
The moment the lizardman appeared, Wang Yue, the city hero, received the news that he was not the only city hero in the night market.

But like this kind of thing that can increase the number of his fans, Wang Yue will naturally not miss it.

He knows that all his strength comes from his belief value!The more faith points, the more powerful you are!
And those fanatical fans can also be said to be the main source of belief value!

It happened that Wang Yue was in the food street, so Wang Yue came here less than 10 minutes after the lizard man appeared!

Coming here with Wang Yue is the industry war reporter who has recently risen to the beginning of the sun along with the heroes of the city!
Now the various forces with statues have seen the huge faith value brought by fans, in order to more conveniently increase the popularity of their heroes.

So led by the state, various domestic families and companies raised funds to create the largest live broadcast company in Dragon Kingdom!

Dragon tooth!

Longya Live has branches in almost every city, and they are all equipped with extremely professional commentators and live broadcast facilities!

In order to avoid casualties, a large number of drones are equipped to record on-site video.


Looking at the drone that followed him in mid-air, Wang Yue coughed lightly, and calmly showed his more handsome side face in front of the drone.

Then he walked directly to the lizard man who was eating, and pointed at the lizard man with a very majestic voice and shouted loudly.

"Hey! A monster from another world, how dare you come to our human territory! Look at your sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks! At first glance, you are an out-and-out ugly!"

"Hurry up and restrain your disgusting face! It makes me want to gag just looking at it!"

A series of words like a machine gun was typed out, and the lizardman was scolded for a moment, holding the skewer in his hand, and his heart exploded instantly!
Throwing away the skewers in his hand, the lizard man looked at Wang Yue with cold eyes and roared angrily.

"Despicable humans! In my opinion, you were just a tool responsible for making delicious food! Now you dare to insult me, a higher creature!"

"It's simply impatient to live!"

I saw the lizard mouth uttering human words, roaring loudly with a clarity not inferior to Wang Yue's.

Wang Yue's complexion changed, he didn't expect this to be a monster with human IQ, but then he was relieved.

I am a master with two superpowers, and I will definitely be able to defeat this green lizard monster in front of me!


The lizard man saw that Wang Yue didn't show a trace of awe in front of him, but he was angry, and ran towards Wang Yue at a fast pace.

All the tables, chairs and benches on the road were blown away by the huge force of the lizard man!
Looking at this overwhelming power, it looks like a tank is unstoppable. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it would have collapsed to the ground.

But Wang Yue is different!
Because he has the power not inferior to these monsters!
I saw Wang Yue stepped out, and his body instantly rose to about [-] meters, and at the same time, a lot of orange-red fluff grew on his body.

Many muscles grew rapidly, the skeleton of the body expanded more than twice in an instant, and the face also took on a new look. It turned into a giant tiger walking upright!

This is the druid transformation ability that Wang Fugui chose for Wang Yue!Can transform into a tiger man with impressive strength, extraordinary speed, and certain self-healing ability.

Worth [-] faith points!
Combined with the gold-type spell Man of Steel, which is also worth [-] Faith Points, a layer of steel skin can instantly appear on Wang Yue's body!
Defense is greatly increased.

It can be said that Wang Yue's strength has been directly raised to the level of a first-class master. Of course, the price is that Wang Fugui, as the richest man in the night market, has only one city hero under his command.

It can only hold the one-acre three-point land of the night market!

Fortunately, Wang Yue's appearance is still outstanding, coupled with a masculine aura, and a sense of passion in every fight.

It has attracted many male fans and brought Wang Fugui a lot of faith!
At this time, Wang Yue's body instantly transformed into a giant upright tiger, facing the lizardman's attack without dodging or dodging, he went straight up to meet it!

Although the lizard man was shocked why an ordinary human could suddenly turn into a half-orc, he didn't feel afraid at this time.

He started a close fight with Wang Yue!

For a moment, blood flowed on the ground.

At the same time, in the live broadcast of Longya, the channel dedicated to the night market, the drone broadcasts the scene of every battle live!

A large number of citizens poured into the live broadcast room, which is the best way for the forces behind the heroes to harvest faith points!
There's nothing more adored by citizens than watching their city's heroes fight monsters to protect them.

In the live broadcast room at this time, even if the battle had just started, there were already 10 people gathered!

Most of them are local citizens of the night market. At the same time, there are also some people who come in from other areas when they are bored.

As soon as I clicked on the live broadcast, I saw a giant humanoid tiger fighting a lizard-man monster close to each other.

Instant blood boiling!

"Damn it! I can't even tell which one is the hero? Which one is the monster?"

"Are you from the night market! You don't even know Jinhu Wangyue!"

"C'mon, is Jinhu King Yue awesome? Our city hero in Tianlian City can be frozen into an ice lump in an instant by an extreme cold storm!"

"Fart you!"

"Love to look at it, don't look at it!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room flew across.

Seeing this, the eyelids of the two commentators twitched. This must not develop in a certain direction, otherwise it will easily arouse the resentment of the higher-ups.

The commentator man immediately said with a smile.

"Look, everyone, this is a famous food street in the city center. There has always been a huge flow of people no matter day or night! Unexpectedly, there is a lizard monster hiding here!"

The female commentator beside her patted her chest, pretending to be relieved, and said.

"Fortunately, this lizardman seems to prefer the skewers on the food street, and didn't attack any humans. At the same time, our city hero Jinhu Wang Yue also arrived in time!"

"Successfully prevented the lizardmen from damaging the people's property! As well as the safety of life."

"I just don't know if our hero, Wang Yue, can kill this lizard-man monster! After all, it seems that the lizard-man monster is taller and stronger than Wang Yue's transformed tiger form."

The female narrator panted and asked the male narrator beside her.

The commentator man looked at the information in his hand, and directly began to analyze the battle between the two in the scene.

"We have seen here that our Golden Tiger King Yue is obviously weaker than the Lizardman when fighting head-on!"

"But Wang Yue has solved at least four monsters alone! He has a lot of experience in fighting monsters! I don't think we need to worry about Wang Yue!"

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