After waking up in the morning, before Li Yingjie opened his eyes, he silently called the system in his heart and signed in.

Before I knew it, I had been in the wilderness for eleven days.

In three more days, you can get another sign-in package.

However, until now, Li Yingjie discovered that survival in the wilderness is really not an easy task.

He has strengthened his body and gained the knowledge of survival in the wilderness. Only now can he barely guarantee safety and food and clothing.

Other survivors, if they don't have survival knowledge, must be gambling at this time.

Eleven days is really a long time in the wilderness for people nowadays, especially those who have lived in the city for a long time.

Eleven days without a mobile phone, without a computer or TV, loneliness is enough to defeat a person.

What Li Yingjie didn't know was that at this moment, there were only about 20 contestants left.

A few people had obviously mastered the knowledge of survival in the wilderness, and they are living well now, but more people barely survived in teams of three or five.

It will be more difficult for one person to survive, but if three or five people cooperate, they can still persevere.

1 yuan a day is also everyone's spiritual belief, and many people have not given up because of this.

Li Yingjie got up from the ground and went out to wash.

Before, I could only wash my face, but now I can also brush my teeth, and the quality of life has obviously improved.

While washing up, Li Yingjie planned today's work.

You don't need to do heavy work today, just do some manual work.

With the bamboo I got yesterday and some wattles around, I can weave a cage this morning and keep the rabbits in it later.

In the afternoon, make another bed and come out. When the evening is cool, look around to see if there is anything else to eat.

While he was planning these, Lin Xiaoying also woke up.

She rubbed her eyes, and the first thing she did when she got up was to look at the few remaining rabbits from yesterday.

Because there is no cage, the rabbit was still tied yesterday and placed in the corner of their cabin.

Lin Xiaoying looked over and suddenly exclaimed:
"Ah! Li Yingjie, come and see, the rabbits are dead!"

Li Yingjie who was brushing his teeth at the door hurriedly rinsed his mouth and got into the cabin.

When he woke up, he didn't pay attention to these rabbits at all. Now that he came to see them, they were all dead, lying motionless on the ground, and they were a little stiff.

"That... Hurry up and deal with it, or the meat will go bad!"

Li Yingjie said hastily.

Lin Xiaoying: "???"

Are you serious, when these rabbits die, your first reaction is to eat them quickly?

But if you think about it carefully, the weather is indeed quite hot. If you don't deal with it quickly, these rabbits will probably stink.

However, you must first know how they died, right?
Li Yingjie scratched his head with his little finger.

"They should all be scared to death. Rabbits are very timid. When we were sleeping last night, we were afraid that they would run around, so they were all tied up. This night, they can only stay next to us. It is very scary to be scared to death." possible."

Li Yingjie analyzed.

Lin Xiaoying thought about it carefully, and it seems that this possibility is really possible.

They also often use rabbits in their experiments. I remember that a teacher mentioned that sometimes when the rabbits are given blood or injections, the rabbits may be directly scared to death.

That was the rabbit used for the experiment. Presumably, wild rabbits should be more afraid when facing people.

So, the two hurriedly skinned the rabbits, removed their internal organs and washed them clean.

One was roasted for breakfast, and the other was sliced ​​and dried in the sun.

They can actually make bacon, but there is only one rabbit, Li Yingjie thinks it's not worth wasting this time.

Moreover, the rabbit is still relatively easy to catch, just catch it when the time comes.


In the morning, the two went to the north grassland and set a few more noose traps.

Back near the cabin in the afternoon, Li Yingjie made a cage out of bamboo and wattle.

This is a big cage, about the size of a washing machine, and probably can hold a dozen rabbits in it.

He proudly showed it to Lin Xiaoying.

"How about it, I will lock you in this cage from now on, feed you some grass when you are in a good mood, and make you hungry when you are in a bad mood."

Li Yingjie smiled grimly and said in a low voice.

Lin Xiaoying glanced at him, pointed to the aerial camera and warned: "People all over the country are watching, so talk well!"

Li Yingjie gave a "cut", then turned around and got busy with other things.

There is no heavy physical labor today, all manual work, it can be regarded as a rest.

Lin Xiaoying took a nap in the shade of the tree at first, but when she woke up, she felt that she had nothing to do, so she came to learn knitting from Li Yingjie.

I saw that Li Yingjie was very skillful, he took some brambles he cut in the morning, and quickly weaved a basket.

It's ugly, but very solid.

Lin Xiaoying was stunned when she saw it.

"This... can I learn this?"

Lin Xiaoying felt that ingenuity should be unique to girls, but now comparing her with Li Yingjie, it is obvious that Li Yingjie is more ingenious!
Build cabins, make beds, weave baskets...

Lin Xiaoying felt that she was already very good at the beginning, and she learned how to make fire by drilling wood and making noose traps.

But now, these things he knows are nothing in front of Li Yingjie.

He has mastered so many skills, this is really a treasure boy!

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