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Chapter 185 Highway Chase

Zhao Yixuan would rather elope with a trash than marry him, the young man of a rich family, which completely angered Hu Dongsheng.

The Zhao family was still abusing the car that was leaving. Hu Dongsheng said sorry to the old lady, and then went to the door to make a phone call.

"I don't care what price you pay, I want them to die on the way back to Haifeng City."

After giving the order, he returned to the dinner table and chatted with Mrs. Zhao, talking and laughing.

Seeing that it was impossible for Zhao Yixuan to be with Hu Dongsheng again, Tong Jing tried her best to introduce her daughter Zhao Yifei to him.

The purpose of the Zhao family is to climb the big tree of the Hu family. As for who married Hu Dongsheng, they didn't care at all, so they also tried their best to match.

And what about Hu Dongsheng?
Of course he was greedy for Zhao Yixuan, but in the absence of her, Concubine Zhao Yi, who was more beautiful than most women, became his backup tire.What's more rare is that she has a flirtatious spirit, which suits his appetite very well.

As long as he hooks his fingers and promises two more empty promises, these Zhao family members who are eager to climb higher will wish to strip Concubine Zhao Yi and wash her clothes and send them to his bed.

The little white sheep delivered to the door cannot be eaten as a meal, but it is still in line with his expectations to change the taste and adjust life occasionally.

Under his hint, Concubine Zhao Yi happily approached him, saying that she had already spent a good night with him tonight.

On the other side, just halfway through the return journey, Lin Xiangyang saw five cars chasing them through the rearview mirror.

He warned: "Wake up, don't sleep, we are being followed."

Zhao Yixuan's heart missed half a beat, and she sat up straight to look in the rearview mirror.

Five black cars are chasing up at high speed.

Lin Xiangyang said: "They have been following for 10 minutes, and now they are speeding up to catch up."

While speaking, he stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, and the speed of the car instantly increased from 120km/h to 160km/h.

However, the cars behind them were not vegetarians either. As soon as the distance between them opened, they chased them at a higher speed.

"Run!" Zhao Yixuan shouted coldly.

Lin Xiangyang hit the accelerator again, and the pointer on the speedometer immediately rushed to 200km/h.

The scenery outside the car receded rapidly, and the cars in front were overtaken one after another.

The strong pushing back made Zhao Yixuan's heart beat faster, she just felt like her body was flying off the ground, empty and insecure.

Lin Xiangyang stared at the road intently, for fear that he would accidentally collide with other cars.

But the car behind him not only did not lag behind, but the distance between them became smaller and smaller.

Three minutes later, an enemy car rushed in front of him, trying to stop his car by braking, but he avoided it with his superb dodging skills.

Another 2 minutes passed, another car was side by side with him, and a huge tomahawk was stretched out from the co-pilot to chop his window.

In this situation, the instinctive reaction of human beings is to dodge. As long as Lin Xiangyang is a little afraid and distracted, the vehicle loses control, and he and Zhao Yixuan will surely overturn and die.

There was a loud chopping sound outside the window, Zhao Yixuan's face was already pale, while Lin Xiangyang drove the car calmly and speeding all the way.


The window of the car was finally smashed violently, and the strong wind rushed in with glass shards.

The broken glass made several cuts on Lin Xiangyang's left face.

But he still kept the steering wheel steady and drove the car forward at full speed.

"go to hell!"

The enemy let out a roar, and the ax slammed down with all its strength, heading straight for his head.

"Lin Xiangyang, be careful!"

Zhao Yixuan watched the ax come down but was powerless, her little heart was in her throat.

What if he gets hit?What if he dies?
In an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through her mind.

"Sit tight!"

Lin Xiangyang yelled to bring her back to life. At the same time, he grabbed the steering wheel with his right hand and met the enemy's ax with his left hand.

No one could see how he shot it, but the ax was inexplicably snatched by him.

Just when the enemy was in a daze, Lin Xiangyang showed a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.


With a soft shout, the ax in his hand flew out and hit the enemy driver's head with precision.


There was a muffled sound, and the driver's head hurt sharply. Immediately afterwards, the vehicle completely lost control. After spinning 360 degrees in the air, it fell into a pile of scrap iron on the highway.

A car accident occurred at a speed of nearly [-] per hour, and the occupants of that car died.

The damage of one car made the other four cars of the enemy slightly stunned, and Lin Xiangyang was able to take this opportunity to break out of the encirclement.

But just 5 minutes later, he was surrounded again.

Lin Xiangyang said in a deep voice: "It's not an option to engage in a road chase like this. Their cars are better than ours, and we won't be able to run away."

"Then what should we do?" Zhao Yixuan asked eagerly.

"You're bleeding, Lin Xiangyang, your face is bleeding!"

The blood on Lin Xiangyang's face dripped on his clothes, and she finally saw it.

Lin Xiangyang didn't dare to be distracted at all, and said seriously: "Since we can't outrun them on the road, then we will go serve and kill them."

"Grab it!"

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