"What about you, what do you do, let's go together!" Su Wei wanted to open the door and take Long Xinquan with her, but found that Long Xinquan was pressing the car door tightly, and her eyes like eagles and wolves did not allow any resistance It was the first time that Su Wei, who was usually aloof, felt the murderous look between Long Xinquan's brows.

"Go!" Long Xinquan slammed on the car door, and suddenly turned to face his opponent.Another crossbow arrow was shot in the dark night. Although Long Xinquan had already been hit by two arrows, his reaction ability was greatly reduced, but the speed of this crossbow arrow was like a slow motion replay to him.

"Crack!" He took the crossbow arrow with one hand, threw it aside casually, pointed at the darkness in front of him and shouted angrily: "Sneak attack kid, how dare you come out and see the truth!"

Before the words fell, Long Xinquan only felt that something was coming, but he didn't see it. Before he could realize who it was, he punched his face hard, "Boom!", Long Xinquan's whole body He was shot more than two meters away, and the back of his head hit the off-road vehicle that didn't drive away.

With just one punch, Long Xinquan was beaten unconscious, and his body slid limply to the ground. Su Wei's weak cry came from her ear. She seemed to get out of the car, as if she was embracing and dragging herself onto the ground. Car, I don't remember the rest.

Until Long Xinquan woke up again, what came into view was an ancient castle hall, the light was extremely dim, the candles in the corner swayed with the wind blowing from the window, the hall flickered, and it was hard to tell whether it was day or night.There was a burning pain in front of him, and the crossbow bolt was stuck in front of him alive, and the blood had already coagulated on it.

His mind went blank, and he looked extremely decadent.

He has been in the army for many years, and he has gone deep into the enemy's rear countless times, and he has never been tortured into such a ghost-like appearance like this time.

"Long Xinquan! Long Xinquan, are you awake? Look at me!" Suddenly a familiar voice came from his ear, and Long Xinquan turned his head slowly, looking at Su Wei who was also chained beside him, At this time, her hair was messy, her body was stained with blood, and the corners of her mouth were slightly bruised. Her mental state was much better than that of Long Xinquan.

"Su... Su Wei, why didn't you run away?" Long Xinquan frowned, seeing his wife being arrested together with him, he felt guilty.

"Oh, don't talk about it, we've been here for two days, just wake up, I don't know what they will do with us!" Su Wei's performance was calm and calm, as if she had seen through the world of mortals, even if the other party asked her to She wouldn't even yell.

"It's okay, don't worry too much, I..."

"It's amazing, you can still wake up!" A cold sentence interrupted the conversation between the two of them. Long Xinquan looked up and saw a group of people in noble clothes coming here not far away. Approaching, Long Xinquan saw their faces clearly, Owen Parker, the foreigner who had been in the two biddings.

It was the first time at Tangcheng's birthday party that he felt something was wrong with this person, but looking at it now, he was indeed a dangerous person.

I saw him pushing a wheelchair. The man in the wheelchair was none other than the Chris who molested Su Wei in front of Long Xinquan before. Long Xinquan translated for him and asked Su Wei if she was married.That night, a man in black rushed into the hotel and disabled him. The man in black is now chained and shot with two arrows.

"I've always thought that brother's injury has nothing to do with you, but your boy's skill is very suspicious!" Owen pushed Chris to Long Xinquan's face, and tightly clenched Long Xinquan's chin, his eyes were dark: "Tell me why you broke my brother's legs, he and you are strangers!"

Su Wei couldn't understand Owen's Portuguese, but when she saw these two people, Su Wei immediately realized: "Owen, did you send someone to hurt Li Hang!"

"Oh? Yes, of course it's me!" Owen glanced back at Su Wei, and continued to pinch Long Xinquan's chin, hoping to kill him directly.Owen won't do that, he wants to torture Long Xinquan and make his life worse than death.

At this time, Long Xinquan's chin was pinched by Owen. He was brewing strength and preparing to resist, but the damn poison was suddenly broken by a crossbow last night, and the poisonous blood sealed in the chest had flowed along the wound to the whole body Well, Longxinquan doesn't need any strength now, as long as he is lucky, he will be disturbed by poison immediately, like ten thousand insects attacking the heart, and the pain is unbearable.

"Can't you afford it, you fucking yellow hair!" Long Xinquan replied to Owen in Chinese. He frowned and looked at the translator behind him.

Suddenly, a heavy punch came, and Long Xinquan had nowhere to hide. The corner of his mouth was crooked, and he spat out blood.

"You lost, dare to come to my site to do business, you are really not afraid of death!" Owen cursed angrily, turned around and walked in front of his brother Chris, and pointed to Su Wei who was tied to the side. There was a flash of light, although he has been deposed, but his mind is still there, seeing the beautiful Su Wei, his lust is greatly moved.

"Haha, I know you like her. Didn't I bring her here for you? Give her some medicine in a while, and she will be yours!" Owen said to Chris in a calm tone, but his words were extremely cold.He spoke English, deliberately so that Su Wei could understand.

Listening to Owen's words, Long Xinquan became more and more angry in his heart. The faster heartbeat would only make the poisonous blood melt into every corner of his body faster. He must not let his wife become a slave.

"Owen, I can give you whatever you want. You can take away my company and my business. I don't ask much, so let us go!" Su Wei was surprisingly calm, and took out her company As a bargaining chip, in order to protect themselves.

Money is just a tool for Su Wei, her own life is the most important thing, now there is a Long Xinquan in her life, even if she leaves, she will take him with her.

Hearing what Su Wei said, Owen suddenly started laughing: "Haha! You are a real businessman!" He pointed to his old castle, and then patted Chris on the head: "This place belongs to me My brother's private property is enough to buy five of your companies, as long as you marry him, I will let him go, and your company can also develop freely in Europe, do you think this business is worthwhile?"

"Marriage is not as easy as you said. I just want to be free and give up my money!" It is impossible for Su Wei to agree to such an absurd condition.

Before the sound was over, Owen rushed forward to hold up Su Wei's chin, looked at this flawless oriental cheek, and sneered: "Do you really think that I am doing business with you? As long as you disappear, he will If you are dead, who else in your Shengde Group can carry it, you have no choice in this matter!"

After finishing speaking, Owen turned around and signaled the servant to prepare the medicine. He was going to hold a wedding for his disabled brother today.

Long Xinquan was very anxious. If it continues like this, Owen must succeed. Seeing the servant holding a glass of purple-red unknown liquid, Long Xinquan knew that it was a terrible love potion. As long as Su Wei poured it, she could Just forget about it.

Seeing in his eyes and worrying about his heart, his wife is pure and pure, and he would not dare to slap her in the slightest, but now she is being abused in this way in this little-known Owen's house. Seeing Su Wei being let go by them, the two servants pinched Su Wei. Wei's mouth is about to pour those wines into Su Wei's mouth.

Owen laughed wantonly, and Chris was so excited that he almost fell off the wheelchair. His eyes were full of desire, and he wanted to rush up and tear Su Wei into pieces.

"No! No!" Long Xinquan roared, using all his strength to resist the viciousness in his body, Owen suddenly noticed something strange about Long Xinquan, he immediately turned around and kicked Long Xinquan's head , only heard: "Crack!" A crisp sound, Long Xinquan stood motionless on the spot.

Owen was stunned, his leg skills were rare in the world, unexpectedly he couldn't even knock down Long Xinquan who was seriously injured.He stabilized his body, raised his leg and kicked again, but it still didn't help.

"You forced me!" Long Xinquan slowly opened his eyes. As soon as the blue light visible to the naked eye flashed, Owen swallowed subconsciously. The murderous aura from Long Xinquan became stronger and stronger. Under the coercion of Xinquan, he shook his head and said to himself: "No, your kid is dying, just pretend!"

"Bang!" An iron chain was snapped by Long Xinquan, Owen immediately shouted: "Assemble the team, I want to break the killing ring in the castle!" Before he finished speaking, Long Xinquan rushed to hug him He stopped Owen and threw him to the side. At this time, Owen was like an abandoned doll, fell heavily on the hall floor, and dragged backward for more than ten meters.

Owen, who was thrown out, was not injured. He stood up straight and prepared to fight again, but he saw that Long Xinquan had no intention of fighting, and killed several servants with three punches and two feet. Break the window and escape.

Seeing this, Owen immediately ordered his men to watch out for his brother, and he went out of the window to chase him. Unexpectedly, he was kicked back by Long Xinquan who just jumped out, and he was lying on the ground sprawled, doubting his life.

On the other side, Long Xinquan hugged Su Wei and started to flee in the night, with a large group of soldiers with weapons chasing them behind him.At this time, Su Wei was already unconscious. Owen's medicine was too heavy, and she couldn't bear it as a weak woman.

Holding Su Wei and running all the way, Long Xinquan knew that he would not be able to last for too long, maybe ten minutes more, when the poisonous blood attacked his heart, he was out of control, and Long Xinquan was afraid that he would accidentally injure Su Wei.

He randomly found a family car on the street and broke in through the window, and took Su Wei to the city. He didn't know where he was or where he should go, only that the pursuers behind him were far away from him. further and further.

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