The corner of the man in black's mouth raised slightly.

Mr. Li has achieved the ultimate in killing people and killing people's hearts.With his finger on the trigger, the man in black said indifferently, "Goodbye."

Before the man in black pulled the trigger, Lu Yuan had already fallen.The bullet pierced Lu Yuan's back again.

Boom!There was another shot.

The man in black looked at the blood hole in his chest, turned around, and slowly fell down with a hint of despair in his eyes.

Dozens of armed men hurried to the edge of the cliff under the leadership of Zhang Xiang.He glanced at the turbulent sea. "Qingyu, hurry up and notify the Sixteenth Division."

Lu Yuan, who fell into the sea under the cliff, floated up.His face was bloodless, and his voice was hoarsely screaming.

"Wife? Wife?"

Just let Lu Yuan call, but there was no response from Su Mo.As the rushing water flowed down, Lu Yuan slapped the sea water with difficulty like duckweed.

Su Mo can't die, can't die.

On the rough sea, there are huge waves one after another.


Excessive blood loss coupled with biting cold.After persisting for four to ten minutes, Lu Yuan finally lost consciousness.Blood and tears mixed with sea water dyed a large area red.

Midnight early morning.

In a ward in Hangcheng.Lu Yuan was still in a coma.The relatives and friends outside the door were all sad.Lin Yiru fainted several times like a tearful person.

Huo Zuqiu looked at Zhang Xiang with a lonely face, "Have you found Su Mo yet?"

Zhang Xiang shook his head guiltily.When Lu Yuan was salvaged, Lu Yuan had already passed out, and there was no good part of his body, and he was always muttering to himself.

The search for Su Mo has been going on, but the area where Su Mo fell off the cliff has been back and forth dozens of times.I have expanded the scope to the high seas tens of nautical miles away.

Su Mo disappeared without a trace as if he had never appeared in this world.

After getting the answer, Huo Zuqiu had a lot of vicissitudes, and looked at Lu Yuan's close relatives.


Lin Yiru passed out again, Su Nuan's eyes were red.Su Zhengdong's eyes were so deep that no emotion could be seen.

"Mr. Huo, can I go in and have a look at Yuan?"

Looking at Chen Lan who spoke, Huo Zuqiu nodded silently.

Pushing open the door, Chen Lan sat beside Lu Yuan, holding Lu Yuan in her arms. "Ah Yuan, Xiaomo, she...!"

"Xiaomo is not dead, I'm going to find Xiaomo."

Suddenly Lu Yuan opened his eyes, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.A staggered, unsteady figure fell to the ground.

"Ah Yuan!"

Lu Yuan pushed Chen Lan's hand away, stood up staggeringly and walked towards the door.

The sound of pushing the door made everyone look over.

"Son!" Lu Feng stepped forward and quickly helped Lu Yuan up.

Pushing Lu Feng away, Lu Yuan muttered to himself, "I'm going to find Xiao Mo, Xiao Mo is not dead, I'm going to find Xiao Mo."

Seeing Lu Yuan's appearance, Huo Zuqiu shook his head helplessly and gave Zhang Xiang a look.Zhang Xiang took a step forward and in desperation, a knife fell on Lu Yuan's neck.

After taking a sedative, Lu Yuan fell into a deep sleep.After dismissing a few women, Huo Zuqiu pushed the door of a room with the rest of the men.

"Boss Huo?"

"Lu Feng, Zhengdong. I have something to tell you. You must be mentally prepared."

The two nodded, their eyes puzzled.

Huo Zuqiu calmed down, "Just now, Zhang Xiang received a call. People from the He family in Hong Kong City want us to severely punish the murderer who killed He Junhao."

"The murderer is Lu Yuan."

Su Zhengdong was extremely surprised. "Uncle Huo, how did you confirm that the murderer is Lu Yuan?"

"He Junhao died from a gunshot. The gun left at the scene was fired. There are Lu Yuan's fingerprints on the gun."

"Boss Huo, I don't believe Ah Yuan would kill innocent people indiscriminately. Is there some misunderstanding here?"

Huo Zuqiu frowned, "All the evidence now shows that the person who killed He Junhao was Lu Yuan."

"The He family in Gangcheng is now at the Hangzhou Police Station. As a special area of ​​Gangcheng, this matter has risen to a very serious level."

"I'm telling you now that I want you to prepare yourself. If there is no other evidence, Lu Yuan may have to bear criminal responsibility."

Lu Feng and Su Zhengdong looked at each other.There was a trace of loneliness and confusion in each other's eyes.

"I will let Zhang Xiang continue to collect evidence. As for how far we can go, it all depends on God's will."

After finishing speaking, Huo Zuqiu left the room with slow steps.Zhang Xiang glanced at the two of them, but followed them out helplessly.

at the door.There was a trace of helplessness in Huo Zuqiu's eyes. "Zhang Xiang, can the tracker on Lu Yuan be repaired?"

"Still trying to fix it."

"You must fix it. In addition, the fatal gunshot wound on He Junhao's body should also be carefully checked."

"If He Junhao wasn't killed by Lu Yuan, the things in the tracker can at least prove that Lu Yuan fired a few shots at that time."

Zhang Xiang nodded. "Mr. Huo, can He Junhao's autopsy report directly prove that Lu Yuan is not the murderer?"

Huo Zuqiu frowned, "The autopsy report must be accompanied by supporting evidence, otherwise it will be difficult to convince people. We can't ignore the law just because we are close to Lu Yuan."

"Also, we can't rule out that someone shot He Junhao after Lu Yuan left."

"You must carefully survey the scene next, and don't miss every detail."

Zhang Xiang nodded, "I understand. I will do it."

Huo Zuqiu stopped talking, and when he passed by Lin Yiru's room, he glanced at his grandson, and Huo Zuqiu looked disappointed.

I originally planned to propose marriage with Su Zhengdong's family, but now I can only wait a little longer.

In the room, Su Zhengdong looked into the distance.Lu Feng frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

a long time.

"Brother Su, I'm sorry. My family, Yuan...!"

Hearing the sound, Su Zhengdong came back to his senses. "Brother Lu. I don't blame Lu Yuan for anything. No one feels bad when something like this happens. Now we can only pray that Xiaomo will be a lucky person."

"It's Lu Yuan... You listened to Mr. Huo's words just now. What do you think?"

Lu Feng rubbed the space between his eyebrows, "I don't believe that Lu Yuan would kill innocent people indiscriminately, there must be a misunderstanding."

"Brother Lu, I think so too. It's just that Mr. Huo also said that if there is no new evidence to prove Lu Yuan's innocence, I'm worried..."

As if he had made up his mind, there was a trace of determination in Lu Feng's eyes. "I'm going to negotiate with the He family."

Su Zhengdong looked at Lu Feng intriguingly, "Is it useful?"

"Maybe it will work!"

Su Zhengdong didn't speak any more, thinking about his own thoughts.Should I do something myself?

Chen Lan was still sitting beside Lu Yuan.Looking at Lu Yuan who fell into a coma, he muttered to himself.

"An accident happened to Xiaomo, and you are like this now. Mom really doesn't know how to tell you."

"Ah Yuan, Mom knows that in your heart Xiaomo is the only love in your life."

"Mom also knows that you buried your love with your own hands for me. It was Xiaomo who cheered you up again."

"Xiaomo is the daughter-in-law of our Lu family. She just traveled far away. Xiaomo is waiting for you to pick her up far away."

"Xiaomo is waiting for your ten miles of red makeup, eight big sedan chairs, phoenix crown and Xiapei, three matchmakers and six hires. You owe her all of these."

"So, Yuan. You must cheer up, okay?"

As if muttering to herself, Chen Lan narrated her own thoughts.He didn't notice that Lu Yuan's tiny fingers were shaking.


Hilton Hotel Hangzhou.The He family's temporary foothold is surrounded by numerous guards.

In the presidential box on the top floor.Liu Ze and the two He family members had different complexions.

"Liu Ze, are your Liu family planning to just disappear in Hong Kong City?"

Hearing this, Liu Ze frowned.He Junhao's death irritated everyone in the He family.The only heir died in Hangcheng, and his death was unclear.

If he couldn't solve this matter perfectly, the Liu family would have no reason to stay.

"Mr. He, I have already notified the Hangzhou Police Department that Lu Yuan is the murderer of the whole incident. This is a certainty."

He Wenbin looked angry, "Jun Hao is my son, how much is Lu Yuan's rotten life worth? Die a hundred times is not surprising."

"Brother, don't get angry."

He Wenbin turned his head to look at the man who spoke, "He Wenli, it wasn't your son who died, so of course you won't get angry."

He Wenli grinned, "Brother, isn't it a little too much for you to say that? Jun Hao is my nephew, as my second uncle, how can I not be sad?"

He Wenbin snorted coldly. "He Wenli, I know. You now have something to rely on. Once Junhao died, you brought that bastard back. Do you think I don't know what you're thinking?"

"Brother, what do you say? Xiaohai is also my son, He Wenli. After decades of exile, I finally found him. Naturally, I want him to recognize his ancestor and return to his clan."


He Wenbin snorted coldly and looked at Liu Ze, "Liu Ze, I don't care what method you use, Lu Yuan must die. Otherwise, there is no need for your Liu family to exist in Hong Kong City."

"Mr. He, I...!"

All three people in the room looked towards the door.

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