Rain is all too normal.

In fact, it doesn't look normal when it doesn't rain.

This is an island, a place surrounded by the sea, so there should be plenty of rain.

But they have been on the island for seven days now, and except for the heavy rain that fell on the first day, there was not even a light rain in the remaining six days.

It is very unreasonable.

The two gathered some dry wood, placed it in the shelter, and continued preparing lunch as usual.

It was an hour after we finished eating, and the weather was even hotter, but there was still no rain.

Come to think of it, it's going to be a big one.

The clay pots in the pottery kiln have been fired, but the temperature is a little high for the time being, so they cannot be taken out.

Li Yingjie looked around, sat under the shade of a tree and said to Lin Xiaoying: "I'll sleep for a while, if it rains, please wake me up."

The two of them are usually busy until late at night. Although Li Yingjie apparently sleeps in the first half of the night, in fact, the total sleep time is only two or three hours, so he will still be sleepy during the day.

When he was keeping watch at night, he didn't just sit there and rest, but took advantage of the coolness of the night to do some tiring work.

You must take a nap at noon, otherwise you really can't get enough sleep.

Lin Xiaoying understood this and asked Li Yingjie to sleep under the shade of the tree. She went to the side and picked two big leaves to fan him.

But just as Li Yingjie closed his eyes for a while, before he fell asleep completely, he heard thunder in the sky.

Suddenly, the wind picked up.

The dry heat on the island was instantly blown away, and a cool breath blew over.

Li Yingjie opened his eyes immediately.

"It's going to rain!" He looked at the sky, and there were already dark clouds filling the south.

"Let's go to the shelter and stay, or we'll get wet in a while." Lin Xiaoying said.

When encountering problems, she usually would not helplessly ask Li Yingjie what to do.

She is also a very thoughtful girl with an independent mind and knows what to do when.

Now that the clouds were overcast, Lin Xiaoying hurried over and took out the pottery basin that had been fired in the pottery kiln.

I didn't watch carefully how it was burning, but stuffed it into the shelter first, not wanting to throw it outside to be drenched in the rain.

Then, she put all the charcoal she usually burned into the basket and stuffed it into the shelter.

Before eating, they had put a lot of dry firewood into the shelter, and now, Lin Xiaoying stuffed some hay in.

The shelter wasn't very big in the first place, and after stuffing all these things in, it was a bit crowded for both of them to lie in.

Li Yingjie couldn't even stretch his legs completely.

"I hope it won't rain for too long, otherwise it will delay the progress of building the cabin." Li Yingjie sighed.

Lin Xiaoying smiled.

"It doesn't matter, at least we still have a place to live now, and we won't get wet when it rains heavily."

As soon as the words were finished, the wind outside suddenly picked up, and the chilly wind made them feel refreshed.

Immediately, bean-sized raindrops fell, hitting the leaves with a pattering sound, and falling on the ground became big spots.

After a while, the rain reached its maximum, and it started to fall.

Listening to the sound of rain, Li Yingjie yawned.

"Go to sleep, there is still a lot of work to do after the rain stops!" Lin Xiaoying whispered in his ear.

Li Yingjie let out an "um", yawned a few more times, and soon fell asleep.


When I woke up again, the rain was already light, and there was only the sound of dripping water from the leaves around me.

Li Yingjie yawned.

Sleeping on a rainy day is really very comfortable. If there is a cabin with a bed, I am afraid it will be more comfortable.

He looked around, under the cloud cover, he couldn't tell what time it was, but it was obvious that it was not dark yet.

"How long have I been asleep?" Li Yingjie asked.

Lin Xiaoying was bored looking at the rain outside, when she heard Li Yingjie's voice, she turned her head away.

"It's been about two hours, the rain just stopped!"

Li Yingjie breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was only two hours.

Fortunately, this rain will not affect the process.

The sun will come out in a while, and things will be dried soon. The trees here are relatively sparse, and the humidity will not be so heavy by then.

In the afternoon, you can continue to build the shelter.

It's even cooler now because of the rain.

After resting in the shelter for a while, Li Yingjie got up and continued working.

Put the wood in the sun to dry, and clean the area and the ground where the cabin will be built.

Lin Xiaoying took out the dry firewood in the shelter and started preparing to light a fire.

Their work was in full swing. It seemed that the rain had no effect at all, but the others were miserable.

At this time, in the official live broadcast room, Bing Bing and Teacher Xiao Sa are switching the live broadcast room to see everyone's situation.

Bingbing and Teacher Xiao Sa are the hosts, and they have been listening to the backstage command in the headset, switching to each live broadcast room.

The first is an uncle's live broadcast room.

Bingbing took a look and exclaimed: "The shelter built by this uncle looks very solid. He has stored dry firewood in it, and now he has started to light a fire!"

I saw that the uncle was lying on the ground, trying hard to drill into the wood.

These people who can persevere until now can basically start a fire, the difference is only the speed.

Although this uncle is old, his reactions are not slow, and he often tells jokes to the camera, and he is also a relatively popular survivor.

However, his survival content is not good-looking, and it is obvious that he does not have much survival knowledge.

After staying in his live broadcast room for a while, Bingbing switched the live broadcast room to a young man.

The young man had already built a small log cabin, which was very spacious, and his fire was moved inside, so it was not affected by the heavy rain at all.

At this time, he was grilling fish in the cabin, and everyone seemed to smell the aroma through the screen.

Immediately, many people poured into his live broadcast room, and the barrage instantly became lively.

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