"The appetizer zheergen is just like this. Although there is no soy sauce, no chili sauce, and no dried fermented soybeans, it is seasoned with wild onions, salt and chili powder, and the taste is not bad."

Su Ze felt the lingering fragrance in his mouth, licked the corners of his mouth, and brought the folded ears back to the room and put them on the table.

The table is also made of large moso bamboo blocks, full of a small fresh air.

"Next, it's time to light the fire and stew the ribs."

Su Ze took the soup pot, went to the lake to fetch half a pot of water, and threw the cut pork ribs into it.

make a fire.

Add firewood.

When the bonfire was raised, the soup pot was brought up and put away.

Immediately, he started cutting cassava chips. He planned to make fried bacon slices with cassava chips and fried bacon slices with zheer root.

To cut cassava chips, instead of using a sapper shovel, he took down the saber hanging on the wall.

The cassava is cut in the palm of the hand, and the thin slices are quickly dropped into the clay pot filled with water.

"Cut cassava chips in the palm of your hand. Do you know how to do this? Don't look difficult, it's actually very simple."

When slicing, Su Ze didn't forget to interact with the water friends in the live broadcast room.


"Hiss, take a breath, I'm afraid I'll cut my hand."

"Nimma, I'm a little scared to cut potato chips on the chopping board. Master Su is so awesome, he actually holds it in his hand and cuts it directly."

"My grandma can cut potato slices like this, but I dare not. I'm scared to see it."

"Many people in the older generation know how to cut potatoes with their palms, but few young people can do it now."

"Genius, Mr. Su is simply a culinary genius. It's a pity that this kind of genius doesn't come to our New Oriental for further study."

"Further studies? Upstairs, are you advertising? Get out of here!"

"Playing yes, playing yes, advertising is prohibited in the green live broadcast room."

It took a few minutes to cut the cassava slices, and Su Ze continued to cut the bacon slices.

This thing can't be performed in the palm of your hand.

You have to use a chopping board.

The slices of bacon he cut were uniform in size, thin and shiny, and the water friends in the live broadcast room enjoyed it very much.

After cutting the bacon slices, putting them on a plate and putting them away, Su Ze washed his hands, turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Come to Wayao.

"Is the rice ready?"

Chang Le heard footsteps and subconsciously looked up.

"We have to wait a while, the cured pork ribs will take a little longer to cook." Su Ze squatted down and said to Chang Le: "Lele, have you seen a big cat?"

"Big cat?"

Chang Le looked happy, and said excitedly: "Where, where is there a cat?"

She likes cats best.

In the former Princess Mansion, there were a lot of cats. When you are free, you can hug, pet, and move them, and your mood will be much better.

"It's here."

Su Ze grinned, showing a row of big white teeth, and stretched out his hand to gently scratch Changle's Xiaoqiong's nose.

"You... hum!"

Chang Le knew that he was being teased, so he quickly stood up, stomped his feet unhappily, turned around and walked towards the lake.


"Big tabby cat, isn't this too vivid?"

"I was very naughty when I was young, and my body was always dirty every day. My mother said I was a tabby cat, haha."

The water friends were amused one after another.

Chang Le came to the lake, lowered her head to look into the clear lake water, the clear lake water reflected her face.

She saw that some charcoal was on her face, perhaps because she just wiped the sweat with her sleeves, making her face a little dark and dirty.

"No wonder he wants to call me a tabby cat, hum!"

Muttering dissatisfiedly, she squatted down and washed her face with water in both hands.

the other side.

Su Ze lifted the lid of the tile kiln and took a look inside, and found that the flames rose up along the small round hole below the tile kiln, continuously calcining the mud tiles inside, making the tile kiln glow red.

If it has been calcined with such a large fire, it will not take long for these mud tiles to be calcined.

The tiles that had been burnt before were taken out by Changle and neatly placed aside.

Thinking that it would take some time before the cured pork ribs were stewed, Su Ze stacked the mud tiles into piles and began to carry them into the wooden house.

These tiles are much longer than common tiles, about 25 centimeters wide and [-] centimeters long.

One piece is equivalent to several common tiles.

"Help move it, Lele."

Seeing Changle come back, Su Ze smiled at her.

"I just washed my hands."

Chang Le frowned unwillingly, but did not refuse, and carried the tiles with Su Ze.

Since the tile kiln is not big, there are not many tiles fired, and the two of them finished moving it after a few trips.

"Anyway, the cured pork ribs haven't been stewed yet, why don't you take these tiles and cover them first?"

Chang Le pointed to the roof and said to Su Ze.

"No need, Shanren has his own plans."

Su Ze rubbed his chin, looking mysterious.

"The yin and yang are weird."

Chang Le rolled his eyes.

She didn't continue to persuade, since Su Ze didn't plan to build tiles now, he probably had his own plan.

There is no need to hold him tight, he must go to Gawa now.

The bonfire was very hot, and after a while, the cured ribs were almost stewed, and Su Ze put the chopped cassava cubes and dried bamboo shoots into it.

Another bonfire was built next to it, and then they started cooking.


Two plates of fried bacon slices with cassava chips and fried bacon slices with Zheergen are freshly baked.

"You're hungry, eat quickly."

Adding wild onions into it, the taste is particularly fragrant and tangy. Su Ze brought the fried dishes in and found that Chang Le had scooped up a bowl of pork rib soup for him and Gouzi.

"Delicious, so delicious."

Chang Le tried to pick up a piece of cassava chips, her eyes narrowed immediately, she felt the taste buds explode in her mouth suddenly, she felt it was delicious.

"You continue to sigh, let me eat faster, haha."

Su Ze laughed.


Chang Le snorted lightly, and quickly started to eat.

Stir-fried bacon with cassava chips, cured pork ribs, and fried bacon with Zheergen all conquered her taste buds, but she couldn't eat Zheergen cold salad after one bite.

After eating and drinking, the two leaned against the bamboo wall to rest there.

The sunset glow is gorgeous and beautiful, pouring in from the door frame, and sprinkled on Changle's delicate and pretty face, making Su Ze's eyes dumbfounded.

"Hey, I suddenly feel that my mouth is a little oily, and my tongue is a little slippery. I must be sick. I must be dying. No, I have to find a beautiful girl for treatment."

Su Ze sighed suddenly, looking at Chang Le with fiery eyes.

Changle: ( ω )

She blushed, and hurried away, not daring to look at someone, running fast, sweating a lot, sticky and uncomfortable, she wanted to take a bath.

As for the pots and pans, I will wash them later.



"Nimma, can you still flirt with girls like this?"

"I learned it, and I learned another trick of teasing girls from Su Haiwang Ze."

"Master Su really used the idiom glib to the extreme, 666."

"What a terminal illness, pick your nose."

"It's over, my second brother suddenly became swollen, what should I do?"

"Iron juice, I guess it won't work after taking the medicine, why don't you just cut it off? It's over once and for all."

"Cut it off, boss, I have an ancestral evil sword manual here, I can dedicate it to you."

"A group of 2333, Jiang Ziya laughed so hard I saw it. He wiped Genghis Khan off his body with Lu Bu, and cut a Marco Polo to eat. Then he made an 8848 Cheng Yaojin mobile phone with Kuangtie and sent a letter from Han, and then I read it. Look at Zhao Yun in the sky, turn over Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and lie on Shield Mountain at night to watch Yi Xing."

"Xiu'er, is that you?"

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