Xiao Yi followed Liu Qian to Columbia University, one of the top universities in this era.

Apart from Liu Qian, there was also Monica who came here directly after hearing that Liu Qian was about to resume her studies.

Xiao Yi, who got off from the crowded bus, thought of buying a car.

After all, it is more convenient to have a car, especially in the sparsely populated place of the United States.

"Boss, are you listening to me?"

Monica, who was reporting the results of her research in the past two days to Xiao Yi, was dissatisfied when she saw that Xiao Yi didn't respond to her words, and she was ignored when a beautiful woman like herself talked to him. Didn't you see that when we were in the car before, basically everyone's eyes fell on me intentionally or unintentionally? If I took the initiative to say a word to them, I'm afraid their souls would fly away, saying it was from Columbia School beauty is definitely not an exaggeration.

But such a self, talking to Xiao Yi now, the other party didn't respond, which made her have to think that it might be the problem of the aesthetic gap between the East and the West?

"I heard everything you said. You are doing very well, Monica. When will the company complete the procedures? I hope that the acquisition process can be completed as soon as possible."

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Monica rolled her eyes.

"Do you think it's easy to register a new company? There are a lot of processes to go through, but if you are really in a hurry, I can ask my mentor to find someone to help you speed up the whole process. money!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi's eyes lit up. It is not yet the hottest time for semiconductors. The company that bought a semiconductor at this time is definitely worth the money. When semiconductors are hot, the price of such a company will rise It is ten times more likely, so for him now, time is money, as long as he can save time and avoid long nights and dreams, spending more money is not a problem for him at all.

"Then Monica, please contact your mentor for me to see how much money it takes to get the fastest call. I hope to complete the company registration within a week and start the acquisition process as soon as possible!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's eagerness, Monica really didn't understand. Could it be that Xiao Yi is really so sure that semiconductors will have great development in the future.

At this time, the United States is in a period of economic decline. After the dividends of the war have been digested in the past ten years, the speed of economic development has slowed down significantly.

The United States now really needs a new economic growth point in order to maintain its own advantages.

However, there are still many new technologies emerging in the United States during this period, whether it is communications, aerospace, automobiles, or navigation, there are new things emerging.

Although semiconductors can be regarded as the best-developed batch among them, whether they can become a new economic support point still needs to be verified by the market.

Monica doesn't know how much money Xiao Yi has to spend on these industries, but 1000 million US dollars is definitely not a small amount. Is it really okay to invest all of it in such an industry?
She had talked with Xiao Yi before, whether to find some other people to buy shares of the company and acquire Eston Company, so as to share a lot of risks, but Xiao Yi disagreed, what he needed was a company that was solely owned by himself and could be fully in charge , so naturally no one else will be allowed in at this time.

This is not only because he has grasped the context of the development of electronic products in later generations. Although he does not understand the technology in these things, mastering the direction of product development has already made him invincible.

Even in the future, when the flower growers need it, he can still do his part. This requires the company to be completely under his control, so that some things can be done without anyone noticing.

"Since you insist, then I will take you to see my mentor later, and you can tell her the specific things!"

After accompanying Liu Qian to the place where the suspension-related matters were handled, Monica went to Xiao Yi's tutor's office here.

Columbia University covers an extremely large area, covering 1815 acres, equivalent to 121 hectares. It is located in Morningside Heights, Upper Manhattan, New York. It is a world-leading private research university.

The area where they are now is basically a liberal arts major, so there are no serious researchers here, but a group of people sitting around on the grass, holding materials in their hands, and talking loudly.

In this period, the United States has not even chanted the slogan of equality for future generations, so at this time, more than 80.00% of the university students are white students, Latinos may account for 5.00%, and Asians may account for [-]%. However, according to Xiao Yi's appearance, most of them are not of Chinese descent, and the real Chinese descent may only account for [-]%. As for the blacks, Xiao Yi did not see them at all.

Even when Xiao Yi entered the building of the Department of Economics, he was stopped by a security guard. Even though Monica said that Xiao Yi had come to find something to do with her tutor, the other party still refused to let him in, basically showing nothing in his eyes. Discrimination was concealed, and in the end it was Monica who called her teacher, who reluctantly let Xiao Yi go upstairs.

"Xiao Yi, don't mind, these security guards are just so unreasonable sometimes."

Xiao Yi smiled, expressing that he didn't care, and secretly asked the black girl to steal all the other's things, and to find an opportunity to make some trouble for him in the security room. When he was stopped before, several other The security guard also looked like he was reading a joke, but his jokes were not that good.

Teacher Monica's office is on the fifth floor, and the door says Vice Dean of the School of Business.

Monica knocked on the door, and there was a voice asking to come in, and she led Xiao Yi in.

A beautiful woman in a simple black long dress was leaning over the table, writing something, and she seemed to be in her early thirties.

A seat sign above the table bears her name - Kate Beckinsale.

"Sit down first, I still have some documents to deal with here."

Monica was not surprised by her teacher's appearance of being immersed in work, so she took Xiao Yi and sat on the sofa beside her.

"Let's wait for a while, it should be fine soon."

Xiao Yi nodded. He has something to ask for now, so it's nothing to wait a while.

About 5 minutes later, Kate Beckinsale finished dealing with the matter and called someone to get the document she had signed. Then she came to Xiao Yi with a little apology, stretched out her hand and shook hands with Xiao Yi one time.

"I'm Kate Beckinsale, you can call me Kate, sorry to keep you waiting."

Xiao Yi smiled, "My name is Xiao Yi, I am already very grateful if you take the time to see me, it's okay to wait a while."

Kate Beckinsale did not despise Xiao Yi because of his age, after explaining a few sentences, she began to get to the point.

"I heard from Monica, Xiao, do you hope to complete all the company's procedures within a week?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "That's true. I wonder if it's possible to achieve such a speed? Even if it costs more, I can accept it."

Seeing Xiao Yi's calm expression, Kate Beckinsale was not sure how much he could bear.

"For one week, the time is really tight. The key is that your company has too many business scopes. It will take time to get some things done."

Hearing what the other party said, Xiao Yi didn't know that it was a joke.

"That's why I asked Professor Kate to come to you. As long as you can help me contact me, I promise you will have a satisfactory consultation fee."

Xiao Yi was so straight to the point, so Kate stopped probing and said directly:

"If you really need a week to finish all these things, I can introduce you to Raimondo. As for whether the negotiation can be completed, you need to find him yourself."

Monica, who had just walked out of the door, looked at Xiao Yi with a charming gaze that dripped water, which made Xiao Yi feel uncomfortable.

"Monica, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't look at me like that, I'm a little creepy."

After scolding Xiao Yi secretly again in her heart for being confused, Monica called out a long boss.

"Now I have to collect all kinds of information for the boss all day long, and run around. If I can have a car, it will save me a lot of time. Boss, you are rich and powerful, or let the company provide me with a car." Take a car, when the time comes, boss, if you want to go somewhere, I can also take you, saving us from crowding the bus."

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