When Optimus Prime was fighting No. [-], No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-] also rushed up.

They were originally outsiders.

Think Transformers is the native existence of this world.

So attack directly.

However, at the moment they attacked, Magneto appeared.

Because of Liu Jiangtao's relationship, the timeline of the entire movie was chaotic.

Let the leader of the Transformers, who should have appeared decades later, appear on Earth ahead of schedule.

And also became friends with Magneto, a mutant who manipulates steel.

Although Magneto's current ability is only level four, in a real war, Magneto is not much weaker than Optimus Prime.

No way, who made Magneto restrain Optimus Prime by nature?
The combination of Magneto and Optimus Prime, the combination of No. [-] to No. [-] played for a while can only defend, and has no ability to attack.

That's right, although Magneto didn't get Liu Jiangtao's order, he heard the White Queen's communication.

Knowing that someone is going to deal with Liu Jiangtao, how could Magneto pretend not to know?

Therefore, the first time they noticed that No. [-] and the others had locked onto Liu Jiangtao's residence and were about to launch an attack, they directly blocked them.

For so many years, the Jews who have owned their own country are like a tall tree with a foundation.

An achievement that astonished many people.

Just like the current Autobots, the Autobots.

The Autobots are friends of the people on Earth, with the ideal of defending life and pursuing peace.

Autobots, also known as Autobots.Because the ending syllable bot of Autobot is close to Boyin, it has this name.

When the war on Cybertron broke out in full swing, a cadre of elite Autobots gathered around the then fledgling leader, Optimus Prime.

Circumstances have brought them to the forefront of the conflict, and these elites have learned a lot from each other as the war gradually changes the world around them.

Optimus Prime gained a lot of insights from them, and these fighters also took inspiration from Optimus Prime.

These 19 tight-knit warriors form the iron core of the Autobot army.

Optimus Prime chose them to be the crew of the Ark's first voyage, and they stayed away from the war on Cybertron for 10 Earth years.

During this period, the Autobots remaining on Cybertron gradually lost their fighting spirit.

The leadership is held jointly by Big Mac Ford and Celestials, neither of whom can energize the force the way Optimus Prime can.

By the time of the Great Pause, the Autobots had lost much of the territory they reclaimed under Optimus Prime.

After Sasser reactivated Cybertron, the Autobots' initial refusal to trust Sasser dissipated as certain important Autobots agreed to share the reign with them.

A small group of Autobots immediately expressed doubts about this arrangement, and an underground resistance formed.

With his own charisma and honesty, the young Hot Rod became the leader of one of the most radical resistance forces.

His Mentor Cup served as the main organizer.

Known for their daring deeds, Hot Rod's team would leave engravings of the Autobot logo on walls in defiance of Shockwave's tyrannical regime.

And now, Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, is on the run on Earth.

Of course, it is also to find a way to resist the threat.

Originally, the time they set was decades later, but for some unknown reason, they arrived on Earth some time earlier.

Of course, they didn't know that this was simply the result of the intervention of a powerful existence.

If one of them intervened, it might even be possible for them to see their grandson.

cough cough.

When survivors No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] were dealing with Optimus Prime and Magneto, several cars not far away suddenly transformed into humanoid mechanical life forms.

After seeing the series of mechanical lifeforms, even Number One, who is also a mechanical lifeform, couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

There are so many mechanical life forms.


At the same moment, Liu Jiangtao, who had upgraded his immortal body to level five, also rushed to the battlefield.

That's right, he sensed a powerful energy.

That is the energy fluctuation of mechanical lifeforms.

Pure, yet powerful.

In Liu Jiangtao's mind, a powerful mechanical life form that appeared around his castle during the battle at the war castle instantly appeared.

He got it.

This time, the nine people chose two ways to deal with themselves.

Some people replaced the strong in this world.

And another group of people came directly in real body.

It's just that I don't know how many of these people descended with their real bodies.

However, Liu Jiangtao didn't care.

In an instant, Liu Jiangtao rushed to the battlefield.

Looking at the two warring parties on the battlefield, Liu Jiangtao looked like a Spartan.


It's downright Spartan.

What's up with this shit?
Why is every existence released separately, he knows them all.

However, putting it all together is a bit confusing.

That's right.

Liu Jiangtao still has a little impression of the four survivors.

It's not that he is familiar with them, but that he is somewhat familiar with these four people in the movies he has watched.

When he saw the other party, Liu Jiangtao knew the other party's number.

Number One is a combat mechanical life form.

Which form is very similar to the battle robot in the smaller Pacific Rim.

However, it is definitely more advanced than the battle robots in Pacific Rim.

As for number two?

Well, number two is an octopus.

It's just a powerful octopus that exudes golden light all over its body.

As for No. [-], although it is more like a human being, at least more like a human being than No. [-], but it is just a resemblance.

Because No. [-] is a King Kong.

That is, the legendary orangutan.

Number four is a donkey.

That's right, a donkey.

The moment he saw No. [-], the image of donkey meat on fire appeared in Liu Jiangtao's mind.


"Nimma, I'm actually hungry."

As for the other party, Liu Jiangtao is very familiar with it.

One is Magneto and the other is Optimus Prime.

These two need no introduction.

As for the third place, Liu Jiangtao was in a daze.

It was a mechanical lifeform very similar to Optimus Prime.

In an instant, Liu Jiangtao remembered who this was.

The other party is none other than Tong Tianxiao.

Tong Tianxiao is a friend of Optimus Prime, who was responsible for the secret construction of the Autobot City in the volcano base in the early days.

In the First World War, Optimus Prime passed the energy treasure to him before he died, and Tong Tianxiao, who was ordered in danger, became the wartime leader of the Autobots, but in the end he found that he did not have the ability to open the energy treasure and was dismembered by Jing Potian.

He was later reconstituted and revived with the help of Junkstar robots.

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