Until more than forty items, Xu Rui turned into a dull porter, who Zhang Qiong bought and Xu Rui brought to the table.

The final category is fixed at 50 varieties.

The catering department of Wanshi Group is very humane. In order to allow employees to eat more varieties, each dish is very small, and the price is extremely cheap.

But the amount is small and varied, and it is also full of a large table.

When Zhang Qiong and Xu Rui sat opposite each other, the little girl was left to stare at the delicious food in a daze.

'Vulture' a small bowl of tortoise paste has disappeared, Zhang Qiong looked at Xu Rui while eating.

"Huh? Xu Rui, what's the matter with you? Eat, eat as much as you can, and let's buy it if it's not enough."

Looking at Xu Rui, looking at this wolf-eating guy, there is only a black line in his head.

It seems that the title of this giant eater is indeed true. Is this guy an idiot?
When Zhang Qiong came to the dining room to eat, it was definitely a sight.If you look down on the huge seating area, you will find that Zhang Qiong's table is the center of the circle, and there are people who are sitting and laughing.

Zhang Qiong didn't care either, because Zhang Qiong consumed a lot of physical strength every day beyond what ordinary people could imagine. In order to improve the duration of the system's ability, Zhang Qiong needed to eat a lot.

Otherwise, why did Zhang Qiong improve so fast in physical strength? It was all a fried chicken wing, a bowl of hot and sour noodles, a plate of grilled lamb chops... one food after another was superimposed.

A large amount of food turned into energy was absorbed by Zhang Qiong, and then consumed after being transformed into memory information by the data brain.

Just during this in and out, Zhang Qiong's body is strengthening at an astonishing speed.

It has been almost three months since Zhang Qiong acquired the ability, and it has been two months since he officially started this state of cultivation.

Zhang Qiong has definitely changed in such a long time, not to mention other things, you can find that Zhang Qiong's normal body shape has become a little bit stronger without knowing it.

Although he doesn't have the exaggerated muscular dimensions of a bodybuilder, Zhang Qiong's body now has obvious muscle lines.

Moreover, the improvement brought by the system ability to Zhang Qiong is similar to recessive, and it will not be so obvious.

We must know that when Zhang Qiong first gained abilities, he could only fully stimulate a kind of ability for about half an hour, but now Zhang Qiong can last for four hours.

This is growth, and these are the growths that come with replenishment and consumption.This is also the significance of Zhang Qiong's study of this strange 'cultivation'.

Of course, although a large appetite is not a disadvantage, it is also easy to be laughed at. Zhang Qiong was a little embarrassed at first, but after a long time, Zhang Qiong became embarrassing. If he enjoys eating, let him watch it if others like it.

Of course, Xu Rui didn't show any strangeness that attracted everyone's attention today. Now Xu Rui's heart is on the guy opposite who wipes out all kinds of delicacies in bowls.

Xu Rui obviously didn't believe that Zhang Qiong could really eat that much.

Of course, just looking at it is not enough, Xu Rui's stomach has long protested.

The little girl first picked up the fruit drink next to her and took a sip.

Passion fruit honey water base, which has the pulp of dragon fruit, mango and sweet orange, plus a finely crushed smoothie inside.

Although it's winter, the cold, sweet and sour fruit drink, which is intertwined with various fruity aromas, immediately whetted Xu Rui's appetite.

In addition, the eating appearance of the guy opposite is really attractive, so Xu Rui also started to eat.

The dishes here are definitely a combination of taste and appearance. Some dishes Xu Rui has only seen on TV, but has never eaten them.

In Xu Rui's house, stewing meat once is considered an improvement, not to mention these 50 kinds of delicacies.

In this way, Zhang Qiong took Xu Rui and started eating.

Of course, Xu Rui is much better than Zhang Joneswen, and the little girl also noticed the glances around her from time to time, so she still looks like a lady.

And Zhang Qiong has already skinned. When Xu Rui ate the second food, all kinds of Zhang Qiong's side had been wiped out.

Xu Rui is a little girl, and she doesn't eat much, but the food here is really delicious, so Xu Rui also ate more today.But including the fruit drink, there are only five items in total.

As for the rest, well, how could there be any leftovers after eating with Zhang Qiong.

In the end, Zhang Qiong became addicted to eating squid mustaches on iron plates, and bought five skewers by himself, which can be regarded as snacks after dinner.This meal is over.

Xu Rui, who was sitting opposite, was already stunned.

Now Xu Rui can be sure that Zhang Qiong is by no means a fool, Zhang Qiong is just a dirt box, a bottomless pit.

When the checkout was finally unified, the work card displayed a -621 on the card reader, and Xu Rui twitched.

The dishes in this dining room are indeed not expensive. Like ordinary staple foods, you don’t need money, and ordinary stir-fried dishes are only one or two yuan a plate.

But Zhang Qiong served both lamb chops and salmon. Anyway, as long as Zhang Qiong wanted to eat, he had never seen the price. Of course, it is impossible to eat poorly with Zhang Qiong's worth.

But Xu Rui can't do it, Xu Rui knows that every dollar is good because of her frugality since she was a child.

Originally, Xu Rui wanted to volunteer to pay the bill. After all, this was the first meal with her boss. Although the boss was an old classmate, she still wanted to show some empathy.

But seeing the price, Xu Rui bowed her head directly.

But Zhang Qiong didn't care, because eating and drinking is the most important thing for Zhang Qiong.

"Xiaorui, have you looked over there? There is a rest area over there. There are various rest items and drinks in it. They are all free. There is more than half an hour before work. You can go there to rest .”

After leaving the dining room, Zhang Qiong pointed to an entrance where many people went there. Apparently, the meal made the relationship between the two of them a lot closer.

"You, are you going too?" Seeing Zhang Qiong calling her nickname, Xu Rui felt a little embarrassed.

"I won't go, I have to go back and look at various materials and line diagrams. I'm quite busy here." Zhang Qiong really loves work.

Because Zhang Qiong needs to find a place to release this belly 'energy' to achieve the effect of cultivation.

Therefore, looking at various data, various reports, and various books on business capabilities has become Zhang Qiong's best practice method.

Zhang Qiong didn't mean what he said, but Xu Rui listened.

Xu Rui thought inwardly: "He is so busy that he took half a day to teach himself the knowledge of graphic design. He is much better than his tutor, but in order to teach himself, he has to make up for the work that was left behind at noon. He... "

It has to be said that Zhang Qiong's image became taller in Xu Rui's heart unintentionally.

"I, I won't go either. I'll go back with you." Xu Rui said with a complicated mood.

"Oh, let's go." Zhang Qiong said indifferently.The attributes of an emotional idiot are fully displayed.

After returning to the office, Zhang Qiong didn't take care of Xu Rui this time, but went directly to his inner office...

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