
Liu Yan nodded and didn't say anything, but continued to ask about other things about the black spider.

"You said that the black spider wanted to eat people after it came out, but was stopped by the school teacher. Just when it was about to kill, a two-meter-tall black giant appeared and defeated the black spider?"

"To be precise, it was Venom and his flying summoner who killed the black spider together."

The principal added at this time.

When the word venom was mentioned, the principal was also a little thankful. If the venom hadn't appeared, his school might be bleeding like a river today!

And as the principal, he must bear the brunt of the responsibility!

At that time, maybe he will be sentenced to prison!

"Have the ability to transform, and can also summon flying subordinates? Tear! Could it be a master trained by some top force?"

"Currently known transformation abilities and summoning skills require at least [-] Faith Points, which is not a small sum."

As the chief of the police station of a prefecture-level city, Liu Yan obviously knows a lot of things, when he heard the principal's description.

Immediately, he couldn't help thinking about it in his heart, and unconsciously became curious about this strange venom.

But what everyone couldn't imagine was that the venom they were all guessing and worshiping was actually a student of this high school.

On the same day, the police deleted all the videos of venom fighting spiders taken by students and teachers.

However, there are also a large number of chicken thieves who released the video in advance, resulting in many videos being circulated on the Internet.

Sanctions should have been imposed.

But I didn't expect that more videos of superpowers that came with the venom video were exposed one after another.

Moreover, monsters appear more and more frequently all over the country, and they suddenly rush out to slaughter humans almost in broad daylight!

If there are armed forces nearby, it's okay, maybe sacrificing one or two lives can kill the monster.

But if the armed forces are relatively far away, then you can only resign yourself to fate!
Ordinary humans have almost no defensive power in front of these monsters, and have no other way but to escape!

The monster can no longer be hidden, and all countries in the world have tacitly announced the appearance of the monster together.

All the people are in an uproar!
Unexpectedly, another world invaded the earth, and it was in this way!
The news of the invasion of monsters from another world instantly caused a sensation on the Internet, and all the previously released videos of superpowers were free of taboos.

All of a sudden, it was posted online.

This is also the situation that the country wants to see, let all the people know that although monsters invade, we still have people with superpowers!

The outcome is yet to be decided.

At the same time, a large number of extraordinary people who possessed the power of belief came out of the imperial capital, and they were responsible for stationing in each city.

Once the monsters are found, they are the sharpest sharp knives except for the armed forces!

And as they appeared many times, people in various cities couldn't help calling them names.

Consider them the protectors of the city!
The popularity and traffic fans of every city hero are not weaker than any traffic little fresh meat!

Has a lot of fanatical fans!
However, except for Lin Yu, most of these admired urban heroes are from the country.

However, some domestic families, companies, etc., who have obtained the statue presented by Lin Fan, have no intention of sending people to protect the civilians in the city.

Until someone found out that there was a handsome man who possessed basic berserk technique and basic wind blade technique, and the faith value he could bring reached hundreds of points every day!

It immediately attracted the attention of various forces, only to find out that it was because of that person's strength and handsome appearance that he had many fanatical fans.

And those fans' overwhelming admiration, likes, and other positive emotions can be transformed into faith points, which indirectly provide Lin Fan with faith points!
And this situation is not accidental, some handsome and popular urban heroes can provide far more faith value than others every day.

This immediately made everyone who owns the statue discover business opportunities. In addition to the extraordinary army of the country, various families and companies have also launched their superheroes!
A mighty battle for traffic has completely started!
It is really too little to rely on the people under them to provide faith. Now it is discovered that the people under their hands who believe in extraordinary gods can actually receive this magical power.

And feed it back to the extraordinary god, bringing a lot of faith points, this is undoubtedly a huge cake!

Everyone involuntarily invested a lot of resources, wanting to share this cake!

With the appearance of superheroes and monsters, the previous celebrities and Internet celebrities disappeared in an instant.

Compared with those mortals, everyone is more willing to pursue those existences with super powers!

What's more, people with super strength are also handsome and beautiful, so why go after some useless people?

The situation is changing rapidly.

Originally, the monster had already forced the superheroes under the command of the country to retreat steadily. Because of the lack of numbers, even if the superheroes possessed extraordinary powers.

But it is impossible to go from one place to another in an instant, but the superheroes of those families and companies have poured into the array to fight against the monsters.

In an instant, the pressure on the country was relieved a lot!

Lin Fan didn't expect that things would develop like this. He was still thinking about harvesting the faith value of the entire earth, and it might take a long time.

But I didn't expect that by accident, those guys who believed in Lin Fan were sought after by thousands of people, and they could actually generate faith points!
Although due to indirect reasons, it is not possible for one person to contribute a little belief value a day, but there are so many people on the earth!
Even a little per day for 100 people can bring Lin Fan a full 7000 million Faith Points!
It can be called massive!

The price of a low-level godhead can be collected in almost two days!

Of course, it has not yet reached the point where the whole people worship superheroes, but Lin Fan can also quietly wait for things to ferment!

However, although he put most of his attention on the value of faith, Lin Fan did not forget to always pay attention to his cheap son Lin Yu.

After all, protecting Lin Yu is the obsession of my body. If Lin Yu dies, I'm afraid I will have to stay in this world forever.

The heavens and worlds are so vast, Lin Fan believes that his strength is definitely not at the top!How could you be willing to just stay in a small world like this!

"The evil god from another world is not my opponent. I don't need to rush to improve my strength now. I don't need to rush to buy a high-level godhead now. Instead, I can store a wave of faith points and directly buy the godhead of the creator god!"

In a small wooden house on the edge of the Quanjiang River, Lin Fan didn't look like a mastermind behind the scenes. He was wearing a ragged vest and flip flops on his feet.

Pick up a fishing rod and fish leisurely.

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