Super Snack System

Chapter 3 The Perverted Sweet Recovery Potato Chips and Thunderweave Body

Zhang Qiong put the potato chips into his mouth with great effort, and Zhang Qiong was stunned after the potato chips entered the mouth.Zhang Qiong was not stunned because of the effectiveness of the potato chips, Zhang Qiong was completely stunned because of the taste of the potato chips.

The potato chips didn't taste much after eating, but when Zhang Qiong chewed, he was a little happy. These potato chips are so crispy.

But the next time Zhang Qiong was in a tragedy. Along with the crisp taste of the potato chips, what appeared was not the fried potato aroma of the potato chips, but a mouth-piercing sweetness.

How should I put it, this sweet taste is simply too strong, and the sweet taste disappears almost instantly and becomes bitter.

Now Zhang Qiong fully understands what is meant by 'sweet and bitter'. These are not potato chips, they are simply a thin slice made of saccharin.

If it was in the past, Zhang Qiong would spit it out immediately, but this time he bit the bullet and swallowed it.

Not for anything else, this thing is the first item produced by my own system, not to mention bitter, I have to swallow it even if it has mixed flavors.My own system is possessed, so I can't bear this bit of suffering?
Just like this piece of super potato chips, Zhang Qiong didn't chew so much, because the taste of this thing is really not flattering.When swallowing, there was still a bit of throat pain, but Zhang Qiong also swallowed forcefully.

When the chips disappeared from your mouth, so did the bittersweet taste.

If the taste of these potato chips is 'sweet and bitter', then when the taste in the mouth disappears, Zhang Qiong's current feeling is 'sweetness comes from bitterness'.

After swallowing the potato chips, the taste in Zhang Qiong's mouth disappeared after a few seconds, and then a warm and comfortable feeling began to appear between the chest and abdomen, which was extremely obvious and slowly spreading.

When all the limbs and bones were filled with this kind of warmth, the feeling of falling into the clouds made Zhang Qiong feel like he was in a trance.

This feeling comes and goes quickly.When all the warmth and comfort disappeared, Zhang Qiong was shocked to find that her body, which was still a little heavy just now, no longer felt that heavy.

I moved my right hand, but I didn't feel the difficulty just now.

Just now, he handed himself a piece of potato chips with great effort, but now that he bends his right arm back, he seems to be fine.

"Could I be better?" Zhang Qiongyu said to himself in shock.

He tried to move his heavy legs just now, but it was fine.

It is also flexible to move the neck.

"I'll go, are the one-dollar recovery potato chips so strong?" Zhang Qiong couldn't help complaining in her heart.

This really echoes the saying: a product produced by the system must be a high-quality product.

Of course, after the excitement, Zhang Qiong became nervous again. No way, I couldn't just leave the hospital like this.Such a serious injury will be cured and discharged in less than a day, it will definitely cause a sensation, when the time comes...

Zhang Qiong didn't dare to think about it anymore. Zhang Qiong, who had no other options, even though he had recovered, still pretended to be sick here.

In this way, Zhang Qiong pretended to be ill in this hospital for half a month. During this period, the nurses' inquiries and the attending physician's examinations were delayed as long as they could, and pretended as soon as they could.

Although Zhang Qiong has no talent as an actor, Zhang Qiong is very smart, and he pretends to be getting better every day.Although this made him take a lot of medicine, it would not make people suspicious.

After half a month, Zhang Qiong has almost improved. Of course, there are still some things worth talking about in this half month.

The first is Zhang Qiong's current appearance. You can see that Zhang Qiong has many lines left after the lightning strike on his body.But this is much better than half a month ago. Those purple and black patterns before half a month were a bit scary to look at.

At that time, apart from Zhang Qiong's face, his neck, hands and feet were covered with such patterns, which looked very scary.

But it is worth mentioning that these lightning strike marks were not left by the lightning ball when the system was possessed.These lightning strike patterns come from Zhang Qiong's newly acquired ability, the body of the thunder pattern.

And these patterns are controlled by Zhang Qiong, of course, this is also Zhang Qiong's own research little by little in the past half month.

My own Thunder Rune Body is like a skill of my own, as long as I feel it with my heart, I can feel it.Just like stimulating the reward light group, he can activate the Thunderweave Body at any time.

After the Thunder Lane Body is activated, it consumes one's own physical strength.Although it consumes physical strength, it is not very violent. The consumption after it is activated is similar to the physical strength consumed by Zhang Qiong walking.

And the scary patterns on this body are also controlled by Zhang Qiong himself, that is, the depth of the color can be controlled, the darker the color, the higher the stimulation and the greater the consumption.

Zhang Qiong's weakness a few days ago was not feigned, it was completely caused by the over-activation of her own thunder-weave body.

As the color of Thunder Lane gradually faded, Zhang Qiong could be considered to have fully grasped this ability.

It has been half a month now, and Zhang Qiong, who has fully mastered the Thunderlane Body, has a feeling of becoming a Wolverine.Zhang Qiong discovered an abnormality after arousing the Thunder Lane Body to the limit on the first day.

Because of the need for an infusion, Zhang Qiong had a needle hole in her left hand from the infusion.When Zhang Qiong aroused the Thunder Rune Body to the limit for the first time, the needle hole on his left hand disappeared after a slight numbness.

Zhang Qiong was startled by this incident at the time, it's okay if it doesn't disappear once or twice for other needles, if it always disappears, it will definitely attract attention.

The nurse changed shift the next day, and Zhang Qiong was seriously ill when the needle was inserted, so the nurse didn't care.

The lesson this time allowed Zhang Qiong to slowly learn to control his Thunder-Wined Body, and gradually he was able to arouse this Thunder-Wined Body locally, and the whole body could do it, but he could avoid the eye of the needle.

The reason why Zhang Qiong felt like he was Wolverine was because of an incident during these days:

Zhang Qiong has no relatives, let alone family members who accompany the bed.However, the factory is not bad. One must know that even the small factory did not provide Zhang Qiong with medical insurance, perhaps to seal Zhang Qiong's mouth. These days, the factory leaders come from different shifts.

There is really a lot to buy all kinds of food and drink, and there is also an escort who pays for it.When Zhang Qiong went to the bathroom again, in order to pretend to be weak, the escort elder brother helped him in.

When entering the toilet cubicle, Zhang Qiong didn't notice that there was a sharp metal thorn by the door of the cubicle, which happened to touch the back of Zhang Qiong's hand.

A small wound appeared on the back of Zhang Qiong's hand, and after closing the door, Zhang Qiong realized that there was blood on the back of his hand after the pain.

At this time, Zhang Qiong was still using the body of the thunder pattern in order to maintain the lightning strike pattern on her body. The pain was almost instantly replaced by numbness. Under Zhang Qiong's shocked gaze, the wound on the back of the hand healed visibly. .

In disbelief, he rubbed the wound with his hand, and the wound disappeared except for the blood stain just now.And all that was left was the Thunderlane that had just appeared and gathered.

After Zhang Qiong swallowed hard, she looked at the small metal thorn beside the door.Gritting his teeth, he swiped hard on the metal thorn with his right index finger.

Accompanied by a kind of pain, the blood came down, just like before, the pain only appeared for a moment and then disappeared, to be precise, it was replaced by numbness.Then it healed as visible to the naked eye just like before, except for the little blood that flowed out just now, there was nothing left.

"Huh~" Zhang Qiong let out a long breath, and said in his heart: his system is really strong, no matter it is the recovery potato chips or the thunder pattern body.

Restoration potato chips can be regarded as a panacea. Although the taste is not flattering, the effect is absolutely shocking.

As for my thunder-weave body, apart from turning the pain into numbness and static electricity all over my body, I thought it was a tasteless thing at first.But after witnessing the horror of "significantly improving self-resilience" in the attribute, Zhang Qiong was left excited.

My physique is the real version of Wolverine, although I don't have wolf claws or steel bones.But I have that abnormal taste, and the effect is even more abnormal recovery potato chips.

Although the price of one yuan per piece is not low, compared with the general effect of that 'panacea', this price is not even a drizzle.

After half a month...

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