture, it seems that it is really ready to speak.

"Kaka... um, um, cough cough." Finally, after a long time of clicking, a faint blue light lit up on the bone frame, followed by a human voice.

It sounds like a dry cough while clearing your throat.

The people under the monster had already froze.

Hashimoto Takashi really couldn't hold back at this moment, and immediately peed.

It's no wonder that he is timid, it's because the thing on his head looks amazing.

And Andro looked at the monster dumbfounded and a little excited. As for Mitsuhashi Mingli, this shrewd girl had long since disappeared.

As the daughter of the Mihashi family, she was taught to be realistic and to value interests since she was a child, so curiosity or something was meaningless to her.

There is a potential danger, so it is the right way to just run away.

"Haha, hahaha!" Bone frame finally made some unusual sounds, it was laughter.

It seemed to be in a very happy mood, well, if it wanted to.

This kind of laughter sounds very strange, which is very uncomfortable to listen to.

How to describe it?Well, it's like the damn sound when you scratch the blackboard with your fingernails, it can make people get goose bumps after hearing it for a few times.

Countless onlookers covered their ears and started to back away.

This sound is too strange to enter.

However, when someone retreats, someone moves forward. There has never been a shortage of guys who are not afraid of death in this world.

It was the female reporter who rushed forward.

Not only did she rush forward, but she also raised the microphone in her hand high, and asked towards the bone frame: "Excuse me, are you also an immortal? Or an onmyoji?"

How blind are you?He's a bullshit onmyoji, just a skeleton, okay?

However, what everyone didn't expect was that when faced with the female reporter's question, Gu Jiazi tilted his head and thought for a moment, and then actually nodded.

"Kaka, I... am a great Onmyoji, so Hashimoto Ta must be."

What the hell?This, this skeleton is really an onmyoji?It seems that the methods of Onmyoji are astonishing. Can you survive with only skeletons left?
The accent of the bone frame is a bit weird, but it can barely be understood. With its opening, it seems to be speaking more and more smoothly, as if it is gradually getting used to using the language...

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