The whole world suddenly turned into a painting. Li Yingjie remembered that he seemed to have seen such a scene in a novel.

Why, though, has the change not trickled down to them?
While hesitating, suddenly, the surroundings were completely dark.

"Has the light gone?"

In fact, Li Yingjie couldn't tell where the light came from, was it the sun in the sky, or the big glowing cat?
But at this moment, all the light has disappeared, leaving only darkness around.

This kind of gloom makes people feel as if there is nothingness in front of them.

There is even a... strange feeling.

"Fuck, I'm not blind!" Li Yingjie complained frantically in his heart.

But the next moment, this thought disappeared.

He felt that he suddenly fell from the air, about ten meters away, and fell on the water in an instant.


All around lit up.

Lin Xiaoying was completely unprepared, and was choked immediately after falling into the water, struggling in the water.

Li Yingjie hurriedly pulled her up and brought her to the surface.

The moment he looked up, he saw that painting in the sky, that "painting" of the entire earth!
However, looking at it from this position, it seems that it is as far away as one hundred and eight thousand miles away, and the shape of the entire earth can almost be included in the eyes.

But after glancing at it, the painting completely disappeared, and the top of his head turned into a clear blue sky, with the sun hanging directly above his head, which seemed to be noon.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yingjie heard the sound of a helicopter in the distance.

The rumbling sound indicated that they were not very far away from themselves.

After Lin Xiaoying surfaced, she coughed violently, and Li Yingjie hurriedly patted her on the back.

It took a full minute before her violent cough subsided, but her face was still a little ugly.

At this time, the helicopter overhead had spotted them.

A helicopter flew over their heads, and a man poked his head out and shouted, "Hey! Are you all right!"

When Li Yingjie heard that it turned out to be a Chinese, he immediately waved to the top and shouted, "Hurry up and help us up, we're choking on water!"

Needless to say, the man had already lowered the rope ladder, and seemed to be about to hang it down with a rope and pull the two of them up.

Without waiting for him to move, Li Yingjie immediately hugged Lin Xiaoying with one hand, and quickly climbed up the falling rope ladder.

Climbing a ladder with one hand is not an easy task, especially the rope ladder that is lowered from this helicopter, which is soft and constantly flutters in the wind of the helicopter.

When you want to climb up, you must hold on to the rope ladder, otherwise you will fall down.

It is not easy for ordinary people to climb with both hands, let alone lift with one hand.

But Li Yingjie was not only climbing up with one hand, but also holding someone in his arms.

Lin Xiaoying doesn't look fat, but she is very tall, and she can tell at a glance that her weight must be around [-] catties.

Under such a heavy load, it can still climb up like a monkey. Several people on the helicopter felt extremely admirable after seeing it.

However, when Li Yingjie climbed up, they took a closer look and found that it was Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying.

Immediately, they felt that what they just did was a piece of cake!

Li Yingjie, a star in survival in the wilderness, a man stronger than the world's top special forces, a man at the top of the food chain, what's wrong with climbing a ladder with one hand! ?

It's a piece of cake!

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