Tong Zixin said: "There are more troublesome things, that is, since yesterday's live broadcast, there have been countless liars claiming to be immortals in the Huaxia side, no, in the whole world, and the public security is worrying."

Wang Guoqiang smiled bitterly: "As expected, it seems that a severe blow is needed."

Tong Zixin said: "I suggest that we should pay equal attention to attack and publicity, so that the public can raise their awareness of anti-fraud, and it is best to directly expose this dusty deception."

Wang Guoqiang looked at her for a while, making Tong Zixin a little nervous.

"Director, is there something wrong?"

Wang Guoqiang said: "Do you still remember what I told you when you first entered the industry? What is the most taboo in our industry?"

Tong Zixin said: "Prejudgment before trial, don't form any prejudices in your heart, even if you encounter the most absurd thing."

Wang Guoqiang nodded: "You have decided that Chuchenzi is a liar. This is a prejudice. I hope you can pay attention to it."

Tong Zixin frowned, and wanted to justify a few words.

Wang Guoqiang interrupted with a wave of his hand: "Anyway, don't make any reckless judgments first, otherwise if you really have a chance to see Chu Chenzi again in the future, it will affect your attitude towards him. Offended him without absolute evidence."

"Yes." Tong Zixin nodded, her face expressionless, but she was not convinced in her heart.

Just like Wang Guoqiang said, she has indeed determined that Chu Chenzi is a liar.

Of course, it cannot be said that she was absolutely wrong, after all, the so-called Chuchenzi was just a trumpet run by Tang Chen.


At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Wang Guoqiang said: "Come in."

Immediately, an agent walked in from the outside, followed by a beautiful girl with a very embarrassed expression.

Wang Guoqiang smiled and said: "Come on, sit down, Xiao Liu, you can continue to do your work."

The detective nodded and walked out of the office, leaving only the girl standing in front of Wang Guoqiang and Tong Zixin.

His expression was extremely tense and his lips were tightly pursed.

"Don't be so nervous, sit down, sit down and talk."

Wang Guoqiang clicked a few times on the mobile phone in front of him, and a holographic projection appeared, listing the girl's information.

Wang Guoqiang glanced at him and said, "Ye Bei, [-] years old this year, a second-year student at the Huayin City Police Academy, with excellent results in fighting..."

He told the information about the girl in front of him, and the girl was indeed Ye Bei who had a relationship with Tang Chen once.

After reading, Wang Guoqiang looked at Ye Bei and asked, "Is there anything missing?"

Ye Bei shook her head: "No, no, sir..."

"I'm not a chief, just call me Wang Chu, or just call me Wang Guoqiang."

Ye Bei didn't dare to call out, and finally called out to Wang Chu respectfully.

Wang Guoqiang smiled: "I have seen your situation, do you mind describing to me the situation where you encountered the dust again?"

Ye Bei has been asked many times, but she still described the situation of that night in great detail.

Tong Zixin just listened quietly.

After listening to the description, Wang Guoqiang looked at Tong Zixin: "What do you think?"

Tong Zixin analyzed: "That Chuchenzi claims to have entered her house to find food and water, which means that he still needs to eat, which is different from the fairy in the legend."

Wang Guoqiang said with a smile: "The legend can't be true, and maybe it's just that his cultivation level is not enough. Didn't you hear him say that he is a young disciple who came out to practice?"

Tong Zixin frowned: "Director, do you think that Chuchenzi was too deliberate in this matter?"


Tong Zixin said: "The traces of acting are too heavy! He actually arrived in Huayin City a long time ago, and he came here in a very embarrassed posture, even unable to find food and water, and when he appeared on the top of Huashan, he behaved like So otherworldly, it's clearly acting."

Wang Guoqiang nodded. Indeed, Chu Chenzi at that time did seem to have a lot of performance traces, and it seemed that he was specially used to pretend to be X, which is very doubtful.

At least his motives are not as simple as he said.

But Wang Guoqiang said again: "But this shows that he is not from the country of America, right?"

Indeed, if it were people from the US side, they wouldn't be in such a mess.

Tong Zixin said: "Further investigation is needed, Ye Bei, I want to go to your home to collect evidence, is that okay?"

Ye Bei naturally nodded.

Tong Zixin is an extremely cautious person, and it took more than three hours to collect evidence. She brought all the items in Ye Bei's house that might have any traces of Tang Chen back to the office for careful study.

This time, he really found a breakthrough that Tang Chen didn't expect.

his body tissue.

Ye Bei kicked Tang Chen's lower abdomen and shocked him once with an electric shocker.

Moreover, Tang Chen also left fingerprints on the wrapping paper of the things he ate at Ye Bei's house, and there was even some saliva left on the bottles of drinks he drank.

This time I caught it!Do DNA comparison!

The so-called one hundred secrets and one sparseness is probably referring to Tang Chen's situation.

No matter how cautious he is, he is only one person, and he will inevitably miss everything when doing things, and his seventh secret is professional.

However, the DNA comparison does not produce results so quickly, and it still needs a long wait.

At this time, Tang Chen had already returned to his own villa in Yanjing. Of course, when he came back, he also took Tu Meng, a restless kid, along the way.

He still has a lot of things to deal with in Yanjing, and he has to wait for Luo Jianing to finish his work.

As soon as he came back, Tang Chen went online to check the disturbance he had caused.

He wanted to see if the public opinion reached an effect.

However, he found that he had failed.

Such a sophisticated performance, such a wonderful costume, was originally thought to drive public opinion and create a sensational effect.

But now, if you take a closer look, the Internet is full of rumor-refusing news.

The so-called dust is just a gimmick of the exchange meeting. It is a big news made by China and the United States. It is completely commercial hype.

Faced with such accusations, China and the United States were in tacit understanding without saying a word to defend.

Just acquiesced to such a statement, and even at the official level, there were more or less mainstream pushes to promote public opinion, and he just said that a sudden birth was a performance.

Tang Chen's nose was almost crooked when he saw it. Your uncle, what's wrong?I wasted so much effort for nothing?
Of course, not everyone believed such rumor-refusing news. Many people still firmly believed that Chuchenzi was a real immortal, and the rumor-dispelling person was just a guy trying to cover up the truth.

The two viewpoints are arguing on the Internet...

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