Lu Feng nodded, "It should be, I usually don't read these things."

"Do you want to see your own horoscope, I will check it, I have very useful software."

Jiang Mengxue seemed to have found a good topic. She took out her phone and held it in front of Lu Feng. The interface was colorful and colorful. Jiang Mengxue seemed to be showing Lu Feng the constellation app.

But Lu Feng wasn't interested, he just glanced at it and said with a smile.

"The characteristics of each constellation mentioned on the constellation website, even if you pull a dog to put them in the seat, you will probably get two or two. I really don't believe it."

Lu Feng raised his hand and pushed it against the side of the phone.

He doesn't want to see it, he's really not interested.

Jiang Mengxue seems to be very conflicted about not sharing Amway's success with Lu Feng. She thinks that sharing is a very romantic thing, especially when it comes to being accepted by the other party. She hopes that Lu Feng can see it.

"Just take a look."

Jiang Mengxue acted a little coquettishly, like a child chasing someone toy, she pushed the phone towards Lu Feng.

Lu Feng felt a little helpless, he came here today purely to help Jiang Yi bring up the child.

Don't they say that girls mature early?
Lu Feng couldn't resist her, took the phone over, glanced at the messy phone interface, well, this interface is quite in line with the characteristics of a girl, like the computer desktop that Zina installed for him back then, filling the screen.

Lu Feng asked, "Where is it?"

Jiang Mengxue moved closer to Lu Feng, swipe her finger lightly, and turned to the next page. Seeing that Lu Feng agreed to watch the constellation app, she seemed in a particularly good mood.

Lu Feng felt that the girl beside him was like a magpie.

"Here it is."

Jiang Mengxue pointed and stopped on a horoscope app, "That's right, all my classmates have tried it. Do you want to see your fortune this month? I'll tell you that you will definitely get at least eight of them."

Lu Feng didn't want to spoil her interest, and originally planned to follow the direction of her finger to open the app, but he was attracted by another icon next to the constellation software.

'met you'

A small pink icon.

This icon seems to have been seen before, Lu Feng thought for a while, it seems to be Zina's, when he was using Zina's mobile phone to get an account before, he accidentally saw it.

Jiang Mengxue's twittering voice was almost blocked by Lu Feng, he didn't press the constellation software, pointed his finger in the direction where he met you, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

Jiang Mengxue was obviously taken aback, "This"

Seeing that Jiang Mengxue didn't say a word for a long time, Lu Feng moved his fingers along the software again, stared at her sideways, and asked, "Can I have a look...?"?

Lu Feng didn't expect that Jiang Mengxue had already snatched his mobile phone before he even spoke a whole sentence, and her complexion changed instantly, glowing red, as if a freshly cooked little crab was about to be eaten.

Lu Feng furrowed his eyelashes in embarrassment, and understood that this thing is the girl's secret and cannot be seen.

"Remember, you can't watch."


"Hey, you can't watch it."

Lu Feng suddenly realized, "Ah!"

Since Jiang Mengxue met him tonight, it was the first time that she was so anxious and at a loss, not because she was angry, her face turned white, then red, then white.

"Okay, got it, I won't drive."

Lu Feng thought about it, it should be to remember menstrual periods.

"Is the drink okay?"

Jiang Yi didn't know if he was 'sober up' or because he felt it was not good to leave the two of them here all the time, so he came back.

They made it down towards Lu Feng, and brought along two middle-aged men by the way.

This is why Lu Feng came to Jiang Yi to take care of his sister for so long, waiting for him to introduce resources.

"It's pretty good. Brother Jiang's head doesn't hurt."

Jiang Yi smiled sarcastically, "It's much better to rest for a while."

As if he was afraid that Lu Feng would expose something, he quickly speeded up the pace of the conversation, waved his hand towards Lu Feng, pointed, and introduced to the two men next to him.

"This is Lu Feng, Mr. Lu, the boss of Xingying Media."

After speaking, he looked at Lu Feng again, and introduced the two bosses to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng lightly raised his wine glass, nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Lin." It was a greeting.

A few people drank a glass of wine and exchanged business cards, which is considered to be acquaintances.

After Jiang Yi's introduction, Lu Feng knew that that Zhang always opened a chain supermarket, which spreads all over the major cities and has a large scale.

As for Mr. Lin's family, which is a pharmaceutical company, Lu Feng didn't know about this line of business, but he knew that there was no one who didn't make money in the industry related to medicine.

As the saying goes, a one-sided relationship is also a multi-layered relationship.

Lu Feng put their business cards in his pocket, maybe they will need them sometime.

Zong Zhang and Mr. Lin didn't sit here for a long time before leaving. Jiang Yi was obviously an acquaintance in this room. Since he sat here, people have been coming here one after another.

Some came with their girlfriends and some didn't.

The female companions brought here are all beautiful and have a good family background.

Soon, Lu Feng suddenly saw a familiar face.

Jiang Yi introduced, "This is Emperor Hot Pot"

Before he could finish his introduction, Ji Sheng had already said, "No need to introduce, I know this little brother, long time no see."

Lu Feng also took his hand, "Well, long time no see, Mr. Ji."

Jiang Yi didn't expect that Lu Feng would have someone he knew at this reception, but it's not surprising that Lu Feng has been to such a famous hotpot restaurant as Diwang and met the owner.

Ji Sheng is very kind when he sees Lu Feng, his hot pot restaurant is priced high, and his consumer groups are too limited.

The liquidity of the hot pot restaurant is insufficient, and the people who invest in the shares are also constantly investigating and weighing.

Ji Sheng was once overwhelmed, if Lu Feng and Zina hadn't gone there that time and used their high enthusiasm to save the emperor, he didn't know if he would still be here now.

"Your girlfriend..." Ji Sheng just wanted to say something about your girlfriend.

At the beginning, Director Bai got Zina's permission to circle the topic of their co in Diwang's store and on Weibo, which helped Diwang a lot, and he really wanted to thank the two in person.

Ji Sheng thought that Lu Feng brought Zina here today, but as soon as the words came out, he realized something was wrong, his eyes drifted away, and he saw Jiang Mengxue.

He made a swallowing motion, thinking in embarrassment, this person... changed
He can't mention this matter.

Following Ji Sheng's gaze, Lu Feng forgot about the past and realized Ji Sheng's vague meaning.

"My girlfriend has gone home. She didn't come today. I came with Mr. Jiang."

Lu Feng didn't even mention Jiang Mengxue, he only mentioned Jiang Yi, which directly cleared up any possible relationship between him and Jiang Mengxue in Ji Sheng's heart.

Lu Feng spoke in a relaxed tone, which made Jiang Yi feel more relaxed, but luckily he did not say anything wrong.

He began to talk about what he hadn’t finished just now, "Your girlfriend is so nice, if the emperor hadn’t picked up the topic that brought you a lot of attention, I would still be soliciting investment, and you don’t even need any promotion fees. I'm sorry, I've always wanted to thank you both in person, but I didn't expect to meet by such a coincidence today."

While Ji Sheng was talking, he called the waiter next to him to come over, and while arguing with Jiang Yi, he paid for the food and drinks for Lu Feng's table today.

The total price was not low at all, and the untouched dishes on the table were almost over ten thousand. It could be seen that Ji Sheng really wanted to thank Lu Feng, and he didn't want to take advantage of it for nothing.

Lu Feng was a little confused, but he didn't refuse. The reason for this, Ji Sheng had already explained clearly, was to thank himself.

But this is not the point in Lu Feng's eyes, the point is Ji Sheng's sentence, 'You don't need any promotion fees. '

Lu Feng still remembered that he bought a bagful of things at Joyo that day, and went to Diwang, intending to have a meal with the stored-value card, but later he found that too many people recognized him, so he ran away.

At that time, he knew that the emperor used the two of them for publicity, and he thought that Zina was secretly accepting private jobs to make money, but he didn't expect that she didn't even ask for a dime.

This Lu Feng was a little confused, why didn't he tell himself in advance that he didn't want any money, could it be that he did a good deed without leaving his name?

Um? ?Is it because of pampering fans?

Isn't Supervisor Bai a fan of Zina? Maybe it's that Supervisor Bai wants to get a promotion and asks Zina. Lu Feng thinks so, but Ji Sheng's next sentence negates Lu Feng's idea.

"I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to help the emperor, and she would take the initiative to find Supervisor Bai and ask us, the emperor, to talk about you."

Ji Sheng seemed to have drank a few more sips, and he didn't hold it in such an old-fashioned manner as usual, more like he just said something if he wanted to say something.

This time Lu Feng was no longer in the dark, he knew that that time, Lu Feng thought that the private work that Zina took was not only free of charge, but she took the initiative to go there.

Lu Feng was obviously stunned for a moment. He remembered that Zina still replied to the emperor's topic, without concealing it.

There is also a shy expression.

Is it.
Lu Feng suddenly realized that this f*cking Zina was secretly declaring her sovereignty.

This little girl has been busy for thirteen times, and she did that secretly, but she didn't even notice. If Ji Sheng didn't drink too much today and said these things, she might never know it for the rest of her life.

The people Jiang Yi brought over basically left after sitting for a while, but Ji Sheng came for Lu Feng, especially after drinking too much, he even pulled Lu Feng into a lively chat with him, ordered another I have bought two bottles for a long time, but I have not gone through them.

Lu Feng was also very happy, because Ji Sheng successfully squeezed Jiang Mengxue's position away.

Lu Feng felt that he didn't drink that much, but he forced Jiang Mengxue's seat away with that drunkenness, and kept drinking with Lu Feng.

Lu Feng looked at him, and suddenly felt that the reason he did this was to help Zina take care of the flowers and plants around him, like Zina's natal family.

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