There is a mysterious area outside the bustling city. This is the place that all warriors yearn for. Only those who can go there to practice martial arts will be able to pursue a higher realm, or it may be possible to achieve the fairy road that is said to be illusory. On the road of longevity, this is the sanctuary, because here are the saints at the peak of martial arts.

There are eight major forces in the sanctuary, namely Leizong, Shuiyue Pavilion, Fire God Palace, Taijizong, Holy Soul Palace, Fengshen Palace, Ice Palace, and Wanfa Temple.The strengths of the eight major forces are almost the same. Each force has a saint sitting in the town. In fact, they are all saints in name. The sanctuary has existed for many years, and the hidden strength of each force is extremely confidential. Just like Lei Zong, today's The new suzerain is a saint-level master, but everyone knows that the old suzerain of the previous generation is the thunder saint.

Shocking Thunder Saint is not only a saint-level master, he is also one of the legendary four saints in the sanctuary. According to rumors, the strength of each of the legendary four saints has already surpassed the realm of saints. What kind of saints have they reached? No one knows how far they are, because they are already the pinnacle of the world.

The newly-appointed suzerain of Lei Zong, together with Shocking Thunder Sage, has two saints in the name of Lei Zong. In fact, Lei Zong has a profound background, and everyone knows that the hidden power should not be underestimated. There are hundreds of saints in the sanctuary. Years, or even thousands of years of development, its strength is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

The forces in the sanctuary are all at odds with each other. In fact, the world of warriors has always been the jungle of the jungle. They hide their strength so that they can confuse other forces and preserve their own strength, because the purpose of the existence of the sanctuary is to Resist the monster race.

The Yaozu is a foreign race that existed in ancient times. According to legend, the Yaozu actually existed together with the immortals. It was just a battle between the immortals and the demons. The Yaozu was defeated and retreated from the fairyland. The Yaozu came to the world and possessed a powerful force strength, began to wreak havoc, and the human race can be said to have experienced an extremely tragic cleansing.

Originally, the human race was already at the end of its strength, but the dragon race appeared. The dragon race is an ancient beast, and its power swept all directions. It soon became the ruler of the monster race. The Dragon King of that generation became the king of the monster race. , reached an agreement with the human race, the monster race lives in the forest of beasts, and the human race cannot enter.

Originally, the two clans lived in peace, but for some unknown reason, the Dragon King suddenly fell, and the dragon clan began to disappear rapidly. Without the suppression of the Dragon King, the monster clan began to move around again, and humans began to form alliances, set up sanctuaries, and resist the monster clan .

The monster clan starts to attack the human race every once in a while, so the major forces in the sanctuary will organize masters to resist, and all saints must participate, but the monster clan is extremely powerful, and even the saint level will mostly fall in the battle. A saint The fall of is extremely important to the Sanctuary forces.

In order to preserve their strength, many forces will hide their own strength, and the saints in their own sect will not all be dispatched. After such a big battle, the strength of their own sect will be relatively higher.

In addition to the eight major forces, there are also many casual cultivators in the sanctuary. They are not restricted. They always join in the war if they want to, and ignore them if they don’t want to. However, the eight major forces never look down on them. Some casual cultivators are not very powerful. Strong, but there are two casual cultivators that no faction dare to offend, that is, the Star Chess Master and the Overlord Sword Saint among the legendary Four Saints. These two people are special existences, they do not belong to any faction, but No force would dare to offend him. Star Chess Master is better. He lives in seclusion among the mountains and forests, so he can be found. In the last battle, the sword master suddenly appeared on the battlefield, beheading two or three demon kings with one blow, and it was precisely this that turned the tide of the battle.

But Ba Jue Dao Sheng has a weird temper. Many people envy his domineering sword skills and intend to worship him as a teacher, but they can't find him. If it is mysterious, how can it be regarded as an expert? It is normal if you can't find it, and it is abnormal if you find it.

In order to resist the demon clan, the sanctuary will go to the secular world to select talented disciples every once in a while, so that they can strengthen their sect and resist the monster clan, but the people in the sanctuary are very powerful. Especially the saint level, that is the pinnacle existence. Every saint can easily destroy a city, so there will be restrictions in the sanctuary. Anyone in the sanctuary cannot walk freely in the world, let alone cause trouble in the world. Violators, the eight major forces can jointly kill.

"I heard that Wanfa Temple has an ancient treasure. With this treasure, all monsters can't get close to Wanfa Temple." The man from the Fire God Palace spoke again.

"Which sect doesn't have one or two treasures from the town sect, what's the fuss?" The Taiji sect also countered.

"But I heard that even the Demon Emperor himself can't get close to that treasure." The person from the Vulcan Palace said sinisterly.

"Having said so much, you can say what you want to say directly, and you don't have to beat around the bush." ​​The Taiji sect member snorted coldly.He knew very well in his heart that this guy must have malicious intentions when he suddenly mentioned this matter.

"I want to ask if we can borrow this treasure to deal with the Yaozu. Wouldn't this save a lot of casualties?" the people from the Fire God Palace said with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Hearing his words, most of the people present nodded their heads. Every time the monster clan fights, life and death are unknown. It is the result of years of hard work that I can have today's cultivation base. Lu, from now on will live forever, and no one wants to fall into the hands of the Yaozu.

"Speaking of the treasures of other people's town sects, you can borrow them if you want, so can you use the Xuanhuojian of your Fire God Palace to deal with the demon clan?" the people of Taijizong scolded.

"If the Xuanhuo Jian in my palace can resist the monster race, I will definitely apply to the palace master." The people in the Fire God Palace stood up excitedly with righteous expressions on their faces, "But you should also know that the people in my palace The Xuanhuojian is not comparable to the rare treasure of Wanfa Temple."

No sect can compare with Wanfa Temple in terms of profound background. Wanfa Temple is the earliest sect in the sanctuary, but Wanfa Temple is all monks. They are all compassionate but never easily involved in the secular world. They have always kept a low profile Everything is forgotten in the corner.

But low-key is low-key, and strength is another matter. Since the fall of Shuihan Ice Saint, the strength of Ice Palace has been greatly reduced. No. 1 in the sanctuary, but even he dare not say that he can beat the master abbot of Wanfa Temple.

There will be ancient treasures in Wanfa Temple, and no one sitting here will have any doubts about this. After all, the qualifications are there. In front of Wanfa Temple, other sects can be regarded as elementary school students who have just started.

"If there is such a treasure, you can mention it to Master Shenyin. I believe that Master Abbot is merciful and will definitely help." The suzerain of Leizong spoke this time, and he also believed in the Vulcan Palace in his heart. people's words.

Master Shenyin is the abbot of Wanfa Temple. It is said that he is the most talented abbot of Wanfa Temple in all dynasties, and he has practiced thousands of Sanskrit sounds that no one in Wanfa Temple has ever been able to practice successfully.

"This..." Sect Master Lei Zong spoke in person, and the people of Taiji Sect had nothing to say. After all, the people of Fire God Palace were on the side of righteousness against the monster clan. Yaozu.

"Fellow fellows, let me say the ugly words first. This time the monster clan's change is extraordinary. I hope that everyone can tell your head after they go back. I hope they can do their best and don't hide anything. You must know that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If we are defeated, I am afraid that there will be no peace for the human race." Sect Master Lei Zong stood on his side and said seriously.

This is a hint from Patriarch Lei Zong, that is to say, he doesn't care if you usually hide your strength, but this is a matter related to the fate of the human race, and you must not hide anything anymore.

"Please go back and tell Sect Master Xuanqing, I hope he can visit Master Shenyin at Wanfa Temple with this sect." Sect Master Lei Zong said to the people of Taiji Sect.

"Don't worry, the suzerain, I will definitely convey it." The people of the Taiji sect showed reluctance. It was obvious that they wanted to take advantage of the relationship between the Taiji sect and Wanfa Temple to obtain the rare treasure.

"There is also Palace Master Yankun. I hope he can go together." I just finished speaking with the people from Taiji Sect, and then turned to look at the people from Fire God Palace. Sect Master Lei Zong is not a simple person either. Since it was your Huoshen Palace who mentioned it, if you want to stay out of it, don't even think about it.

"Yes, I will definitely convey it." The people from the Fire God Palace, who were just about to gloat, turned into bitter faces for a moment, and sure enough, they would walk down the path they chose.

The monster race changed, and the major forces in the sanctuary were preparing for battle, but this was not the case in the prosperous world. The children of all families in Kyoto were immersed in the joy of selecting disciples in the sanctuary.

Although the sanctuary will select talented disciples to enter every once in a while, the time is indeed elusive. There are many talented disciples, from white hair to white hair, who may not be selected in the sanctuary in their entire lives. The reason for not many entering the sanctuary is not for some peak martial arts, but more for a kind of glory.

People in the world only worship the sanctuary. They think that being able to enter the sanctuary is the supreme glory. Your family will be revitalized because of you, and you will also be worshiped by heroes. The family members take extra care, and being able to get the care of the Sanctuary is much better than being taken care of by the government. In their eyes, people in the Sanctuary are like gods.

The place for the selection of the sanctuary has always been located in Kyoto City, which is the center of the country. Not only is it prosperous, but moreover, there are usually many martial arts geniuses gathered here, which is very convenient for their selection. They only value talent, as long as there is no one in a million talents, they can immediately make him worth a hundred times, immediately take him back to the sect, and give them supreme glory. Therefore, the influence of the selection of the sanctuary is very deep, and the children of the aristocratic family can promote the family Status, the poor children can reach the top from now on, every martial artist is waiting for the start of the selection with a dream in his heart, because of this incident, the nights in Kyoto City have also become noisy, and the air is full of excitement .

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