In the octagonal pavilion not far from the Haoran teaching building.

Lin Yi sat across from Lin Xi, the school girl.

Chu Mengling hid in the corner and eavesdropped.

Just like a woman who is about to be raped.

Carefully and lightly.

Her heart is full of jealousy and anger, maybe she doesn't even know it:

What are you talking about, you have to be alone!
Are you going to do something bad!
Lin Yi had discovered her a long time ago, but he didn't tell the truth.

When I was doing business, I asked Lin Xi: "Sister, tell me, what can I do for you?"

Chu Mengling said angrily in her heart: Scumbag!
Lin Xi replied directly: "Senior, recently I have always dreamed about a pair of old people in my dreams. They were crying and crying in my dreams. It was frightening to death."

Her tone became more normal.

Unlike many school beauties, they become nympho when they meet Lin Yi.

Lin Yi had a good impression of her.

Looking at her face, activated the Thief Book.

After a second.

Said to her, "You are not dreaming, you have hit a ghost."

"Ah~ It's scary, how could it be? How could I bump into a ghost!"

Lin Xi's heart instantly turned cold.

Hit the ghost!

She is a little girl, how could she not be afraid?
But to Chu Mengling, Lin Xi is an old green tea.

I'm so scared~
Do you want senior Lin Yi to go home with you tonight, sleep with you and protect you?
I'm furious!


Lin Xi saw that it was daytime, and she could see students coming and going in the distance.

And the master was on the opposite side, so he calmed down his panic a little bit.

Ask Lin Yi, "Senior, who are they, and why did they pester me?"

Lin Xi has been a good girl since she was a child, she is kind-hearted and has never done anything bad.

She felt so strange.

For no reason, how could he be targeted by a ghost!

"They are grandparents you have never seen before."

Lin Yi replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Xi's face turned cold instantly.


"What are they looking for me for!"

She was visibly angry.

Lin Yi just saw a big event about her life.

I fully understand the anger she is showing now.


She was ten years old that year.

When her parents both passed away in a car accident, she was alone in Ninghai City with no relatives and no reason.

My grandparents, two uncles, and other relatives in my hometown received a phone call for traffic inspection.

No one came to help her with the funeral!
Ten-year-old girl, that was the darkest period of her life.

If it wasn't for helpful neighbors and traffic checks to help with her parents' funeral, her parents would have stink.

You can imagine how desperate she was at that time!

How angry I am at the unfeelingness of relatives such as grandparents, second uncles and third uncles!
If it were Lin Yi, Lin Yi would definitely cut off these family ties.

These so-called relatives are afraid of trouble.

He thought that once he came to Ninghai City to help, Lin Xi would eventually become a burden that held them back.

That's how people think of a child without a father or a mother.

Later, Lin Xi, who had never been back to his hometown, completely cut off contact with these relatives.

With the 30 savings left by his parents, he lives frugally and goes to school alone.

She also goes out to work part-time on Saturdays and Sundays to make money.

Life gets better and better.

Unexpectedly, grandpa and grandma are still haunted by grievances, and they are looking for her!

"It's really shameless!"

Lin Xi clenched her snow-white fists, gritted her silver teeth and said angrily.

"Where were you when our family needed you?"

"Why did you suddenly find me now!"

"Didn't you make our family feel bad when you were alive, will you make me feel bad after death?"

"Are there any of you who are parents, grandparents? Ah!"

The more Lin Xi talked, the more she remembered the past that made her sad and angry.

Her father Lin Xufeng is the eldest son.

I was the one who was not loved since I was a child.

The favor of her grandparents was given to Lin Xufeng's two younger brothers!
When I was a child, everything that was delicious and fun belonged to my two younger brothers!

Lin Xufeng has nothing to do with it.

Lin Xufeng was ignorant when he was a child, and quarreled several times over favoritism.

But after the age of eight, I completely let go of parental preference.

Follow them and love your brothers.

Because the family was poor, Lin Xufeng stepped into the society when he was less than 15 years old, earning money for his parents and for his younger brothers to go to school.

No complaints all the time.

Take the big brother's responsibility.

I didn't expect it, good people don't get rewarded!

When he was 22 and ready to start a family, one incident hit him hard.

That is, his parents distributed the old house and fields in the village to his two useless younger brothers.

And he got nothing!
This is too much!

What Lin Xufeng cares about is not these old houses and fields, but the love and attention of his parents.

It made him look like he wasn't their own!
Lin Xufeng couldn't stand it anymore.

Co-authoring his contribution to the family for more than ten years, is his contribution in vain?
They didn't even consider him a family member at all!
Lin Xufeng asked himself, since he was eight years old, he has never done anything to hurt his parents or younger brothers.

Just ask his parents for justice.

The answer was only a few light words——

You are capable and your two younger brothers are not capable, so give them the old house and fields.We all believe that if you can work in Ninghai City, make money to buy a house and get married, life must be easy.

Only Lin Xufeng and her girlfriend knew how much pain and fatigue he had endured in Ninghai City without graduating from elementary school!

Lin Xufeng became angry and left home.

Until the day of the car accident, I never went back to my hometown again.

And his parents and two younger brothers didn't even contact him again.

Not once! ! !

Later, Lin Xufeng got married in a rented house. The wedding was very simple, just a table of wine and food, with a few tables of people, all of whom were friends of the couple.

After getting married, the couple started long-distance freight and made money.

Bought a house, bought a car, gave birth to daughter Lin Xi, the days are getting better and better.

But unfortunately.

On the way to pick up the goods, two cars collided due to fatigue, and both husband and wife died.

Lin Xi was left to live alone.

Fortunately, they are prepared for danger in times of peace and have long been prepared for accidents.

Lin Xi left enough living expenses and tuition fees in the Sunshine Bank card that she knew the password.


Painful and sad memories flashed across my mind one by one.

Lin Xi couldn't hold back anymore, her eyes were red.

Tears pattered down.

Lin Yi took out a Vita tissue to wipe her tears.

"Why did they treat my dad like that!"

"Why...why? What did my dad do wrong?"

Lin Xi broke down in tears.

Lin Yi didn't know how to answer this question.

Lin Xufeng was right.

It was his parents and his two younger brothers who were wrong.

These four people are all big white-eyed wolves.

Now, Lin Xi's grandparents have been dead for seven days, but they haven't been buried yet!
Because the two younger sons said that their family was in trouble, they really had no money to spend on the funeral!
They fought so hard that they fought each other with knives. If the villagers hadn't persuaded them to make peace, they would have died long ago.

Knowing that the two youngest sons really don't have any money to take out for their funeral, they also know that the eldest son Lin Xufeng will definitely leave a sum of money for his daughter Lin Xi.

So these two old ghosts came up.

Lin Yi felt that Lin Xi was right in scolding, these two old ghosts are too shameless!

Ask: "How about I help you kill them directly?"

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