Hiding deep in the dark, embracing the light?
Hiding in the dark, embracing the light.

Zoe smiled.

She completely understood this man.

However, she also knew that she would never be able to dominate this man alone again.

Because at that moment just now, she knew that this man's heart had grown wider.

In his heart, there is no longer just a dog and a love for his son and daughter.

In that man's heart, there is still this world.

"Is this the charm of the oriental people? If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world."

She did not stop Liu Jiangtao from leaving.

Because she knew that she couldn't stop it.

You can't stop it either.

Soon, Liu Jiangtao disappeared in place.

This time, Liu Jiangtao disappeared for ten days.

During these ten days, gunshots in the city have also become rare.

Not just because everyone is tired.

The most important thing is that people are almost dead.

The former city had a population of 1000 million.

And now?

Only 30 are left.

90.00% Seven's mortality rate.

This kind of internal friction has far exceeded the power of nuclear weapons.

During these ten days, the city consumed 50 billion bullets.

These bullets are enough to fight a battle of considerable scale.

However, they only engaged in internal friction.

970 million deaths.

Let the world calm down for a while.

At the same time, when everyone calmed down, they suddenly discovered that in the battlefield, there was a person quietly stacking the corpses together, and then throwing them outside the city for disposal.

That's right, this person is none other than Liu Jiangtao.

For ten days in a row, Liu Jiangtao has been transporting corpses with people, except for basic things like eating and sleeping.

Until this time, no one could react.

They have been living in the world of corpses.

If these corpses rot, then a plague of despair will appear.

There are only 30 of them left.

How long can these 30 people last?

Especially during a plague.

Therefore, many people spontaneously put down their weapons and followed Liu Jiangtao to dispose of these corpses.

one, two, three...

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred...

One thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand...

Soon, the last 30 people in the city subconsciously put down their weapons and began to dispose of the corpses.

Even in occasional cases, there will be mutual help.

This kind of thing, which was normal before the eradication day, has moved countless people now.

Wary, once there, it's hard to let go.

And now, when guard is let down, people can live in groups again.

Humans are social animals.

What would the world be like if we were always alone?
In five days, all the corpses in the city were cleared out.

Even some major arterial roads have been cleared.

As for the ruins?

Everyone didn't clean up.

Because it's not necessary anymore.

The city has too many ruins, of course, also has too many intact buildings.

Those intact buildings are big enough to accommodate 100 million or even 200 million people.

But they only have 30 now.

The current resources of this city can completely make everyone present live a good life.

On the 15th day, when everyone cleaned up all the corpses, everyone consciously followed Liu Jiangtao to the square.

Half a month ago, this square was the beginning of the chaos.

But now, this square has become the end of the war and the beginning of hope.

"Everyone, the war is over, and my time has come."

Hearing Liu Jiangtao's words, everyone couldn't help trembling slightly.

What do you mean?
Without waiting for everyone to ask, Liu Jiangtao continued:

"Actually, I came from above. The purpose of coming to this world is to stop this disaster, but in the end, I couldn't stop it. In just half a month, our world has become like this. Fortunately, the war is finally over. Now, we have hope again."

"So, I would like to make a suggestion, if there is nothing to do in the future, don't go to war again."

"At the same time, after this period of review, I have already elected a new person in power for everyone. After I leave, she will be your next person in power. As for other things, you can make arrangements yourself, and I will not participate gone."

At this moment, a systematic voice also appeared in Liu Jiangtao's mind:

"Congratulations to the host, successfully completed task one. Now you can choose to return."

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully completed mission one - survived for a month. Reward the host for comprehending the way of killing * 10 hours."

"Congratulations to the host, successfully completed the second task, investigating the real culprit behind the human purge plan, even if the host knows who the real culprit is behind the scenes in the movie, but Zoe must see it with his own eyes. Reward the chance to use the Dao heart dial once."

"Congratulations to the host, a lot of items have been recovered, and a lot of rewards have been obtained."

"May I ask the host, is the settlement now?"


How can it be?

He also has an hour of invincibility, the invincibility time of being able to reclaim anything at will in this century.

"Don't settle it first, I'll use the one-hour invincibility time in this world first."

As Liu Jiangtao's voice fell, suddenly, a powerful energy emanated from Liu Jiangtao's body.

Although he only has a combat power of five hundred yuan, but in the case of no one in the world with a combat power of more than ten yuan, Liu Jiangtao, who has a combat power of five hundred yuan, is a god.

true god.

With a smile on his face, Liu Jiangtao rose slowly.

In the end, the whole person was directly suspended in mid-air.

"Everyone, the disease in this world has been cured, and the darkness is gone. Now we live under the light. Back then, we hid the darkness and embraced the light. Now we can finally stand upright. In the light."

"Cherish the hard-won peace now, and stop thinking about hegemony and war. Whether it's hegemony or war, the final outcome will be miserable."

After finishing speaking, Liu Jiangtao waved to everyone, and then disappeared in place, leaving only one voice:
"Before I leave, I will help you deal with as many ruins as possible. It is also my reward for coming to this world and living with everyone."

The moment the voice fell, everyone suddenly saw that a ruined building more than ten meters high had disappeared immediately.

Just disappeared out of thin air.

As if it never happened.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and then there are ruins one after another.

Even the battered cars are gone.

In less than an hour, all the ruins of this world disappeared.

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