Moth mammoth.

Facing Jack in the air, he rushed fiercely.

Jack was just about to start the flying engine and get far away from the flying polar-eating beast.


The food that has reached the mouth.

As a new generation of evolutionary species, the flying polar devourer, how could Jack escape from its mouth? ! !

Hiss! !
The moth mammoth let out a sick growl.


Around its mouthparts, nearly 20 fleshy tentacles the size of a human arm writhed like a strange python.

A trace of blue light loomed, and a strange radiance bloomed between the whiskers.

Hiss! !
Hiss! !
Hiss! !
The heads of the fleshy whiskers suddenly split into snake mouths, making hoarse screams, and at the same time, 20 powerful pulling forces were produced.

between moments.

Jack in the sky seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand.

His body is no longer under his control.

At the same time, extreme panic instantly enveloped his entire mind.

Facing a terrifying monster like a hell devil, Jack found strangely that even the deepest part of his consciousness was trembling at the soul level!

At this moment, he was actually affected by a strong urge to sacrifice.

He wanted to deliver his body, his heart, and his entire soul to the Pole Devourer that appeared in front of him, and to this piece of mana ecology, so that his soul could be completely integrated into it.

high in the air.

Even across the Mark2 mecha.

But the source of life in Jack's body.

Still flowing out from his five sense organs, floating out of his body, floating out of the Mark 2 mech, converging into blue streams in the air.

The nearly 20 whiskers of the moth mammoth in front of it were eaten away bit by bit.

The Mark2 mecha suddenly sounded an alarm.

On the transparent mask, a red warning box is lit up!
At the same time, the electronic female voice synthesis sounded!

"Warning, warning! The owner of the Mark2, Jack, is detected, and his vital signs are disappearing. Do you want to activate the emergency self-ignition defense program!"

"Reminder: The Mark2 self-ignition defense program can isolate external damage, but it will also greatly consume the energy of the cold nuclear ark reactor."

Emergency spontaneous combustion defense procedures?

Consciousness gradually fell into a blurred Jack.

I do vaguely remember it.

After the research and development of this new generation of individual combat weapon, the Mark2 mecha.

He is meticulous, and in order to prevent extreme situations from happening, he also implanted a defense program in the program.

Once activated, it will violently consume the energy of the cold nuclear ark reactor, achieving a short-term self-explosion effect, so that the owner of the machine can escape in a very unfavorable situation!
The speed at which his life source was lost was getting faster and faster.

At this moment, Jack suddenly had a strong sense of survival.

Do not!
I don't want to die!

I don't want to give my soul to the devil in front of me for nothing!
I want to live!
Jack at this moment.

How much I want to issue an order immediately, let TMD's self-protection program start immediately, immediately, now!


It was as if he had fallen into a nightmare, and he couldn't give out the order he gave no matter what.

At this time, his body, his soul, and his thoughts were completely held by the god of death in front of him!
This is the horror of the large pole devouring beast.

Once it releases the absorption signal.

Successfully establish a connection with the source of life in your body.

You can't escape even if you want to, your body and soul have been completely reduced to puppets, completely under its control!
Even though Jack desperately wanted to get rid of the control of this moth mammoth.

However, he just couldn't do it.

With the collapse of consciousness, the loss of life source in his body is also accelerating!
At this time, the warning sound of the Mark2 interactive system sounded again.

"Warning, urgent warning! It is detected that the owner of the Mark2, Jack, is disappearing vital signs at an accelerated rate. Do you want to activate the emergency self-ignition defense program!"


"Because the owner is facing an extremely dangerous situation, the defense program will be forcibly activated after 5 seconds!"







above the sky.

A strong white light bloomed.

On the surface of the Mark2 mecha, a super-high temperature flame burst out.

It has completely shown an incandescent color, at least reaching more than 4000 degrees!
Although not as powerful as Samadhi True Fire.

But the high-temperature flame is obviously the nemesis of the moth mammoth.

sizzle sizzle~~
In an instant, it stretched out nearly 20 fleshy tentacles that devoured the source of life, and there was the sound of meat being scalded by high-temperature deflagration.

In the air, there was a burst of meaty smell.

Although the moth mammoth desperately wanted to devour Jack's source of life.

But at this moment, the nearly 20 tentacles around its mouthparts, as if they had their own thoughts, have all shrunk back one step ahead.

The moth mammoth had no choice but to vibrate its pair of big fleshy wings, and then flew out of the burning range of the flame.

At this moment, Jack connected with the life source of the beast.

It was finally cut off completely.

call! ! !
At this time, Jack seemed to have finally surfaced after drowning for a long time.

He couldn't help exhaling a long breath.

In his heart, the feeling of powerlessness controlled by the nightmare finally got rid of it! !
Jack erupted into a kind of ecstasy of a successful escape!

He is also more aware of the horror of these monsters, and has a strong vigilance! !
The high-temperature white flames blazed fiercely, buying Jack a short period of invincibility.

In the sky, around him, more than a dozen moth mammoths have gathered, all staring at him.

However, the high-temperature white flames emanating from the Jack Mark 2 mech made them unable to speak for a while.

Taking this opportunity, Jack immediately started the flying engine and escaped from the encirclement!

The flying mammoth is much bulkier than Jack's Mark2 mech, and its flying speed cannot reach Jack's escape speed.

Watching Jack escape with the high temperature white flames, they chased after Jack one by one, but they were helpless.

Due to this piece of airspace, it has been covered by countless flying polar devouring beasts.

Jack could only fly to the canyon below him.

When passing through an area full of strange rocks, Jack's figure flashed, and he cleverly hid behind a tall boulder with extremely hidden vision.

The dozens of flying mammoths who followed him did not find Jack.

They continued to fly forward, merging into the tumbling tide of beasts like dark clouds above the sky.

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