Like an arm!

Simple and easy to operate!

20 divine lightning symbols were suspended in the air.

After counting, there is no more, no less!

"This user experience is also great!"

Lin Yi was very satisfied.


Had noodle soup.

Lin Yi was doing Bajiquan in the front yard.

Chu Mengling was on the sofa in the living room, with his long legs crossed and shaking, holding his book and reviewing his homework.

Prepare for the college entrance examination after the Chinese New Year.

Both of them had a good life.


Chu Mengling stayed for three days.

If her parents hadn't returned, Lin Yihong wouldn't have been able to leave.

After her parents came back, she disappeared for a day and came back here again.

Then he spent five consecutive days at Lin Yi's side.

Said that the family went bankrupt and couldn't afford a nanny to cook.

Lin Yi can only help her with her life.

This lie was exposed when her parents also moved into Ronghua Villa to thank Lin Yi for saving her daughter's life.

Not only is her family not bankrupt!

And the assets have increased greatly!

Her parents, Chu Zhanfei and Zhong Xixi, both climbed to the 27th place on the national rich list!
On the tea table for four people.

Facing Lin Yi's gaze, Chu Mengyao pretended not to see it.

"This is the young Shui Gui 13 watch made by Reith. Thanks to classmate Lin for saving my daughter."

Chu Zhanfei handed Lin Yi a delicate light blue box.

Lin Yi waved his hand, "No need uncle, I should save Meng Ling, she is my classmate, not a stranger."

"You guys, it's too polite to come here even after being injured so badly."

Lin Yi is really not short of money.

And he doesn't like wearing things on his hands either.

He doesn't want any expensive things.


If you wear it, you will feel bad all the time.

"Take it!" Chu Zhanfei didn't have the habit of taking back the things Chu Zhanfei sent out, so he just stuffed them into Lin Yi's hands.

In this way, the wound on his foot was pulled, and Chu Zhanfei took a breath.

Seeing that he insisted, Lin Yi accepted it.

His eyes stayed on Chu Zhanfei's leg injury.

"Uncle, what's wrong with your leg?"

"This, it's really bad luck. I almost hit someone while driving. When I turned the steering wheel, I hit the guardrail on the side of the road. The car overturned and injured me."

Chu Zhanfei shook his head and said.

I think their husband and wife lives are really good, otherwise they would all die.

If the fate is not good, the company will not get a big harvest this year.It is impossible for him and his wife to climb the national rich list together.

While he was explaining, Zhong Xixi shook his head beside him.

Said to Lin Yi: "I don't think it's a human, but a zombie. I can see his two fangs."

Both the couple have heard about the young master's deeds this year.

Every time, nothing but shock is shock!
When he knew that Master Lin was actually their daughter's tablemate, he immediately rushed over to visit and thank him.

"Zombie?" Lin Yi was puzzled and was taken aback.

"You also met zombies!"

Chu Mengling shouted with lingering fear.

After that, she also felt strange.

How could it be so unlucky!

The family of three unexpectedly encountered zombies!

"Maybe my wife got it wrong. If that man was a zombie, why didn't he kill us then?" Chu Zhanfei shook his head slightly.

"Huh! That's good..."

Chu Mengling breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yi became interested and wanted to solve this mystery.

At this time, the clock continued carefully: "Because a Taoist priest suddenly appeared at that time, and then the zombie disappeared in a blink of an eye. He must have been afraid of the Taoist priest and ran away."

When she said this, Chu Zhanfei fell silent.

He thought to himself: "Could it be that our family is being targeted by someone?"

"Let me do the math for you."

Lin Yi said to Chu Zhanfei and his wife.

"Okay, then there is Laurin."

Chu Zhanfei nodded.

After knowing that Master Lin was her daughter's deskmate, he was not used to calling him Master Lin.

"Thank you classmate Lin!" Zhong Xixi also called Lin Yi that way.

Lin Yi looked at Chu Zhanfei's face and activated the Heaven-robbing Book.


The screen on Thief's Book is black!

Like Chu Mengling, Lin Yi couldn't see the major events in her father's life!
This is weird...

Lin Yi was puzzled.

Zhong Xixi asked: "Have you figured it out, Lin? What is the future fate of our family of three?"

Lin Yi shook his head.

"I can't see your husband's future."

"I can't see it!" Chu Zhanfei was taken aback.

He knew that before that, once Lin Yi's fortune-telling was accurate, there was never a time when the calculation was inaccurate, let alone a time when the calculation was not possible.

"Yes, it's pitch black, I really can't see it. I'll try Auntie's again."

Lin Yi said truthfully.

Chu Mengling's parents seem to be quite nice people.

There is no need to lie to them.

"Okay, look at mine again."

With a dignified expression on Zhong Xixi's face, he said to Lin Yi.

How could it not be calculated?

This Master Lin is very powerful.

"it is good."

Lin Yi looked at her face, and activated Thief's Book again!
On the blank pages of Thief's Book, it was still pitch black, and nothing could be seen.


What happened to this family of three?
Even when fortune-telling, you can't see all the major events in their lives!

"System, is the system there? I'm asking for help."

Lin Yi shouted in his mind.

System: "Should have met some kind of expert who covered up all the past and future events of their family of three."

"So that's the case...then what can I do to see their fate?"

"Well, maybe I'm an eight-star or nine-star person, so I don't know what to do. I'm sorry, host, I'm just a useless little trash, please forgive me..."

"Forgive you, you can run first."

Lin Yi said angrily.

It seems that the system is not omnipotent unless it is upgraded to the full level.


The system slipped away, so as not to be scolded!
"How about Lin, let's talk about it."

Zhong carefully said anxiously.

She felt that something bad happened to their family!
The couple met zombies and almost died in a car accident.

Daughter Chu Mengling is attacked by zombies, without Lin Yi, the consequences would be disastrous!
"I still can't see it, Meng Ling's, I couldn't see it before. I will contact you when I find a way."

Lin Yi said sorry. "Sorry, I couldn't help you this time."

"It's okay!" Chu Zhanfei waved his hands quickly.

How could he blame Lin Yi, this boy is the benefactor who saved their precious daughter!
It is normal for anyone to have unsolvable problems in his career.

He believes that one day.

Lin Yi will find a way to solve it, and he can't see the future fate of their family of three.

Zhong sighed softly.

She is indeed a strong woman in the workplace and a good assistant to her husband.

She quickly returned to the calm and indifferent when she first came.

Give Lin Yi a bank card shining like a diamond.

"There are 3 million Xia yuan in this bank card. Thank you classmate Lin for saving my daughter Mengling, please accept it!"

Afraid that she would force it too and pull the wound, Lin Yi accepted it.

Then it can be used in the Purdue Charitable Foundation.

He's really not interested in money now.

I am quite interested in the merit value!
"Student Lin, let's go have a meal together now."

Chu Zhanfei said to Lin Yi.

"Okay, but before we go, I'll help you heal your serious injuries and restore your body."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, one thought became a talisman!
In front of him, two bruise healing talismans and two rejuvenation talismans suddenly appeared!

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