Originally, Chuchenzi's outstanding image and appearance made people have a natural affection for immortals.

Even if Lu Xingjun who appeared later was not very good looking and used violence, at least he didn't really cause huge harm to ordinary people.

At best, he just stunned a few security guards.

After that, Chuchenzi came east with a sword, helping the Holy See's Knight of Light to complete the feat of killing demons.

All these incidents have made people, regardless of the East or the West, have a good impression of the immortals.

I think they are kind and just, and they will not casually hurt others for a safe existence.

Surprise and curiosity are more than fear for the supernatural magic.

But now in it, Tong Zixin and Huanqin, who are warriors, are fine. At least there are formations among warriors, so they can accept the current situation more easily.

But as ordinary people, Anna and the others were already so frightened that their skin got goosebumps.

The current situation is too close to the plots of many European and American horror movies. What will happen next to the dangerous forest that cannot be walked out?
A mass murderer with a chainsaw?

Lawrence was obviously the most daring and curious of the four ordinary people.

Seeing the terrified appearance of his companions, he smiled: "What's the matter, what are we here for? Now that we are close to supernatural events, are you afraid instead? Think about how many so-called haunted houses we have explored before. ah?"

Anna excitedly said: "What stupid things are you talking about? Everyone knows that those so-called haunted houses are fake and safe, but now! Are they safe now?"

Lawrence shrugged his shoulders and looked at Tong Zixin: "It seems that my partners are really scared, hehe, they don't really love supernatural phenomena like me, how should this be described in Chinese?"

Tong Zixin curled her lips and said, "Grand Ye loves dragons."

Lawrence said with a smile: "But I think the three of us have a common language. The three of us are not afraid, how about it? It's a rare opportunity for the three of us to cooperate. Let's go deep into the mountains to find supernatural phenomena?"

What a lunatic.

Tong Zixin shrugged and said, "The problem now is not whether we go down the mountain or continue up the mountain, but that we are simply lost all the time, and where we go is completely out of our control."

Lawrence said, "Then what is your suggestion?"

Tong Zixin said: "Go on, that's the only way to go, it's meaningless to stop, if there is really some supernatural force controlling us as you said, then let's follow the guidance and see what the other party wants to do. What's good."

She ran her hand along the side of her trousers pocket as she said this.

Hidden there is a high-frequency tactical dagger built with the latest technology.

As an extraordinary martial artist, Tong Zixin did not have the habit of carrying a pistol on her body.

Judging from her strength, a pistol with small caliber and low power is far less effective than an extremely sharp dagger.

"Agreed! Let's keep going, the direction, well, it doesn't matter, as long as we continue to move forward?"

Lawrence said and stepped forward.

Tong Zixin also followed, and Huanqin followed closely after hesitating for a moment.

In fact, he is the most excited one now. Did he really meet the fairy in the mountains?Is it really Xianyuan?
He is not afraid or worried about being dealt with by the immortal, because he is a member of the Quanzhen sect, so how could the hermit immortal of the Quanzhen sect be against him?
Seeing that the three with the most courage left first, the remaining three looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the end, Leoni, who had been very silent all this time, was the first to follow.

Anna said angrily: "Leonie, come back to me, how dare you leave me alone!"

Leonie turned back: "I think it's best for us to keep up with them and spread out here, which is the most dangerous, isn't it?"

Anna wanted to say something more, but Hande had already carried her on his back to keep up with Leoni.

Anna said angrily: "Hand, even you..."

Hand sighed and looked up at the sky: "Anna, maybe you didn't realize that it's getting late now, no matter what we do or where we go, we must act, otherwise we will spend the night in the wild Now, think about the bugs in the mountains."

Anna suddenly fell silent. Compared to the unknown danger, she was more afraid of the furry, chubby little creatures with many legs in the forest.

A group of people continued to move forward, but this time they insisted on a reverse direction, and walked forward all the way guided by the compass.

"I said Lawrence, could it be that there is a huge magnetite in this forest? The compass has actually failed?" Hand caught up with Lawrence and asked questions.

Being with a familiar companion makes him feel more secure.

Lawrence shook his head: "No, the needle of the compass has always been locked in one direction, and there is no random rotation, eh? Wait, that valley is so beautiful!"

Following his exclamation, everyone looked along his fingers, and they saw a place that was so beautiful that it did not resemble the world.

It was a valley, and all over the mountains and plains was a kind of light blue flower that could not be named.

A clear stream meanders out of a lake in the valley, with gurgling water.

However, the mist that envelops the entire Sanqing Mountain is invisible in this valley, making all the scenery here clear and beautiful, which makes people enchanted.

Quite a paradise-like scenery far away from the world.

The most important thing is that on a small high slope in the valley, there is a very rough but weird little hut with an indescribable sense of ingenuity.

There is a row of very simple fences outside the hut.

Someone lives here!

"It's a fairy! It must be!" Huanqin was the first to shout excitedly.

Yes, whoever can live in this kind of place must be a fairy, right?
Tong Zixin stared at the valley and frowned for a moment and said: "Don't be so excited, it may not be the residence of a fairy, maybe it's just an ordinary hermit. I've seen a lot of hermits like this these days."

But she didn't really believe what she said.

It is true that there are many hermits in Sanqing Mountain, but most of them live in very simple and simple places.

Some simply find a cave to live in, and have never seen such a well-built hut.

Lawrence said: "It doesn't matter whether he is a fairy or a hermit, anyway, I want to go down and have a look! If the residence of a fairy is the best, even if it's just an ordinary hermit, we can get help here, maybe we can ask The way down the mountain."

Indeed, no one can refute this statement.

Immediately, the group of people walked towards the small hut, only Anna was still beating the drums in her heart repeatedly, and the images in the horror movie kept turning in her head.

A mountain hut, a perverted murderer or something...

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