It doesn't seem appropriate to eat hot pot on a hot day.

Although both of them felt quite comfortable while eating, they were sweating profusely after eating.

The two of them usually take a bath by the stream, and by the way, wash and dry their clothes on the fire. Now that the weather is relatively hot, this is okay, but it will be a bit uncomfortable to do it again when the weather is cold in the future.

After all, the water in the creek is not a hot spring, and the water in the creek is cool.

Li Yingjie had a plan in mind, and when he had time, he would build a bathroom.

This is already preparing to live in the wilderness for a long time.

After the two had a full meal and washed up, Li Yingjie started to make the second bed.

After the cabin is built, the area is about 25 square meters, and it is still very spacious to live in. There is no problem at all with two beds.

For the current Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying, sleeping in such a room is actually a bit embarrassing.

The two said they had a good relationship and were indeed very close.

But seriously, the two had just met each other not long ago.

Maybe after getting along during this period of time, they have a good impression of each other, but they definitely haven't reached the point where they have a good relationship.

So in this case, they never took off their clothes when they went to bed at night to avoid embarrassment.

While making the bamboo bed, Li Yingjie thought, when he has time in the future, he can actually divide the bamboo house into two compartments, and then they will each have a compartment, and it will be more comfortable to live in.

It's not that he wants to distance the two of them, but doing so is a kind of respect for Lin Xiaoying.

In the past, if there were no conditions, it would be fine to squeeze into a small shelter. Now that there are conditions, it is natural to create a more comfortable environment for the two of them.

Because he had already made a bamboo bed yesterday, Li Yingjie had mastered the technique, this time it was much faster than yesterday.

However, it was late at night when it was done.

He put out the fire, closed the door of the cabin, tied it with vines, and lay down on the newly made bed.

On the other side, Lin Xiaoying yawned and said goodnight to him, and soon her breathing became even.

After the fire was extinguished, there was no light around, and it was dark all around.

On this deserted island, the night is not very quiet, there are insects singing all around, and occasionally strange sounds can be heard in the distance.

However, Li Yingjie was lying in the cabin, looking at the solid walls around him, feeling very at ease in his heart.

He tried to sign in, but found that it was not the morning of the next day.

He thought about waiting a while, but soon, he fell asleep.


Waking up early in the morning to sign in, Li Yingjie took a look, and it was now No. 12 days.

The day after tomorrow, there will be another sign-in gift package.

To be honest, although Li Yingjie is looking forward to the sign-in gift package now, he is not as eager as he was last week.

Although the living conditions are relatively average now, compared with before, the problems of food and clothing and safety have been solved, and the basic survival can be guaranteed.

However, Li Yingjie still wants to know what gift package will be given this time.

After all, everything given by the system is of great use.

After getting up and washing up, Li Yingjie started making egg drop soup again.

I have to say that in this wilderness, it is very comfortable to drink a bowl of egg drop soup that is salty and suitable every day.

If it gets colder in the future and there is such an opportunity, it will definitely be more comfortable.

After eating, the two went to the grassland in the north again, and caught two more live rabbits in the nooses arranged.

When they got back, they pulled some grass and put all the rabbits in one cage.

Now, they have six rabbits.

If you eat one a day, these are enough for them to eat for six days.

What's more, it is not that there is no other food every day. These rabbits can be used as their reserve food, which should be enough for a long time.

Lin Xiaoying asked Li Yingjie while feeding the rabbit:
"What are we going to do today, why not pick peaches and eat them!"

On the third day when they came to the deserted island, they explored the east side and found a peach grove there. At that time, many peaches were ripening.

Now that Lin Xiaoying said it, Li Yingjie thought about it, and it was not impossible.

The plan he made in his heart was to find some herbs today, prepare the deworming medicine given by the system, and explore the surroundings in the rest of the time.

So, he said: "Then go to the east to explore and pack up your things."

Lin Xiaoying laughed immediately, threw all the grass in her hand into the cage, went to carry her own twig basket on her back, and then helped Li Yingjie take out his big twig basket.

The two of them took the commonly used equipment and set off towards the east.

In this wilderness, they don't have to think too much about it. They don't worry about things being stolen, and apart from the cabin, there is nothing worth worrying about here.

Although the east side has been explored, they didn't explore too many places when they came last time.

The east side is a general concept. After all, the so-called east side is too big, and what they can explore is only a part of it.

So this time, they didn't take the previous route, but moved forward along other places.

Along the way, Li Yingjie kept leaving marks.

They didn't have a compass at this time, so they didn't dare to wander in the wilderness at all. If they got lost, they might not be able to find the location of their cabin.

The two of them were not moving fast. Along the way, Li Yingjie was observing the surroundings, first to see if there were any traces of animals walking around, and second, to see if there were any herbs they needed.

After walking forward for more than three hours, Li Yingjie finally found enough herbs, and the insect repellent could be prepared.

In the past few days, they have been using mint to repel mosquitoes, but the effect is not particularly good.

Now that the deworming medicine can be prepared, their living conditions will be improved a lot in the future.

The two came to a shady place to rest, and Li Yingjie fiddled with the herbs casually.

Lin Xiaoying didn't know her, so she asked curiously, "What is this? I saw you picking some strange plants along the way."

Lin Xiaoying also knew some knowledge about herbs, but many of the things Li Yingjie picked were not herbs at all.

In other words, she didn't even know them, and they thought they were all weeds on the side of the road.

Li Yingjie didn't answer his question, but kept weighing the approximate weight and mixed the herbs together.

"What are you doing?" Lin Xiaoying asked curiously.

Li Yingjie smiled, "It's okay to be idle, let's see which wild vegetables are edible!"

As he spoke, he tasted the juice of these herbs decently, but did not swallow it.

After all, Li Yingjie didn't know if there would be any problem taking these things internally.

Lin Xiaoying rolled her eyes and stopped asking, but she always felt that he had other deep meanings in doing these things.

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