Wang Jianfei's face was filled with surprise in an instant.

After separating from Ran Qiuye that day, Wang Jianfei went to the Central Hospital in person early the next morning.

Dean Yuan, please investigate the temporary replacement of the school's grade director.

Wang Jianfei originally wanted to go directly to the school to ask, but after much deliberation, he still felt that it would be better for Dean Yuan to come forward.

Because when Yan Chunni went to school, it was Dean Yuan who took care of it.

Now Dean Yuan called to say that the investigation was clear, Wang Jianfei immediately asked: "Dean Yuan, what is the result of your investigation?"

Dean Yuan said in a deep voice: "Xiao Wang, after you tell me, I will help you immediately."

"I contacted a few friends and finally found that Principal Chen."

"It turned out that it was a teacher named Yan Bugui who went to the principal privately and wanted to be the grade director on the grounds that he was old."

"As for Principal Chen, out of sympathy for him, he agreed to him, and suppressed the matter of your partner."

Wang Jianfei has already heard that there must be other tricks in the middle.

No matter what it was, it was the third master's fault.

Knowing that Ran Qiuye is his girlfriend, and doing these things behind his back, it's obviously targeting him!

Wang Jianfei asked: "There are too many older people, why did the principal agree to him?"

Dean Yuan chuckled: "That must have taken the other party's things. The person I found is more reliable, and the principal didn't dare to hide it, so he told me about taking things."

Wang Jianfei: "Then is there any room for maneuver in this matter?"

Dean Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Since you have come to me, even if there is no room for maneuver in this matter, I have to make room for you."

"He sold my face and promised me that he will handle this matter in person."

"As for the principal, he has already agreed and promised to take care of your matter."

"You tell your partner to reassure her that the list announced by the school must be her name."

Dean Yuan said more and more vigorously: "You can rest assured your siblings, her affairs are my affairs, and I will definitely help her handle them properly."

Wang Jianfei understood the ways of the world very well, so he smiled: "I'm sorry for this matter, brother, I will definitely keep it in mind for helping me this time."

Dean Yuan laughed: "Small things, small things!"

After Wang Jianfei and Dean Yuan exchanged some polite words, they hung up the phone.

At noon the next day, after Wang Jianfei finished his work, he went to school to find Ran Qiuye.

When Ran Qiuye came out, his face was not very good.

But after seeing Wang Jianfei, he still forced a smile: "Jianfei, did you suddenly come to see me today?"

Wang Jianfei pulled Ran Qiuye aside and smiled slightly: "You still take that matter to heart? Don't think about it, I have a surprise for you later!"

Ran Qiuye waved his hand hastily: "I don't, Jianfei, don't worry about it."

"It's because I didn't work hard enough, I will work harder in the future, as long as you don't think I'm not good enough"

When Wang Jianfei heard this, he immediately understood.

Ganqing Ran Qiuye's unhappiness was not because she was not selected for the position, but because she was afraid that she would be disappointed in her.

Wang Jianfei couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

Such a girl is really rare.

Don't hate others for stealing her things, but find faults in yourself and work hard to improve.

It's just that Ran Qiuye doesn't know how sinister people's hearts are.

Wang Jianfei smiled slightly: "Don't think about it, how could I think you are bad?"

"Put your heart in your belly and wait for my surprise."

"Okay, I have something to do and I'll leave first, you go back."

After speaking, he patted Ran Qiuye's head and rode away.

Ran Qiuye looked at Wang Jianfei's back, and felt warm in his heart.

She couldn't help sighing that it was the luckiest thing in her life to find someone as warm-hearted as Wang Jianfei.

Ran Qiuye didn't return to school until Wang Jianfei's back disappeared around the corner.

In a blink of an eye, it was school time, and the students left the school one after another.

The teachers came to the Great Hall, ready for a meeting.

On the rostrum, Principal Chen was already sitting in the middle, with the dean and others sitting next to him.

Yan Bugui sat under the stage with a red face.

Today is the day when several positions such as the school grade director are officially appointed, and it is also a day when he is proud.

Previously, his name was only called during the meeting.

After today, after receiving the official appointment document, he will be the real grade director.

In other words, starting tomorrow, his salary can be increased.

Just when Yan Bugui was full of pride, Principal Chen cleared his throat into the microphone.

"Today, we will promote some teachers to participate in the management of the school."

"The candidates for promotion are all actively motivated on weekdays, and they are also the backbone of the school. Everyone has a sense of responsibility."

"I hope that after they are promoted, the atmosphere of our school will get better and better!"

When Yan Bugui heard this, his face was filled with complacency.

If you are promoted, you will be promoted, and you still boast so many good things about yourself.

how embarrassing this is
At this moment, Principal Chen suddenly slapped the table.

Everyone was shocked.

Yan Bugui in the audience was also taken aback.

"But!" Principal Chen suddenly changed the subject: "Before I get promoted, I have to say something seriously!"

"Some comrades, if they don't improve themselves and do things well, they will know to go astray at critical moments!"

After finishing speaking, he smashed the calligraphy and painting sent by the third master directly on the table from behind!
When the third master saw the calligraphy and painting, his expression changed instantly.

Isn't this what I sent? !

At this moment, Principal Chen looked at him coldly: "Comrade Yan Bugui, stand up for me!"

The third master was stunned for a moment, his mind was buzzing.

Seeing that the third master didn't move, Principal Chen said coldly, "What's the matter, are you embarrassed to give a gift, but are you embarrassed to stand up now?"

"You are so good at giving gifts, you should be allowed to go to a state-owned company to do sales. Letting you be a teacher is simply an insult to your talent!"

Everyone looked at the third master in unison.

The third master's face flushed instantly, and he was stunned.

What exactly is going on?

Didn't we agree before?

What the hell is going on? !

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