Form the National Luck Bureau: Recruit the Emperor's Armor at the beginning!

Chapter 150 Get out of the way, I'm going to pretend

In any case, the ancestor of the national destiny's action against the dragon country this time can be regarded as giving the blue star countries a hope of victory.

After all, this time the Dragon Kingdom was firmly suppressed, and they could only send ordinary people to play. If they couldn't win, then other countries might as well stop fighting.

What is there to fight?If you can't beat ordinary people with superpowers, then they can go straight to eat shit.

As it happens, the ancestor of the national fortune is a non-stop machine that produces shit all the time.

In this way, under the hope of countless people other than the Dragon Kingdom, seven days passed in a hurry.

On the seventh day, two teleportation beams of light descended to countries around the world as promised.

Full of the hopes of countless people in various countries, the athletes of the National Games stepped on the beam of light, and then slowly lifted off into the sky.

This time, it can be said to be the one with the most hope since the first game of the National Games.

For the first time, everyone didn't know the strength of Dragon Kingdom, so they were full of hope that they could win.

However, soon, their hopes were shattered by the Emperor's Armor's move of the Five Saints.

Immediately afterwards, every time they competed, their hopes were reduced by one point, and in the end, it was directly equivalent to a complete collapse.

But this time, it's different.

It's completely different.

"Hacking the little prince! Hanging on the little overlord, the Dragon Kingdom can't be cheating, so it's our Baixiang Kingdom's turn to cheat!"

"I feel the power coming up!"

"let's go!"

"Ouba! Dean, where did you come from the robot, why do you want to represent our cold country to participate in the National Games battlefield? Our cold country will not allow outsiders to come in!"


Dean gave a love education to the Han people.

"Father! Father Dean! Father Black Fox King! Come on! The battle of national fortune in our cold country depends on the two fathers!"

"Hahahaha! This time! Our Sun Country will definitely win. You know, we sent a real strong man this time. Do you know the ancient Greek God-King Poseidon? Sasaki Kojiro from our Sun Country killed him with a knife. The gods are all killed!"

"Awesome! Just ask if you are awesome! Have you ever killed a god in the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Maybe someone can really kill gods, but he is still in a mental hospital in all likelihood, the kind who is blind!"


Under the expectation of all the people who have bad intentions towards the Dragon Kingdom, the battle of national destiny in the seventh level begins.

It is a pity.

Their hopes will be severely shattered by the Dragon Kingdom again!


Soon, more than 200 national sports teams were randomly teleported to various places on the star planet.

[Ding dong!The battle of the national destiny of the seventh level has officially started! 】

[Ding dong!The switch of the blue light defense system is located in the star defense department of the star planet. National athletes can find it by themselves. Please note that the self-protection power Superman of the star planet and foreign invaders are your enemies! 】

【Please note!Pay special attention!Don't take the elevator on Star Planet!Danger!Extremely dangerous! 】

[As long as the blue light defense system is turned off, it will be the final victory, and the country will be rewarded with the right to own an entire star planet. All national athletes can attack each other, and they can use any means! 】

[Once a National Games player is killed, the country where they are located will be punished, especially for a certain country, because of continuous hacking, this time the punishment will be extremely severe, and the country may even be destroyed with one click!Please note! 】

【Puff puff! 】

The voice of the ancestor of the national destiny sounded in the minds of all human beings.

Along with his farts and shit.

He didn't even use the small broadcasting machine anymore. It seemed that this time, he was really determined to win.

In his eyes, this battle of national destiny can be said to be the last battle of Dragon Kingdom.

And if Long Guo is not destroyed this time, he has already half stepped out of the red line of the rules, and it is very likely that he will be destroyed by Yang Fan's subsequent revenge.

"This battle, if you don't succeed, you will succeed!"

The ancestor of the national destiny said with firm will.


National Games battlefield, star planet.

Yan Shuangying and Jackie Chan stood side by side, looking around the situation.

"Let's find out where the Star Defense Department is first."

Jackie Chan said.

Yan Shuangying, on the other hand, was the type who didn't talk too much, so he didn't speak.

But Jackie Chan is used to this.

He was about to find someone to ask where the star defense department was, but the next moment, things suddenly changed.

Not far away, a red figure was flying towards Jackie Chan and Yan Shuangying quickly. As soon as he saw Jackie Chan and Yan Shuangying, he exploded with strength, swung his big fists, and slammed down on Jackie Chan and Yan Shuangying!

"Invaders! Take it!"

"Happy Iron Fist!"

The huge strength of Happy Superman suddenly smashed the entire ground. Fortunately, Jackie Chan and Yan Shuangying reacted quickly enough to avoid him, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Ah? Bad luck!"

"Why did you get attacked right away?"

Jackie Chan's face changed, and he said with a sad face.

"Careless Missile!"

However, before he could stand still, suddenly, a lot of missiles bombarded him.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Jackie quickly dodged, and the dodge had reached the full level.

Missiles exploded around him, but none of them hit.

"Fantasy magnetism!"

Just when Jackie Chan felt that he was fine, those metal missiles that he dodged suddenly turned around, as if being manipulated by someone, and continued to explode towards Jackie Chan.

"Ah! Bad luck, bad luck, bad luck!"

Jackie Chan ran while dodging.

At the same time, Yan Shuangying on the other side was also attacked by a large black armored superman who could clone himself, and even himself was surrounded by bubbles ejected by a peachy superwoman.

As soon as they entered the National Games battlefield on Star Planet, the two were directly attacked.

And it was an attack by five supermen.

If it was said that the ancestor of the national destiny was not behind the manipulation, no one would believe it.

[Ding dong!Long Guo and Yan Shuangying encounter Happy Superman, Playboy Superman, Sweetheart Superman, Careless Superman, beware of Superman's attack! 】

[Ding dong!The five supermen are the guardians of the star planet, and they are very powerful. It is a coincidence that the national athletes of the Dragon Kingdom were attacked by the entire superman team as soon as they played. This has nothing to do with the ancestors of our country. People, invaders will appear there, please don't have any bad thoughts about me! 】

[The ancestor of the national destiny still needs to be fair, just and open!Puff puff! 】

The voice of the Fortune Clan came again.

"Damn! It turns out that you caused all of this!"

Jackie Chan cursed while dodging the missile.

"It seems that it is impossible to complete the mission without solving these supermen."

Jackie Chan gritted his teeth and came to Yan Shuangying, ready to help Yan Shuangying break the sweetheart bubble that trapped him, and then the two of them would work together to defeat these supermen.

However, just before he was about to make a move, Yan Shuangying suddenly waved at him.

"You don't need to help me! Just get out of the way!"

Yan Shuangying is wearing a magic mirror, wearing a leather jacket, with two guns on his waist and two knives on his legs.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to start (pretending)!"

The next moment, the single knife was out of its sheath, Yan Shuangying just made a move, and the surrounding sweetheart bubbles collapsed directly.

He couldn't help but sigh.

"Why? Why do people always think they can kill me?"


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