Super takeaway system

Chapter 377 The Whereabouts of Long Xiaotian

The most precious thing in the world, and also the most difficult to give up is this family affection. No matter how powerful a warrior is, he will never be able to give up family affection throughout his life. What Shui Ruoxin is practicing is the supreme heart method of the Ice Palace. Divine decision.

There is a big problem with this kind of exercise, that is, people who practice this kind of exercise will throw away all their emotions and desires as their cultivation level increases, and become a cold and heartless person. The divine art has also achieved certain achievements.

But no matter how powerful the cultivation technique is, Shui Ruoxin still can't forget, and can't let go of the family relationship that has been interrupted for more than ten years. When she saw Long Yuxin, her whole body trembled. It came from the bottom of her heart. The voice is also the most real cry in my heart, my daughter is back.

"I didn't expect Chen'er to have such an achievement. It's really hard for him." After seeing her mother, Long Yuxin naturally did not forget to mention her elder brother Long Chen. She was naturally very moved by Long Chen's amazing cultivation. .

"Brother, he is really powerful. I have been vigorously cultivated by the sect since I was a child, and Grandpa Xia personally guided me, so I have the cultivation base I have today." Long Yuxin said with a little sigh, "But brother, with his own efforts, unexpectedly To become a strong person in the Transcendent Realm, my Uncle Shangguan said that my brother's cultivation level may still be higher than hers."

Although Shui Ruoxin has lived in the Ice Palace for a long time, she still knows Shangguanyue in Shuiyue Pavilion. They are also contemporaries, and their ages are about the same. Xia Shui, that is a talented woman known as Sanctuary.

It's just that Shui Ruoxin later married Long Xiaotian and left the sanctuary, so the contact between them was less, but there was still some old love among them, and the confidant love can't be broken just by breaking it.

"Cultivation higher than Shangguanyue?" From Shui Ruoxin's point of view, Long Yuxin's current cultivation level is already outstanding among the same generation, but she was really caught by this person whom she hadn't seen in more than ten years. His son was shocked. The extraordinary state in his early 20s is probably unprecedented.

"Grandpa Xia also said that my brother is the most outstanding martial artist he has ever seen." Long Yuxin said very proudly, "He said that my brother's future achievements must surpass his, and only my brother can explore the peak of the future. gone."

Shui Ruoxin naturally knew who Long Yuxin was referring to as Grandpa Xia, and it was naturally the superpower Xia Hongchen who had shocked everyone in Shuiyue Pavilion. Already a peerless powerhouse above martial arts.

However, Shuihan Bingsheng once told Shui Ruoxin that although the reputation of being the head of the Legendary Four Sages is very dazzling, it is not true. Everyone is above the martial arts, only the Legendary Four Sages are the strongest. And the head of the four sages is naturally No.1 in the world.

However, this is just a misunderstanding of outside warriors. Shui Han Bing Sheng Shui Aotian is indeed very powerful, with a cultivation base as high as the sky, but he once told Shui Ruoxin that only Xia Hongchen is the real strong man in the world, and he can truly afford it. The title of No.1 in the world.

When Xia Hongchen was well-known in martial arts, Shui Aotian was just a little-known warrior. When he worked hard to become one of the four saints, Xia Hongchen had already lived in seclusion in Shuiyue Pavilion and did not care about world affairs, so this is also the case of Shui Aotian. Aotian's great regret is that he failed to fight Xia Hongchen in his life.

A peerless powerhouse like Xia Hongchen would never praise someone lightly, his evaluation of Long Chen was already the absolute highest praise.

"Chen'er." Shui Ruoxin is naturally very happy that her son can achieve such an achievement, but she is more sad, because a person who has such an achievement naturally endures the pain that others have never experienced, " This child has been like this since he was a child, and he likes to support himself in everything."

"Mother, I." Long Yuxin suddenly looked at Shui Ruoxin and said hesitantly, "I want to see my father, is he there?"

The news from Long Yuxin was that her father, Long Xiaotian, was also arrested by the Ice Palace, and it was precisely because of this that her mother was forced to stay in the Ice Palace, but Long Yuxin still asked after hesitating.

"Your father." When mentioning Long Xiaotian, Shui Ruoxin felt a little sad, and he hesitated to speak. It seemed that there was something unspeakable, "He is in the Ice Palace, but"

"Did someone from Ji's family imprison him?" Long Yuxin said anxiously, "How is he? Is he in danger? Let's rescue him."

"Yu'er, your father was imprisoned under this ice palace by members of the Ji family." Shui Ruoxin was very angry every time she mentioned this, but at this moment she was helpless, "But his life is not in danger."

There is a huge dungeon under the Ice Palace, originally it was only used for storing things, but later because the piece of Ten Thousand Years Ice in the Ice Palace is also in the dungeon, the closer it is to the Ten Thousand Years Ice, the colder it will be. So the members of Ji's family decided to set it up as a dungeon.

The purpose of this is to imprison some warriors. The cold air of the ten thousand years of black ice is very difficult for warriors in the dungeon to resist. This can be regarded as a cruel punishment. There is a possibility of damage.

The reason why a martial artist can practice martial arts and his spiritual power can run through his whole body is because his own meridians are connected, and his spiritual power can travel through the eight extraordinary meridians. If a warrior's meridians are injured, it is related to the future of martial arts.

After the members of the Ji family captured Long Xiaotian, they couldn't kill him because of Shui Ruoxin. They were very dissatisfied in their hearts, so they came up with such an idea to separate Long Xiaotian and Wannian Xuanbing. Together, they wanted to severely injure Long Xiaotian's meridians, so that he would never be able to practice martial arts for the rest of his life.

A martial artist who has been obsessed with martial arts all his life, you can hurt him, you can kill him, but letting him stop practicing martial arts, or not being able to set foot in martial arts, is the biggest injury to a martial artist.

"Underground of the Ice Palace?" Long Yuxin once heard Xia Hongchen say that under the Ice Palace there is a huge piece of profound ice that has been kept for thousands of years, and Long Xiaotian is locked there. She naturally understands what the Ji family means, "Damn it Ji's family, I'm going to rescue my father."

"Yu'er, no." Seeing that Long Yuxin was about to go outside after speaking, Shui Ruoxin of course hurriedly stopped her, "Calm down, we can't do this yet."

If it is said who most wants to kill the members of the Ji family and who most wants to rescue Long Xiaotian, I am afraid that Shui Ruoxin is the No. She has to endure the pain of being separated from her own child, and her husband cannot see her even though she is close at hand.

This is the biggest pain for Shui Ruoxin. She knows that Long Xiaotian is tortured by the cold all the time. Of course she wants to rescue him, but what about the Long family and her own children.

Shui Ruoxin is not Shui Aotian, not the all-powerful Shuihan Bingsheng, she doesn't have that much strength, she can't level the entire Ji family with her own cultivation, she can only bear it now, can only wait, silently bear the pain.

"Why, mother, is it because of the Ji family?" Long Yuxin shouted loudly, "I'm not afraid of them, I'm going to save my father, I want to see what the Ji family can do to me?"

"Yu'er, you are the young master of Shuiyue Pavilion. Everything you do now represents Shuiyue Pavilion. After all, this is the Ice Palace." Shui Ruoxin said, "If the Ji family tells it, You Shuiyue Pavilion intends to bring up internal strife, I am afraid that Shuiyue Pavilion will also cause unnecessary troubles."

Now Long Yuxin came to the Ice Palace, using the identity of the young master of the Shuiyue Pavilion, no matter how bold and reckless the members of the Ji family are, they should not do anything to Long Yuxin, after all, they have the big backing of the Shuiyue Pavilion, But in this chaotic time.

The battle between the human race and the monster race is imminent. At this time, if you provoke an internal fight, you may become the enemy of the entire human race. This crime, Shuiyue Pavilion, cannot afford it. No matter how powerful Xia Hongchen is, against the entire sacred warriors It is also impossible.

"Yuxin, your mother is right. This is the Ice Palace after all, and this matter is an internal matter of the Ice Palace." Shangguan Yue also hurried over. Although she also wanted to help Long Yuxin in her heart, the truth Circumstances are not allowing her to do so.

Long Yuxin's angry heart has temporarily calmed down. The current situation is obvious. Long Yuxin wants to rescue her father, which is okay, but Shuiyue Pavilion must not interfere. To save people, Long Yuxin can only do it as a daughter.

But after doing it as a daughter, Long Yuxin can no longer be protected by the Ice Palace, that is, she is conceited in life and death, and whether she can save Long Xiaotian can only rely on Long Yuxin's own ability.

"Young Pavilion Master, Elder Shangguan Yue is right, you must think carefully, you are representing the Shuiyue Pavilion." Ji Rufeng also walked in from the outside at this time.

Just now Ji Rufeng was dragged out by Xia Jingtian, but Ji Rufeng didn't dare to go far away, and Xia Jingtian wouldn't stay too far away, the Ice Palace is his territory, so if he was too far away, he couldn't protect Long Yuxin safe.

Ji Rufeng and Xia Jingtian are experts in martial arts. The conversation between Long Yuxin and Shui Ruoxin was quite loud. Naturally, the two of them could hear it clearly, but they acted as if they hadn't heard it, and they were still outside. He talked freely, but the problem became more and more serious, Ji Rufeng had to intervene.

"I just want to save my father." Seeing Ji Rufeng walk in, Long Yuxin's eyes became very scary, with a very strong murderous intent, this was the first time she was so angry.

"Young Pavilion Master, if you want to save someone, I, Ji Rufeng, will accompany you at any time. As long as you can defeat me, everything is up to you." Ji Rufeng snorted coldly, looked at Long Yuxin, and said with disdain.

In fact, this sentence also expresses Ji Rufeng's attitude. The strong have the final say on Long Xiaotian's affairs. If Long Yuxin has the ability to defeat Ji Rufeng, she will naturally listen to her. Ji Rufeng has nothing to say .

"Ji Rufeng, do you really dare to say it?" Xia Dong snorted coldly, "Is it appropriate for a senior to challenge a junior like this?"

"There is no age distinction in martial arts, only strength." Ji Rufeng smiled lightly, "The Shuihan Bingsheng was also a junior, and he became the head of the legendary four saints by virtue of his strong cultivation."

Shui Hanbing Sheng Shui Aotian is almost a legend. In fact, he has not risen for a long time, and among the legendary four saints, Shui Aotian's seniority is the lowest, he is one level lower than the other three saints Seniority is simply not belonging to the same era.

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