National Luck: System traversal, play as a bear kid at the beginning

Chapter 140 Big Realm 4 Consecutive Ascension, Angry Giant

But what the Black Demon Ape never expected was that.

That Qi is far from being as simple as having an extraordinary body.

His soul is also rare and powerful.

Strictly speaking, he has already been a human being in two lifetimes, and he has successfully captured the soul of the earth once!
Now, the Black Demon Ape actually wants to take him away?

It's no different from the fat meat delivered to your door!
Nazha's Nezha performance level, although the progress is less than half, is still at Platinum 9 stars.

But its soul is far stronger than its current strength.

With the hard power of this body, Na Qi couldn't defeat the Black Demon Ape, but if the Black Demon Ape completely gave up the advantage of the body to fight Na Qi for souls, then it would be courting death! !

The process of seizing the house is inherently extremely dangerous, if it is not successful, the spirit and soul will be destroyed!
The Black Demon Ape already has a superhuman IQ, how could he not understand this.

But it was still deceived by the seventy-five-year-old age.

How old is a child, can his soul be as powerful as my Black Demon Ape? ?

It's a pity that the Qi really exists, and the soul is far more powerful than it imagined!

Do not! ! ! !

When the soul and consciousness of the black devil ape were completely devoured by Na Qi's soul, an unwilling roar broke out.

Immediately sank into the boundless dead silence! !

The Black Demon Ape could have defeated and killed Na Qi, but it would not have died at all!

But it is eager for success, too eager to obtain a real human body, so as to complete its sublimation to become a quasi-king-level pole-devouring beast.

It was this kind of greed that made it lose its life and soul! !

Open your eyes!
Golden burst!

Hold it in the palm of your hand!
Power burst!

The reborn Na Qi woke up from a deep dream.

Take back the feeling of being in control of your body.

very nice! ! !

The battle of spirit and soul is vividly visible.

He knew that he had won this extremely dangerous battle again!
More importantly, after this battle, his soul became stronger and more fearless! !

Naqi: "Hahahaha, King Kong, thank you so much, you gave me a golden pill for nothing, and the energy in my body was deficient, and it was completely restored!!"

This time, the battle with the half-monarch-level polar-devouring beast, the Black Demon Ape, coupled with the interference of the fishy whirlpool, was truly extremely dangerous, and it was the closest to Na Qi's loss of life.

Escaping from the dead, the unexpected reversal, even he never thought of it! !

Moreover, Na Qi gained a lot from this fierce battle.

The golden ridge Gu concentrated to the extreme entered his body, and formed a strengthened version of the ridge Gu curse seal on his back, making him an indestructible body that was tens of times stronger than the Black Demon Ape in one fell swoop! !
Unless there is a catastrophe, or unless he kills himself, there will be no power in this world that can hurt him! !
And the most important thing is that the Black Demon Ape failed to win with the Golden Ridge Gu, but instead helped Na Qi refine a soul-stirring golden elixir! !

From then on, his seven, vajra body will remain forever, and his powerful soul will never die!
More surprises are yet to come.

Nezha's playing level is even more unprecedented, and he directly upgrades across the big realm!

Platinum, star diamond, crown, king, god king!
The big realm has risen four times in a row, reaching the 9th star of the king of gods in an instant! !

All the existing magical abilities of Nezha are unlocked.

All Nezha's supernatural powers, such as Wanzhang Tongyun, no longer need to reach the extreme state to use them!
The most surprising thing is that the magical ability of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover has also been unlocked!

The seven of the 9 stars of the god king, the power in his body is already extremely domineering, even the world is different in his eyes.

He laughed and went straight into the Xingxuan spring.

I don't know if the gods of the forbidden land have done something, the so-called Xingxuan spring is actually the entrance of a transfer door.

Through the Xingxuan spring, Na Qi came to the core area of ​​the strange ecological forbidden area - the restricted area of ​​life.

The restricted area of ​​life is shrouded in a strange white mist.

Na Qi went deep into the foggy forest, defeated the tribe of giant ghost cockroaches who were known as the god of death and wielded the sickle of death, and came to the ecological spring.

Picking the flower of life won the final victory in this strange ecological forbidden land survival! !

But before this game of Survival in the Forbidden Land, the beautiful player Jack, who was unanimously favored by the beautiful people and other western countries, had already died on the way to find the Red River Valley! !
Not only did the beautiful country fail to win, but the players died, the national luck was greatly reduced, the economy went backwards, the whole country mourned, and it hated the Kyushu players.

But the facts are the facts, no matter how anxious the people of the beautiful country are, no matter how anxious they are, no matter how much they suffer from pink eyes, they will not change it.

Biological armor resources, realized.

Forest resources, embodied.

The cancer treatment technology and life medicine obtained from the flower of life are realized.

That seven, once again won the rare forbidden land resources for Kyushu.

Kyushu's bionic weapon technology has evolved to become more powerful.

The vast desert of the Kyushu Kingdom was completely covered by forests and lakes, and it never disappeared again.

In Kyushu, cancer has completely disappeared, and the life index and health index of all people have greatly improved in all aspects!

Kyushu, once again, the whole country is a sensation, and the whole people are boiling.

For Kyushu!
What's more, seven!

After Na Qi won this game, not only the national fortunes of the beautiful country declined, but a funny episode also happened.

A guy named Tom Smith rushed into the beautiful country live broadcast room naked.

Apart from anything else, in front of the audience from all over the world, the performer performed handstand diarrhea, and the staff couldn't help it.

Tuddles of golden beautiful flying filled the entire Beautiful Country live broadcast room, and even a lot of splashes landed on the beautiful host.

The beautiful country live broadcast room was made to smell so bad that it was a mess!
The hosts were even more embarrassed and lost all face!
This scene also shocked audiences all over the world!
It was only later that everyone found out that this guy named Tom had made a bet with someone in the barrage before, saying that Jack the Beautiful Country would definitely win the survival game in this strange ecological forbidden area, otherwise he would perform handstand diarrhea live.

As a result, everyone knows that Jack not only failed to win the victory for the beautiful country, but lost his life in the forbidden area, which greatly reduced the national luck of the beautiful country!

The impact of the failure, coupled with the decline of the national fortune, this guy named Tom was immediately pissed and became mentally ill, so he rushed to the beautiful country live broadcast room insanely, and fulfilled the flag that he blew out and set at that time!

Although this famous scene did not bring substantial harm to the beautiful country, but on the intangible level, it made the beautiful country hurt more and more, and the national prestige disappeared! !
Let's not say this, let's talk about Na Qi, a player from Kyushu, exploring the forbidden area, and the progress in obtaining resources is extraordinary!

The gods of the forbidden land decided to end 100 expeditions in the forbidden area of ​​the National Games ahead of schedule.

The next 3rd game of Survival in Forbidden Area is the last game of Survival in Forbidden Area of ​​this National Games!
At the same time, in this match, the gods of the forbidden land will take the initiative to intervene to ensure that the strongest players from all countries are selected to play!

Taiquan Prince from Tai Country, Straw Hat Rubber Man from Sakura Country, Dr. Wrath from Pretty Country.
Among them, Dr. Wrath of the Beautiful Country is the most terrifying!
The anger potion he developed can directly alienate him into an angry giant, whose strength is comparable to that of a god! !
It is simply a replica of the Hulk of the Marvel Universe on Earth.

The difference is that, once Dr. Anger enters the state of anger, he will completely lose his mind and enter a state of complete loss of control, killing people when he sees people, and killing gods when he sees God!
The beautiful people suddenly felt that they were doing it again.

Due to two major failures in a row, this time, the citizens of the entire Pretty Country have even greater expectations for the powerful and extremely sturdy angry giant——Beautiful Country, this time, can finally take revenge and win a victory. A decent victory! !

Survival in the forbidden area of ​​the third National Games.

It is also the last forbidden area!
———Jedi Island Survival, open! !

Dr. Wrath entered Jedi Island, injected anger potion immediately, and immediately alienated into an angry giant, turning on the forbidden land push mode.

Players from other countries were crushed, shredded, and brutally killed by him one by one.

The beautiful country is inspiring! !

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