I take the system Wanjie to pick up garbage

Chapter 28 Oracle Bone Inscriptions

Hugging is a killer move, whether it is in the game or in reality, if the strength of the two sides is not much different, whoever gets hugged can basically choose to end the game!
But now, it was two thugs who performed a hug at the same time, and the target was Liu Jiangtao who was less than one meter away from them!
"How to break it?!"

At this moment, even Li Fang couldn't think of how Liu Jiangtao could solve it.

No matter whether he chooses to go forward or backward after landing, even if he goes to both sides, there is no way to avoid the embrace and kill of the two of them!

Just when Li Fangxiu was frowning, Liu Jiangtao's next move appeared——

Liu Jiangtao, who was in mid-air, did a backflip and performed another equally classic move——

The crocodile wags its tail and kicks backwards!
Before the two thugs surrounded him, he kicked each of their faces in a daze!

Although the whole process sounds very long, in reality, it definitely does not exceed two seconds!
Especially the KO quadruplets, absolutely within a second!
In one second, four strong men were overthrown!
It wasn't until Liu Jiangtao landed that the bodies of the four people slowly softened to the ground!

Looking at Liu Jiangtao who seemed to be possessed by a god of war, Bai Xue opened her small mouth slightly, and her eyes were full of admiration towards Liu Jiangtao!
"Little brother, you, you are too powerful, I..."

"Leave me, me, me, go to the hospital for me now! I'm vomiting blood, give me back, like a big cock!"

As he spoke, Liu Jiangtao pulled Bai Xue up and walked out!

Bai Xue, who was being pulled, was confused for a long time before she came to her senses, blinked her eyes, and stammered a little:
"I, I'm talking about me, your me and his me, not the cock crowing ooohoo!"

"it's the same!"

ha? !

Same with your sister!


Looking at the two people walking out, Li Fang's eyes flashed with excitement, but after a while, the light in his eyes slowly disappeared, replaced by ashes and unwillingness!

"Joke, motherfucker is a joke!"

While wiping away tears, Li Fang laughed wildly, picked up the white wine in front of her, and blew on the bottle!
It would be great if Gu Zaitian could meet someone as skilled as you!

It's a pity that everything is too late, there is no if in the world!

Liu Jiangtao who walked out of the bar, although he didn't know what happened to the bloodshot eyes at the corner of Bai Xue's mouth, but in this year of "Boxer" plane, Liu Jiangtao could more or less tell that Bai Xue's state was very wrong at this time—— Pale, with bloodshot eyes at the corners of his mouth!
And the last five people, although they were fighting with him, but at the beginning, all five people's attention was on Bai Xue!Obviously, these five people came for Bai Xue.

Although he didn't even know what Bai Xue was doing, but the other party was willing to drive him off after all, Liu Jiangtao still cared about this kindness.

"Hey, hey, all knights, come back, Her Royal Highness has been rescued..."

From far away, someone in the live broadcast room saw this scene, and then sent out the first barrage...

"This knight looks so serious, did something happen?!"

"Look carefully, everyone, Her Highness Snow White has bloodshot eyes at the corner of her mouth..."

"Could it be that Her Royal Highness is seriously ill again?!"


In the live broadcast room, bullet screens flashed quickly...

Those who still support Baixue until now are die-hard fans who know about Baixue's condition, the legendary Platinum Snowflake...

"Which hospital did you treat..."

While starting the car, Liu Jiangtao subconsciously glanced at the phone, um, on the phone, why is there a photo of Bai Xue and himself on the small window in the upper left corner? !

No, not a photo, but a live broadcast? !
Although Liu Jiangtao is a poor man and has never watched the so-called self-media live broadcast, as long as he is not an alien and does not deviate from the times, there is probably no one who does not know about the live broadcast!
Looking at Liu Jiangtao who seemed to have discovered some new continent, Bai Xue endured the pain in her throat and said:
"You also found out, I am an Internet celebrity, and my usual job is to do live broadcasts. I'm sorry, I used you to do live broadcasts today!"

Ga? !

Liu Jiangtao blinked his eyes, using himself as a live broadcast? !
What do you have? !

After looking at the cleaner's clothes on his body, Liu Jiangtao suddenly realized:
"It turns out that what you're broadcasting live is the real life at the bottom of society!"

ha? !

The bottom of society? !
Even though her throat hurt a little, Bai Xue still subconsciously wanted to complain——

Are you at the bottom of society? !
You live in a villa, and you say you are at the bottom of society? !
If you are at the bottom of the society, then my old lady, bah bah, what can I do with this girl? !
Just when Liu Jiangtao was about to continue talking, the phone rang...

Looking at the number, Liu Jiangtao couldn't help touching the back of his head, it turned out to be Sister Bomb's phone.

Picking up the phone, before Liu Jiangtao could speak, Miss Bomb's voice came over——

"Now, immediately bring Bai Xue to me..."

ha? !

Immediately bring Bai Xue to find you? !
Is Bai Xue willing? !

"Well, Miss Bomb, Bai Xue doesn't even know you, and..."

Before Liu Jiangtao could finish speaking, Bai Xue grabbed the phone and said excitedly:

"Okay, sister, I, let's go now..."

Ga? !

sister? !

Going right now? !
Could it be that Bai Xue and Sister Bomb know each other? !

Well, it just so happens that I can go back to my villa to find Sister Bomb, hehe...

One foot on the accelerator...

Then, the car turned off...

Scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, he smiled:
"Well, it's an accident, it's a complete accident!"

With that said, Liu Jiangtao started the car again and drove towards the home of Bomb Sister...

"Miss Bai, I would like to ask, do you make a lot of money doing live broadcasts?!"

Forehead? !

This question was asked, not to mention Bai Xue, even the snowflakes who watched the live broadcast felt that this guy's question was really a bit of a thing!
However, Bai Xue didn't care at all:
"It's okay, if the audience tip more, they will earn more, and if they tip less, they will earn less!"

Reward? !

Isn't this the same as reading a novel? !

It's so cool to watch, reward a few tickets, get some small money...

"So how much reward is there today?!"

"I don't know today, I guess there shouldn't be many!"

"It shouldn't be much?! How about this, how about I canvass for you?!"

ha? !

Bai Xue blinked her eyes, canvassing for me? !
What vote? !
Looking at the bewildered Bai Xue, Liu Jiangtao cast a contemptuous glance at Bai Xue and said:
"You don't even know about soliciting votes?! It's just to win over the audience and let them spend a small amount of money! I don't even understand this. How do you become an Internet celebrity and an anchor?!"

As he spoke, Liu Jiangtao coughed lightly and said:
"Old and young men, look over here, pass by, don't miss it, if you have money, you can buy a money market, if you don't have money, you can buy a personal market, if conditions permit, you can also make money first, and then come to win A money market!"

I stamp it? !
Do you really think that the anchor is juggling? !

There is still money to hold a money market? !
After finishing speaking, Liu Jiangtao glanced at the phone screen, uh, there is no barrage! ! !

This is awkward!
However, Liu Jiangtao didn't care at all, more shameless? !He never loses!
"Now, it's time for interaction. Do you want our anchor, Miss Bai, to do it?! The barrage is all up, and then we will randomly select..."

Before Liu Jiangtao could finish speaking, the phone screen was instantly occupied by a huge firework——

A domineering fireworks worth 99 yuan appeared——

"Say Oracle!"

Ga? !

Say Oracle? !
Could it be that there are still people in this world who can speak Oracle? !
No, it should be said that this anchor Bai Xue can still speak Oracle? !
so slippery? !

But it’s also true to think about it. Before I traveled to the movie world of "Boxer", I said a sentence of oracle bone inscriptions to Bai Xue, and the other party recognized it (actually, Dr. Wenhua guessed it after looking at what Liu Jiangtao wrote on the ground and the oracle bone inscriptions), Tell myself her name!

"Beauty, someone asked you to speak Oracle!"

ha? !

Bai Xue looked at Liu Jiangtao speechlessly, and then at the domineering firework that still hadn't dissipated, completely entangled...

Do you want to tell this guy that what these audiences want to hear is this guy talking about oracle bone inscriptions? !
Looking at the entangled Bai Xue, Liu Jiangtao thought for a while, and then said as if he suddenly realized:

"Let's talk in oracle bone inscriptions?! (I really can't make it up in oracle bone inscriptions, even if it is a transliteration, it can't be pronounced)!"

Ga? !

Bai Xue was confused, this is, is this oracle bone inscription? !

Although I'm not sure, but so far, the only one with this kind of pronunciation and tone seems to be the one that Liu Jiangtao said at the gate of the community - "your name"!
Although Bai Xue was not sure, Dr. Wen Wen almost fainted from excitement...

Mom, you finally spoke. If you don't speak again, my brother will really die!

That's right, ever since Liu Jiangtao got off the car at Yeguiren Bar, a mentor with an overweight taste brought over some kind of roasted fruit for Dr. Wenwen to eat!

Ahem, maybe someone has already guessed it, it is the legendary roasted durian!
That smell, Doctor Word almost died!
Not only to smell, but also to eat, can this be eaten? !

I can't bear the smell of this grilled shi, let alone swallow it? !
But those tutors are having a good time!

After eating a durian, it’s not enough, so I called to get a car of skinned durians!

That's right, it's just a car, a train!
A truckload of durians blocked the door, Zhang Ziyang didn't catch his breath, and passed out directly...

When this guy finally woke up, he found that his rice cooker had been requisitioned, and he made a legendary fruit durian soup!

The electric oven has also been requisitioned, and they are making freshly roasted durians!

The most unbearable thing for this guy is that the barbecue grill he hid in the bathroom was also found out by those unscrupulous teachers, and he was cooking the so-called charcoal-grilled durian!

Zhang Ziyang couldn't bear the strong smell in the air, so he was a bit picky, so he spent 99 yuan without hesitation, and made a fireworks that dominated the screen!
This guy has already thought about it, if one fireworks can't do it, then get two, three...

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