Super takeaway system

Chapter 143 Give You a Surprise

It takes two days for Wang Waner to take the exam, but the rule of Tianhu City is that all the exams are scheduled in the morning, and then take a break in the afternoon, and the exam will continue tomorrow, so after Wang Waner finished the exam on the first morning, she originally planned to take the exam in the morning. The school takes a break, so there is also a good review environment.

But after Wang Wan'er finished the exam, she suddenly discovered that the school's dormitory was not a good place to study. It seemed that the excitement of graduating soon had completely overwhelmed their nervousness of still taking the exam, and the dormitory was about to turn upside down.

The dormitory teacher is also about to graduate, so she no longer strictly manages the dormitory, there is no other way, Wang Wan'er can only decide to go home to study, and she also thought that Long Chen had promised herself that she would definitely come back during the college entrance examination.

With these two reasons in mind, Wang Wan'er prepared to walk back home alone after the exam, but to her surprise, Long Chen really came and drove such a luxurious car.

This was something Wang Wan'er didn't even dare to think about. One day she would be able to sit in such a luxurious car. The excitement along the way was uncontrollable, but when she got home, Wang Wan'er was really puzzled by the behavior of the Wang family.

"Brother Chen is in Tianhai City? Then I just now" Wang Wan'er pinched her arm, the pain was really real, this was not a dream, it means that Long Chen just now was real.

But judging from the performance of the Wang family, they probably have never seen Long Chen. In Long Chen's heart, he already thought that Long Chen hadn't gone back to the Wang family at all, so Wang Wan'er suddenly had an idea in her heart, that is, to give them a Surprised, "Okay, but Brother Chen promised me to come back."

"I think there must be something wrong with him, so there is no way to rush back." Xie Yumei said hastily. Although she is a girl, she is much stronger than Wang Shouxin in terms of endurance.

"I really miss him a little bit, why don't I give him a call." Wang Wan'er smiled and said deliberately.

"Don't do it." Wang Dashan said hastily. He felt in his heart that Wang Wan'er knew about Long Chen's affairs before this phone call. Suddenly realizing his gaffe, Wang Dashan pretended to be calm and said, "Maybe To delay Chen'er's work, it's best not to bother him."

"." Wang Wan'er looked at Wang Dashan and the others suspiciously. Wasn't this reaction too radical? Wasn't it just a phone call? Why was Wang Dashan so nervous? Originally, he wanted to pretend to call Long Chen, and then Long Chen Chen's sudden appearance was definitely a surprise, but Wang Wan'er was genuinely surprised by Wang Dashan's reaction.

"Wan'er, how did you do in the exam today?" Seeing such an embarrassing situation, Xie Yumei hurriedly changed the subject.

"It's not bad." With a puzzled expression on her face, Wang Wan'er paused and continued, "I still want to call Brother Chen, but he promised me that he will definitely come to cheer for me in the college entrance examination." Said After finishing, Wang Wan'er picked up the phone at home, pretending to call Long Chen.

"Wan'er, why are you so disobedient? Didn't you say that Chen'er has something to do, so don't delay his work." Just as Wang Wan'er was about to make a call, Wang Shouxin, who was sitting by the side, suddenly shouted angrily. But it is very scary.

"Dad" This is the first time Wang Shouxin has spoken to Wang Wan'er in such a strong tone. You must know that Wang Shouxin loves Wang Wan'er very much, and he is reluctant to scold her at all.

"Shouxin, what are you doing, why are you going crazy." Wang Dashan shouted, with a very serious expression, "Go back to the room for me, don't affect Wan'er."

Hearing Wang Dashan's words, Wang Shouxin still didn't get up and go back to the room, but he dared to say a word, just sat there quietly, looking very sad, which made Wang Wan'er even more strange. What's the matter, father, and grandpa, why are they so strange, what exactly happened, this makes Wang Wan'er puzzled.

"Grandpa, did something happen?" Wang Wan'er asked tentatively, but seeing Wang Shouxin and the others' expressions, she had something to say, but she couldn't say it, "Say it, don't hide it. me."

"Wan'er, it's nothing serious, you just need to concentrate on the college entrance examination." Wang Dashan forced a smile and said.

"Grandpa, if you don't tell me, how can I feel at ease in the college entrance examination." From Wang Dashan's tone, Wang Wan'er had already heard that something must have happened at home, and said very anxiously, "I'll tell Brother Chen, He must have a solution."

In Wang Wan'er's impression, the former Long Chen was a grassroots worker, but Wang Wan'er felt that Long Chen could solve anything for her, and she had incomparable trust in Long Chen.

Seeing that Long Chen has become a little local tyrant now, Wang Wan'er must have trusted him even more, so when she thought of something happening at home, Long Chen was the first thing she thought of, and she thought of calling Long Chen up quickly, what a surprise Not surprised, it has long been forgotten.

"Wan'er." Seeing that Wang Wan'er wanted to run out, Wang Dashan yelled hurriedly, thinking in his heart that it seemed that he couldn't hide it. Even if he didn't tell her, Wang Wan'er might not be able to take the college entrance examination with peace of mind. "Okay, I will Tell you."

Xie Yumei beside "Dad" hurriedly wanted to persuade her, but Wang Dashan raised his hand to signal her not to speak.

Wang Shouxin, who was sitting by the side, also shook his head at Xie Yumei. The meaning was obvious, don't interrupt Wang Dashan. In Wang Shouxin's heart, Wang Wan'er has the right to know the truth.

"Wan'er, no matter what you hear, you must be strong, you know?" Wang Dashan looked at Wang Wan'er seriously, his expression was quite serious, which made Wang Wan'er's heart sink suddenly.

"Wait, I'll find someone to rely on first." Seeing Wang Dashan's seriousness, Wang Wan'er's little heart was so tense that she couldn't breathe. The feeling was so depressing, so she wanted to pull Long Chen up, at least there was Long Chen. With Chen Zai, my heart would feel much more at ease, so I opened the door and ran downstairs.

This time it's Wang Dashan's turn to be confused. What's the situation? Who else can they rely on? The Wang family is all here, and Wang Dashan's family is unaccompanied in Tianhu City. who.

But just when Wang Dashan and the others were puzzled, Wang Wan'er had already pulled Long Chen into the door. Seeing Long Chen who came back with Wang Wan'er, Wang Dashan's and the others' expressions were so rich and rich this time, their eyes almost closed. stared out.

"Okay, Grandpa, tell me." Although Wang Dashan and the others looked surprised, Wang Wan'er didn't care anymore.

This is what Wang Wan'er expected when Wang Dashan and the others saw Long Chen, and this is definitely beyond expectations, but Wang Wan'er can't control so much now, she just looked at Wang Dashan and asked.

"Ah..." Wang Dashan looked at Long Chen who appeared, and pinched himself fiercely. This action made Wang Wan'er speechless for a while. People in the Wang family have this hobby since when they like to abuse themselves. "It's fine now." gone."

"What do you mean, Grandpa." Hearing Wang Dashan's words, Wang Wan'er's expression became richer, and it looked even more strange. What's the situation?

Wang Dashan's performance is pretty good. Compared to Wang Shouxin, he is much stronger. I didn't see Wang Shouxin rushing from the sofa when he saw Long Chen coming in. The big bear hug, still very tight, made it difficult for Long Chen to breathe.

Wang Dashan and Xie Yumei performed well, but everyone could see their joyful expressions, the joy from the heart, and Xie Yumei even shed tears. After hearing the news about Long Chen, Xie Yumei was a drop No tears were shed, because she knew she couldn't be sad, and the family needed her to be strong.

If she is the first one who can only cry, then what will the whole Wang family do? What should Wang Waner do if she cries with her? She is still in the college entrance examination. This is the most important moment among all the students, so she has to hold on She couldn't cry, but after seeing Long Chen again, Xie Yumei couldn't hold back anymore, but this time she was crying with joy.

Seeing Wang Dashan and the others' expressions, Long Chen was surprised what happened, but soon they knew everything, and Long Chen also told them his experience.

He also specifically told them that his current whereabouts must not be revealed. Hearing Long Chen's fabulous experience made Wang Shouxin and Xie Yumei, who had never been in contact with the world of martial arts, look puzzled, but Wang Dashan listened. With relish, that's what warriors should do.

"Hmph, so this is what you guys want to hide from me." Wang Wan'er was confused, but she finally heard one thing, that is, Wang Dashan and the others planned to hide Long Chen's matter, "Fortunately , I met Brother Chen, otherwise you really plan to hide it from me."

"Wan'er, Grandpa and the others are hiding it from you for your own good. You are in the college entrance examination, and you promised me that you will go to Tianhai University." Long Chen said with a smile.

He didn't expect his own affairs to spread so quickly. Thinking of this, Long Chen thought of Qin Ziyan, this woman who had been silently contributing to Long Chen. He thought in his heart that he must look for her tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I do not know.

"I know, but I don't want them to hide it from me. Even if I know, I also know what to do, and I won't delay the exam, because Tianhai University is more than my own dream." Wang Wan'er said with a small mouth.

"Okay, don't worry, the gate of Tianhai University has been opened for you." Long Chen laughed, this little girl seemed indifferent to anything, but in fact she was the one who cared most about family affairs.

Although Long Chen's incident was a false alarm, Wang Shouxin severely reprimanded Long Chen. One was because of Long Chen's risky incident. You must not put yourself in danger, and the second is because Wang Shouxin shed a lot of tears for nothing because of Long Chen's matter.

It is said that men don't flick their tears lightly, it's just that they haven't reached the point of sadness. From this incident, it can be seen that Wang Shouxin's concern for Long Chen is not just pretending, which moved Long Chen very much.

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