The sweet daily life of being chased by a beautiful goddess

Chapter 56: The sense of accomplishment brought about by work.

Lu Feng pushed open the door of his and Zina's office, "Xiao Qi, I'm back, let's have dinner, it's almost five o'clock."

Lu Feng went over and touched Zina's computer, it was cold!

Look at the place where Zina put her bag on the table, it's gone!
He took out his mobile phone and called Zina, and a beautiful voice rang out.

"Beep beep beep beep beep. The user you dialed is currently on the phone."

Lu Feng was a little confused, what happened to this communication company?Can beep twice before saying that the user is on the phone.

Doesn't two beeps mean it's connected?
Hey, poor little Lu Feng, he has no idea that he has been secretly blocked by Zina on the road.

I thought this is the style of the communication company in this parallel world.

He remembered that Zina had told him today that she hadn't had a good rest recently, so she should have a good sleep tonight.

He nodded in his heart, Zina should have gone home early to rest.

Hey, I didn't say goodbye to him, which made him a little disappointed.

Lu Feng turned off the call interface, and sent a message to Zina: Are you home?
It was a pity in Lu Feng's heart. It would be great if we could go to get off work together on the first day, and have a happy candlelight dinner together, and go to a quiet bar to drink some wine.

Then she sent Zina back home, when she was too drunk to walk, she was called upstairs to sober up.

Wouldn't it be wonderful.

Sitting on the office chair, he sighed deeply, blaming that little green tea for disrupting Lu Feng's rhythm.

Lu Feng looked at the time, and listed the background data of Zina's daily account on the computer. The popularity is good, and the number of views has reached one million so far.

He looked at the data of similar bloggers again, and closed the background with confidence.

At this moment
The new mobile phone placed on the table rang suddenly, Lu Feng thought it was Zina, and was happily ready to pick it up, when he picked it up, he saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, are you Ms. Zina's agent?"

"Well, yes, who are you?"

"I am the product manager of Aijiajia Home Furnishing. Our company has been paying attention to Ms. Qi Na for a long time.

I saw Ms. Qi Na's daily account video today, and I think our company's product concept is very consistent with Ms. Qi Na's positioning of life.

Our company wants to cooperate with Ms. Qi Na on several home clothes, so I take the liberty to call, and would like to ask if there is any willingness to bring home clothes to Ms. Qi Na? "

It's not surprising that Lu Feng received this call. Today, after Zina signed the contract, the cooperation contact information in all her accounts has been changed to Lu Feng's mobile phone number.

Since the binding of his phone, there have been countless messages and calls, but basically they are all high-end products after seeing Zina Queen.

But now the caller is the first relatively cheap brand. Why do you say it is a cheap brand, uh. Because I have never heard of it, I directly consider it as a cheap brand.

The level of this brand is completely incompatible with Zina's original positioning.

But now that the Life account has been opened, it is still a home furnishing brand, so Lu Feng thinks it can be investigated, after all, his original intention of establishing the Life account is to make Zina's positioning more grounded.

Lu Feng talked about the process standard concisely, "Hello, please add my WeChat and synchronize the mobile phone number. Please send your company's product pictures, process standards, product inspections, product sales, popular products, etc. a series of I have sent you product information from , I need to have a look at these before deciding whether I can cooperate with your company."

"That fee, how much is Ms. Zina's delivery fee?"

Lu Feng was a little embarrassed. Does this product manager know nothing about it? Besides the basic cost, the cost of bringing the goods has to be determined based on various information about the goods. Why did he come up and ask this.

Lu Feng said politely, "I'm sorry, regarding the cost, I need to check the relevant information of your company and the goods before I can make a quotation."

"I'm really sorry, our company has never found a channel to promote it, and we don't know about the problems in this area, but we are an old domestic brand and have been in business for 15 years. Our company has an independent production workshop and quality inspection workshop. The craftsmanship and the materials used are all of the highest quality in the industry, but we don’t know how to promote. We have been repeatedly suppressed by those shoddy merchants with price wars and propaganda wars. In fact, the company’s liquidity is currently blocked, and the promotion expenses that can be spent are not much. , the budget is only within [-] yuan, I don’t know if this price can do it.”

Now you can't believe everything the merchants say. After listening to this passage with scrutiny, Lu Feng thought it was true or false. After all, it is easy to sell badly, and there are many people who want to rely on selling badly to lower prices.

The budget of [-] is indeed not enough, but Lufeng is still ready to take a look. The other party's tone sounds quite sincere. Anyway, it won't take long to look at the product information.

If this is really a high-quality home furnishing company, Lu Feng would really like to take over for Zina.

Listening to the other party stuttering and embarrassed to continue, Lu Feng politely said, "We can discuss the promotion fee later, please send me the product information first, and we will discuss the next step."

Lu Feng hung up the phone, stretched his waist, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Serious work is really many times more tiring than fishing.

Usually, he panicked when he was idle in the company, and the day passed in a blink of an eye.

He felt that he was really at work today.

But in addition to being exhausted, it also gave him a sense of accomplishment.

It's like every time I do something, I feel that I have taken a step forward, and life seems to have become more interesting. It feels so good to not waste time.

Lu Feng calculated the time, An Xiaoqi should start broadcasting at this time.

He also had a bet with An Xiaoqi, to see if she was fishing, to take advantage of his 2 yuan for nothing.

Lu Feng opened An Xiaoqi's live broadcast background on the computer.

The moment he entered, Lu Feng's eyes widened.

Ah this
The beauty filter on the screen was turned on extremely large, and the lighting in the entire live broadcast room was not bright enough, so An Xiaoqi's appearance increased several degrees during the live broadcast.

Lu Feng was not shocked by the sudden beauty change.

After all, in the current era of filters, whoever is put in will not look good.

What surprised him was that when Lu Feng positioned her as a "talented" anchor, An Xiaoqi's face was quite aggrieved and disappointed.

At that time Lu Feng wondered if he was a little too cruel.

He thought that An Xiaoqi really had a sense of humiliation in her heart.

Now in the camera, An Xiaoqi is dancing left and right, doing various movements that test the limits of her body.

Looks very pleasant.

Very, very happy, as if her spring had come.

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