
Accompanied by a gunshot.

James fell directly to the ground.

That's right, just when James was about to say something, Rowling's security captain, Leo, shot James directly.

With one shot, James was killed.

Suddenly, the crowd became chaotic.

The Smiley Army began to shoot crazily at the place where the gunshots sounded.

However, Leo took advantage of the chaos and took Rowling away.

Chaos, start again.

The smiling face army attacked frantically.

And the people who thought that the eradication day was over and didn't carry weapons at all were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Roaring crazily, fleeing.

People stepping on people, at this moment, is not a big deal at all.

Because, hundreds of smiling soldiers on the stage have already started shooting at the bottom.

They are taking revenge.

They have planned for such a long time, and they will be able to successfully control the city.

Become the ruler of the city and be the top man in the city.

To be able to enjoy the supreme treatment in this city.

But the result?
Someone even shot their dreams into pieces.

How could they not be crazy?

As for Zoe, she just trembled at the moment James was killed.

Then he stood there motionless.

She no longer knew what to do.

Her father died.

My father, who had already died six years ago, died again six years later.

If this is my father, then why did my father choose to fake his death six years ago?

If the father was really dead six years ago, then who is the father now?

As for the chaos below, Zooey didn’t care at all.

After all, he just experienced the killing last night.

The city has not yet recovered from the killing and death.

Therefore, many people returned home and looked for weapons as soon as they fled.

As for the smiling face army, they also began to sweep the surrounding houses in groups.

That's right, a raid.

Regardless of whether there is anyone in the house or not, the Smiling Face Army goes straight in, killing anyone they see, and robbing anything they see.

Some people even shot at Liu Jiangtao from a distance.

However, how could Liu Jiangtao let those people hit him?
Take Zoe to transfer immediately.

Along the way, Liu Jiangtao saw the killing again.

Last night was at night, although there were many killings, many things could not be seen.

At least, the madness of those intruders was covered under the darkness.

But now, it is locked by the light.

Accompanied by the madness of the intruder, the screams and fear of the victim appeared.

Nobody wants to die.

No one wants to die either.

However, in this case, even if everyone does not want to die, so what?
The city is in chaos again.

Without the suppression of the Security Army, without the leadership of the Rebel Army, without the command of the Regal Club, this city has completely plunged into a frenzied killing.

Killing, chaotic killing.

A person who was a crazy intruder one second may become a victim the next second.

No one knows when the people around them will shoot themselves.

Along the way, Liu Jiangtao killed hundreds of crazy attackers.

Those people were male and female.

There are old and young.

The older ones looked gray-haired, and might even die in the next second.

However, the opponent still raised the shotgun tremblingly, ready to attack.

However, what greeted him was a bullet from Liu Jiangtao.

Small ones, even children as young as three or four years old.

A child who doesn't know good and evil at all, and doesn't know right or wrong.

Liu Jiangtao also did not let go.

When the other party picked up the gun and pointed it at Zoe, Liu Jiangtao also raised his hand and shot.

Perhaps, the old man or the relatives of the child had been killed in the chaos.

They have no hope of surviving.

Perhaps, they were just looking for revenge, but in this chaotic city, who could they seek revenge on?
The only way is to kill anyone you see.

People with bloody vendettas slaughtered an unknown number of innocent people.

And the family members of those innocent people have also become people who bear blood and blood.

Killer, start increasing.

Many people took to the joint and started indiscriminate attacks.

At the same time, the smiley army is gradually decreasing.

That's right.

The Smiley Army is very powerful.

And be organized.

However, there are many families who cannot stand their attacks.

The more families attacked, the more resistance they encountered.

When Liu Jiangtao raised his hand and shot a man with a smiling face mask to death, the voice of the system reappeared in his mind:

"Congratulations to the host, you successfully wiped out all the Smiling Face Army."

No rewards, no other information.

There is only such a simple piece of information.

However, it doesn't matter.

Liu Jiangtao himself doesn't even know what's going on in this world.

Is the world sick?
There is still some will controlling all this.

Let everyone fall into the excitement of killing.


The excitement of killing.

After settling Zoe, Liu Jiangtao quietly looked outside.

I saw that many of those attackers had red eyes and strange excitement on their faces.

This feeling, as if people in this world have entered the atmosphere of the way of killing.

"What's wrong with these people?"

Zooey looked at the crazy people outside in disbelief.

There was confusion in Zooey's eyes.

She didn't know what happened to the people outside?
Why are these people still attacking so frantically after the eradication day is over tomorrow?

This is different from what she imagined.

"These people are crazy."

Liu Jiangtao sighed softly.

The only people she knew well were Rowling and Leo.

If it is really the mastermind behind the scenes, then the possibility of these two people is relatively high.

However, Liu Jiangtao couldn't believe it.

Not sure either.

After all, the world has changed.

I became a little unfamiliar with myself.

Even if Liu Jiangtao knew all the plots of this series of movies, he still wasn't sure.

"Huh? Why is the light on in my house?"

Hearing Zooey's inexplicable words, Liu Jiangtao froze for a moment, then looked in the direction Zooey was looking at.

I saw a villa in the distance.

Which villa, Liu Jiangtao knows.

He once heard Zooey say it.

That was their home six years ago.

However, after the incident six years ago, Zooey never went back.

Because, at dawn, her younger brother left, and her mother also disappeared.

It is said that he was killed by mistake.

The house was eventually left to the younger brother.

But now, my younger brother is dead, who is in that villa now?
After a little thought, Liu Jiangtao said seriously:
"Come on, let's go and see who is inside, maybe there will be other discoveries, your father survived six years ago, maybe your mother will survive too."

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