Two 10 minutes ago.

Forbidden land
Underground stone chamber.

Zhang Qilin and Qin Feng stood together at the same time.

In the darkness, they began to forget everything that happened before.

All they want to do is to immerse themselves in this rare collision.

Even until death.

As the countdown to the forbidden area is getting closer and closer.

The oxygen content in the air also began to decrease slowly.

Just in the breath that both of them can't breathe.

Qin Feng
Suddenly looked at Zhang Qilin quietly.

Then moved his throat,
In an instant, the god-level voice actor technique was used by him.

And this time he sang the song "Tomb Raider Notes. Ten Years of the World", which has passed down too many stories.

Qin Feng didn't know why he sang this song.

I just feel that I want to do this at this time.

So he forgot his modesty,
forgot my identity,

So did it...

"Light, who burns a candle,
A hide and seek set by time.

Light, replacing the position of light and dark, flows wantonly,
Look, where anyone stood, the chess game is full of holes.

Look, the truth is the most false in front of you, so it doesn't matter if it is fake.

Walking towards the execution ground with a blazing and stubborn heart, the most tolerant.

Cracked and shattered, they all echoed hollowly, and in the end they were thankful for the setting sun.

Still in the body, too late to tell, the story is full of ups and downs.

There are the most bizarre peaks and peaks, fulfilling the madness of you and me.

The clear brilliance on the sea and the full moon fill the cup with light, and there is the most lonely snow mountain.

I have listened quietly to you and me reciting chapters, and the story that the world is envious of is nothing but ordinary.

Light, you can find the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, or it can illuminate the road ahead.Light, filling the poor world, does not need to be measured.

Look, the impermanence of your calculations, and the hesitation when you came.

Look, finally have the courage to stand alone, the world is absurd.

Walking towards the most tolerant execution ground with a blazing and stubborn heart, the cracks and shatters echoed hollowly.

In the end, I was lucky that the sun was still on my body.

Too late to tell, the story is so ups and downs.

There are the strangest peaks.

Perfect for you and me to be crazy, the clear brilliance of the sea and the full moon, fill the cup with light.

There is the most lonely snow mountain, I have listened to you and me reciting chapters quietly.

The section of the bridge that the world is envious of is nothing but ordinary, with the most bizarre peaks and ridges.

Perfect for you and me to be crazy, the clear brilliance of the sea and the full moon, fill the cup with light.

There are the most dilapidated letters, which have recorded a long time.The tiles that I picked up unintentionally are cold and cold, and there are the most lonely snow mountains.

I have listened quietly to you and me reciting chapters, and the story that the world is envious of is nothing but ordinary.

There is the thinnest handwriting, which has turned yellow with memory.

And I pave the way again for the next chapter. "

A song is over.

Qin Feng looked at the quiet Zhang Qilin and was very emotional for a while.

In fact, he didn't want himself and his brother to be trapped here to death.


If it was escape at the expense of sacrificing teammates...


Before that, Qin Feng had no concept of death.

But now,
How much he can live by himself!
thought here.

Qin Feng's nose was sour, although he didn't cry out.

But the tears in the eyes kept flowing down.

Zhang Qilin, who was silent in the singing, also felt Qin Feng's cry.

He lowered his head, staring at the sobbing Qin Feng with eyes full of stars.

He originally wanted to say something in his heart, but he couldn't say anything when it came to his mouth.

He can only guard by his side.

Hope this can make him feel a little warmth.


Qin Feng stopped.

Because his eyes seemed to see something.

It was just under the black box he had split open with a platinum ancient knife.

At the beginning of splitting, Qin Feng didn't look carefully because of his complicated mood.

But just now, the fragments of the black box appeared in Qin Feng's sight.

Qin Feng moved his body away a little.

But he found that Zhang Qilin was looking at him.

All of a sudden, the distance between the two of them was once again so close that they could stare at each other's souls.

Qin Feng looked at the little brother.

It was only then that Zhang Qilin discovered that the corners of Zhang Qilin's eyes were bloodshot.

"Brother, wait a minute..."

Zhang Qilin was a little puzzled.

At this time, Qin Feng had already taken out the thing that was pressed under the fragments of the black box.

It is an ancient book made of sheepskin.

Qin Feng was about to see what was in the sheepskin book...

But when his hand touches this thing.

All of a sudden, a numb feeling came out.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng felt extremely dizzy all over his body...

[Ding congratulations to the host, 100% role-playing is complete! 】

[Currently all character skills have been unlocked! 】

[Reward for playing: Yang Huaiyu's treasure map has been released! 】

A familiar voice of Yang Yuhuan appeared in Qin Feng's brain.

Qin Feng was stunned.

Originally he thought he wanted to complete 100% performance,

It is to get rid of the little brother, and then it can be completed.

But why is the role-playing completed now!
Before Qin Feng could react...

The familiar gentle and sweet voice of Yang Yuhuan reminded him again.

[Reminder, host, to complete 100% impersonation requires self-comprehension. 】

After listening to Yang Yuhuan's explanation, Qin Feng finally understood a little bit.

at this time,

He suddenly felt his head sink.

Immediately after
He fell into a faint.

Wait for Qin Feng to open his eyes again.

He saw a familiar person.

And that person turned out to be the character he played——Yang Huaiyu.

After completing the [-]% performance of the character, I came to the hallucination again.

And at this time, the illusory Yang Huaiyu actually started a conversation with Qin Feng.

Yang Huaiyu told Qin Feng that this tomb was built by Tang Xuanzong Li Longji.

The purpose is to revive Yang Yuhuan, who has only bones left.

Then he told Qin Feng about the prophet's prophecy.

In fact, there is no prophecy that a person will get out alive.

The real exit is in the crack that appeared 10 minutes before the chamber closed.

And the reason why he died here was because he personally killed Zhang Qiling and felt guilty.

Finally chose to come here to accompany him.

And the reason why Qin Feng can complete 100% performance.

It is because Qin Feng faced the choice of life and death, but still chose his teammates to make up for Yang Huaiyu's regret.

This is how to achieve 100% performance.

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