Ren Zhong tightly grasped the rudder of the yacht, Ye Zixing immediately walked into the cabin when she saw this, she also noticed the boats approaching, there must be a fierce battle in the future.

On Longxinquan's side, a few of them have been rescued from the sea. Fortunately, the comrades supported them very quickly and did not let them freeze in the sea for too long.

A little inattentive, once back before liberation, Long Xinquan frowned while wiping the sea water on his face with a towel and scolded: "Damn it, it's because I underestimated the enemy, what a pity our good brother! Don't worry! , I will definitely take it alive and avenge you!"

After finishing speaking, Long Xinquan picked up his waterproof mobile phone and said to the helicopter hovering not far away: "Lock my location, pick me up, I'm going to kill someone!"

On the yacht side, Ren Zhong drove the huge yacht on a rampage on the sea. His speed was so fast that it felt like driving the huge yacht out of a speedboat.While dashing, they machine-gunned the approaching speedboats.

How dare the police speedboat approach, and their boat is not equipped with rocket launchers like RPG, otherwise someone will definitely shoot and sink the yacht.

Facing the huge yacht, the speedboat did not dare to get too close, but only dared to follow slowly behind, not letting them run too far away.

Ren Zhong didn't care about their tracking, he knew very well that the yacht had enough fuel, enough for them to rush all the way north to Wanxing City.Even if those speedboats dare to catch up, they can only chase for a few hours at most. After a few hours, they will definitely run out of fuel, and they will not be able to go back even if they want to go back.

Just as Ren Zhong adjusted the driving mode of the yacht to automatic mode, he looked up and saw a gray helicopter appearing in the sky.Don't think too much, the police must have caught up.

Without the slightest hesitation, he set up his sniper rifle and prepared to attack, but he didn't have time to aim, and a bullet hit his wrist directly.

"Crack!" There was an explosion, and the bullet directly blasted away half of his arm, Ren Zhong screamed in pain, and threw the sniper rifle aside.

"Ah! Damn, if you dare to shoot me, I will..."

"Crack!" Another shot hit the other arm. This time it didn't blow the arm away, but left a finger-thick hole on his shoulder. Ren Zhong lost both arms. Jump down alone.

"Plop!" With a sound, the man plunged directly into the sea.

"Dragon...Longxinquan?" A figure flashed in Ren Zhong's mind. Enduring the severe pain in his arm, he grabbed the sniper rifle with his remaining arm, and began to search for people on the sea around the deck. I searched and saw nothing.

"Are you looking for me?" A familiar voice came from the air, and the plane was already getting closer to the yacht. Ren Zhong looked up and saw a pitch-black gun barrel.

"Bang!" Another shot, this time the bullet did not attack his upper body, but broke his left leg. He staggered to the ground in pain, struggling to stand up but was hit in the lower back again. one shot.

Four shots in a row, the gun avoided the vital parts, Long Xinquan didn't want him to die so soon, he wanted to play with him.

Ren Zhong lost his ability to move, lying on the ground, gritting his teeth and persisting in not crying out for pain, Long Xinquan was able to have the plane parked on the apron on the roof of the ship, and walked down the deck very calmly, holding a sniper rifle of the same style as Ren Zhong .

"Wow! Why are you lying on the ground? What about your air just now? Does your strategy work? Go ahead and lie to me!" Long Xinquan handed over the sniper rifle to the others in a mean manner. policeman.

After they boarded the boat, they began to search for Ye Zixing. Long Xinquan walked slowly to Ren Zhong's side, looking at his face with a clown mask.He stepped hard on his shot leg, only to hear a "click!"

"Ah! Damn bastard, I want to..."

"Bang!" With another kick on the head, Ren Zhong was kicked flying more than three meters away, and his body hit the guardrail beside the yacht.

Half of the mask had been kicked off, revealing Ren Zhong's terrifying face.Long Xinquan approached slowly, squatted on the ground and looked at Ren Zhong, unbuttoned his mask, smacked his tongue and said, "clown? Are you handsome in such a mask? Do you think you are really a clown? Why don't you laugh out loud? ? Laugh to relieve your pain, isn't that what clowns in movies do?"

"Sky Union! Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go, you..."

Long Xinquan didn't wait for him to say those rubbish words, he raised his fist and hit him in the face, and there was another muffled "bang!", Ren Zhong was so dizzy from the beating that he could hardly hear Long Xinquan words.

"Ah~ It's so disgusting, your face really makes me sick!" Long Xinquan shook off the blood on his hands, then grabbed Ren Zhong's hair, and dragged him across the deck.

Ren Zhong had already lost consciousness from the pain, he had never been beaten like this before, even when Yunhuo was chasing him, he still missed the friendship between his seniors and did not kill him.

Long Xinquan was different. He was shot three times by Ren Zhong as soon as he came up. The pain caused by the shotgun was hard to forget. Long Xinquan would not let him off so easily.

Just when Long Xinquan dragged him to the stern of the boat and was about to throw him into the sea to feed the sharks alive, a familiar female voice came from behind: "Go, aren't you such a big villain too?"

Ye Zixing was found, she had nowhere to go, basically had no way to hide, she was eating when she was caught, she was really hungry.

Hearing Ye Zixing's voice, Long Xinquan turned his head and watched the formerly glamorous Miss Ye family turn into this scene.Messy hair, pale complexion, chapped lips and hoarse voice.

The only thing that remains unchanged is her cold face, which seems more piercing than the cold winter months.

"Miss Ye, you have suffered! Stay in the cell well after you go back, don't come out with these people and suffer together!" Long Xinquan chuckled and pushed the burden to the stern.Raised the pistol and stared at the back of his head, closed his eyes and prepared to send him for the last ride.

"Crack!" The bullet pierced Ren Zhong's head, he didn't have the recovery ability of Long Xinquan, not to mention his body was riddled with holes, he couldn't escape.

"Plop!" With a sound, the leader of the Aurora Organization was thrown into the sea just like that, which made it easier for the sharks that followed the boat.

Seeing Long Xinquan, a doctor who saved lives and healed the wounded, do this, Ye Zixing sneered and mocked: "Are you a human being? Compared with me, what is the difference between us?"

"Huh~ It's so cold, that guy jumped into the sea and escaped after being shot just now, really brave, isn't he?" Long Xinquan handed the pistol to a staff member casually, and everyone laughed and booed.

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