National Luck: System traversal, play as a bear kid at the beginning

Chapter 129 Look at the black hole in front, it must be the thief's lair

Rolling beast tide.

Countless polar devouring beasts.

Summoned by Mana Kao.

All the way towards a clear destination, swept away.

Because all polar devouring beasts are covered with a layer of dark gray biological armor.

The pole-devouring beasts in the sky are like large groups of gloomy dark clouds.

The tide of polar devouring beasts on the ground is like a large dark sea wave, constantly rushing forward amidst the rumbling sound.

Large tracts of gray and dark tones.

However, there was a bright red color appearing in the beast tide.

It was the 5-year-old Na Qi who was wearing the Huntian satin, the Qiankun circle around his neck, and holding a fire-pointed gun!
At this moment.

The swarm of beasts had already taken him along for two days and two nights.

Finally at the dawn of the day.

The beast tide that Qi was in merged with several beast tides from different directions, and reached a brand new valley.

The pole-devouring beasts also changed from galloping to walking slowly.

From head to head, all of a sudden, they all restrained their fierceness and became much more peaceful and quiet.

Countless polar devouring beasts entered this gloomy valley.

There was no more obvious roaring sound.

Even breathing became calmer.

It's like entering a holy place.

And they are very devout believers who come to pilgrimage.

At this moment, the terrifying beast horde formed by this group of ugly monsters actually formed an extremely solemn and solemn atmosphere.

This group of ferocious monsters had undergone such an obvious change, and Na Qi couldn't help but feel a twitch in his heart.

When he stepped into the Mana desert area from the rainforest ecological forbidden area.

Prompts have been played in the forbidden area.

[The route of the Mana Ecological Zone is to cross the desert, look for the Red River Valley, and find the Xingxuan Spring. 】

[The Xingxuan spring is the only way to penetrate into the core of this strange ecological forbidden area—the restricted area of ​​life! 】

[And the beast tide is the only clue to find the Red River Valley! 】

Could it be that the beast tide has brought it to the Red River Valley?

However, the forbidden area did not give a reminder.

Na Qi didn't know if he had already reached the Red River Valley.

All I know is that something is wrong with this place.

Otherwise, this group of violent polar devouring beasts would not have become so dull after entering this valley.

Outside the valley, the four or five waves of beasts running on the ground gathered and merged into a single stream, slowly entering the valley.

Not long after entering the valley, the polar devouring beasts dispersed dozens of teams from different roads.

And after entering the valley, what you see is even more shocking.

The valley is black, the surface is black, the stones are black, and there is a strange black everywhere.

It seems to have come to a world where there is only black.

And the Pole Devouring Beasts, after entering here, were even more silent and ignored each other.

All of them were blind-eyed, as if they were sleepwalking, and they only focused on moving forward.

The deeper you go into it, the more eerie and depressing it feels.

It's like sinking into a Cthulhu-style deep dream.

Even the audience in the Kyushu Kingdom live broadcast room felt the eerie atmosphere here.

The picture shown by the live broadcast camera alone has already made everyone extremely depressed.

It's hard to imagine how the 5-year-old Na Qi, who was in the midst of it, was able to maintain a calm mind and a calm face!

The beast tide has been running wildly for so long, but it slows down strangely here.

Everyone can naturally guess that this valley is probably not far from the Red River Valley.

In other words, this is the Red River Valley.

Although getting closer to the core of the forbidden area.

But everyone also knows that the more you touch the core area of ​​the forbidden area, the more terrifying and dangerous the front will become.

They have no idea what kind of unknown monsters are waiting for their players ahead!

While everyone is eager for Na Qi to win the Kyushu Kingdom, they are also sweating for him in their hearts!

Na Qi rides on top of the snake dog.

With the team he is in.

Another moment of progress.

Suddenly, an open and flat plain appeared ahead.

At the same time, it can be seen that dozens of teams devouring extreme beasts have also come to this plain.

Na Qi stood up from the snake dog's back.

Open the [Magic Boy's Sky Eye] and look as far as the eye can see.

I saw the ground not far ahead.

There are dozens of sinkholes, large and small!

Sinkholes, ground subsidence and erosion, can all form.

It is a peculiar natural landscape, which is not uncommon in the real world.

But in this black valley, such a dense tiankeng group suddenly appeared, but it is extremely spectacular, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a wonder!
These tiankengs are large enough to have a radius of several hundred meters, and the smallest are estimated to have a diameter of 30 to [-] meters.

between moments.

Next to Na Qi's ear, he heard a familiar Peking Opera line in a trance.

——— "Ah, ah, look at the black hole in front, it must be the thief's lair!"

Have you finally arrived at the lair of these monsters? ! !

Following the polar devouring beasts lined up neatly, they moved forward slowly.

Naqi slowly saw the scene in the Tiankeng.

In every tiankeng.

Each has a surprisingly large mana flower.

The diameter of the large one is at least 200 meters, and the diameter of the small one is several meters.

The flower of Mana in the tiankeng, like a Gu king, blooms a strange red light.

Hundreds of thousands of red tentacles, large and small, swayed on the spherical flower buds like rubber balls.

The closer it got, the more it seemed that Qiyue had heard Bai Xiaokui's "Valley of Flowers" again, and there seemed to be a faint sound that touched the soul.

It seems that when these Mana flowers sway gently, they are indeed releasing a hypnotic biological signal at a specific frequency.

Only in this way can so many extreme devouring beasts be summoned to the front, willing to sacrifice.

This is a special signal that can confuse people's souls.

After Na Qi felt that something was wrong, [Jing Shi Xin Yan] was ignited in his body immediately, so as to keep himself awake and not be affected by the flower of mana.

The team of polar devouring beasts that Qi was in.

In an orderly manner, they came to the edge of a large tiankeng about [-] meters away.

The polar devouring beasts walked around the tiankeng one after another, raised their heads, and looked calmly and reverently at the incomparably alluring Mana flower in the tiankeng.

The countless tentacles of the flower of mana danced charmingly and swayed gently.

With a special frequency, he instantly established a connection with the polar devouring beasts around the tiankeng with their heads raised.

An invisible pulling force was born.

The dark blue source of life flows out from the five sense organs of the Pole Devourer, and gathers in the air to form blue streams, heading straight for the flower of mana.

While the flower of Mana was continuously absorbing the life source quality sacrificed by the Pole Devourer, the red color on the flower body became more and more red and eye-catching.

Sometimes, even more suddenly, the flower body trembles suddenly, and then it can be clearly discovered that it has grown a circle again.

In the previous life, the Pole Devourer in the spirit cage world came to an abandoned town called Cuojie Canyon to pay rent.

And in this life, Na Qi came to the forbidden area of ​​Mana in person.

The world here is more desolate and gloomy than the doomsday scene in the anime world.

The level of evolution of the polar devouring beasts has already surpassed the spirit cage world.

The scale of the rent payment of the Extreme Devouring Beast Tide is much larger than that of the Cuojie Canyon.

This valley, invisibly, makes people feel great pressure.

Is this the Red River Valley? ?

Since the beast tide led me here, where should I find the Xingxuan spring? ?

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