Top giants

Chapter 139

Lin Xiangyang's domineering aura immediately shocked the Gu family, the employees of Maxsun Company came out in a file, and none of the Gu family dared to stop them.

In the end, Zhao Yixuan also pushed the little secretary Xu Sirou out.

Xu Sirou struggled as she walked, "Oh, Mr. Zhao, don't push me, I will wait for you to get off work together, and I will protect you."

Seeing her look like a little hen guarding the chicks, Zhao Yixuan was very moved.

But she still said with a straight face: "Go back to bed for me, or you won't come to work tomorrow."

This move was not satisfactory to Xu Sirou.

"Okay then, be careful yourself." She walked back and forth at every step, and reluctantly entered the elevator.

When only Lin Xiangyang and Zhao Yixuan were left in Mingxuan Company, Gu Mingsheng finally spoke.

He said with a cold face: "Is your play over? You made us wait here for hours, are you happy?"

But Lin Xiangyang jumped up in surprise: "Fuck, why are there so many beggars standing in front of our company?"

"Mr. Zhao, should we put these beggars in the company and give them a sip of water?"

Seeing Lin Xiangyang insulting them like this, Gu Fan immediately shouted angrily: "Lin Xiangyang, you are presumptuous, I won't allow you to insult my elders like this!"

Gu Yue pointed at Lin Xiangyang's nose and cursed: "If you dare to scold us again, I'll lift the grave of your ancestor's [-]th generation."

Lin Xiangyang glanced at them with disdain:
"I'm talking about the beggar at the door, not about your family members. Why are you two jumping out and yelling?"

Gu Fan was so angry that his face was gloomy, and he wanted to get mad, but Gu Mingsheng stopped him.

He looked at Lin Xiangyang arrogantly and said: "You are indeed a young man with a sharp tongue, Gu Fan really can't scold you."

"But we came here today to seek reconciliation with you, not to scold you. As long as you have some brains, you should invite us to sit down and talk slowly."

Lin Xiangyang originally wanted to talk to them, but when he saw his arrogant appearance, he immediately lost interest.

You are arrogant, right? I will beat you until you have no confidence at all.

He looked at Gu Mingsheng with disdain, and breathed out a fragrance.

"Silly, are you teaching me how to do things?"

"This is my place, and now you are here to beg me, so why are you talking to me like this?"

He turned around and closed the company door, and said to Zhao Yixuan, "Let's go, and we won't talk to them a word."

This can completely irritate the members of the Gu family. They starved and waited all night in exchange for a scolding meal. How can they bear it?

Gu Ning opened his arms to block them, and shouted: "You are not allowed to leave!"

"None of you can leave until the crisis of our Gu family is resolved."

Lin Xiangyang turned a blind eye to his interception, and ran straight towards him with his chest out.


After a muffled sound, Gu Ning flew backwards several meters away.

Lin Xiangyang said coldly: "Anyone who dares to block me will bear the consequences."

None of the more than 20 Gu family members dared to stop them, they just watched Lin Xiangyang and Zhao Yixuan walk away.

In the elevator, Zhao Yixuan asked: "Did we just leave them there?"

Lin Xiangyang asked back: "Why not? Is it possible to invite them to sit down for a cup of tea and talk calmly?"

Not to mention, Zhao Yixuan really had such an idea.

Lin Xiangyang said again: "It was intended to kill the fish, and I didn't plan to talk to them from the beginning."

Zhao Yixuan widened her eyes and said, "Good guy, so you just wanted to tease them today, no matter how late they wait, there will be no results."

"I'm really convinced. You're still playing around with such a big thing. When will you change your childish temper?"

Lin Xiangyang suddenly pushed Zhao Yixuan up, his eyes met, and the temperature in the narrow elevator heated up rapidly.

Lin Xiangyang looked at her with burning eyes, and said, "Zhao Yixuan, when you see my mature appearance, it means that you have lost me."

Zhao Yixuan's little heart was beating wildly, and she suddenly remembered a sentence said on the Internet.

"A man will only be naive to those he loves, and mature to those he doesn't care about. When he is no longer naive to you, it means that you are no longer important to him."

She suddenly raised her head to look at Lin Xiangyang, and said anxiously: "Then, please continue to be this childish in the future."

"Bad people like the Gu family should play tricks on them, and then beat them so that they can't stand up forever."

Lin Xiangyang smiled brightly, then lowered his head and kissed her lips.

The time in the elevator was very short, but these few seconds were infinitely long to Zhao Yixuan.

From the moment her lips touched, she had completely fallen into Lin Xiangyang's sense of security.


The bell ringing when the elevator arrived, not only woke up the two people who were in the passionate kiss, but also woke up the Gu family at the gate of Mingxuan Company.

Gu Mingsheng let out a roar: "What are you still doing in a daze, go after him."

"Only they can solve the Gu family's business crisis. Even if we don't eat, drink or sleep, we will dig Haifeng City three feet to find them."

But when they rushed to the underground parking lot, there were no shadows of Lin Xiangyang and Zhao Yixuan.

Gu Mingsheng roared again: "Hurry up and look for them separately, they haven't eaten yet, they will definitely go to the restaurant to finish their meal, and we will definitely find him when we go to the restaurant."

Just because of his patriarch's order, more than 20 men and women of the Gu family were dispatched to really turn Haifeng City upside down.

But how did they know that Lin Xiangyang and Zhao Yixuan didn't go to the restaurant for dinner at all, but went to the roadside stall Mala Tang last time.

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