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Chapter 248 Company Complaints

"Mr. Zhao, Zhao Binggong of your family can't play without it. Yesterday he forcibly intervened in my command of Tang Da Yipin's project. Today, he held a project team meeting privately without me present and arranged tasks privately."

"How long has he just been here? He didn't arrive after 24 hours. He doesn't understand the project at all. Isn't this putting the Tangda Yipin project in a dead end?"

"To put it bluntly, once a major mistake is made in the project due to his blind command, the reputation of Maxsun and your boss will be lost."

Guo Lincheng was extremely angry at Zhao Binggong's meddling, to the point where he wanted to tear him apart.

Lin Xiangyang had promised him well before that he would be the sole person in charge of Tangda Yipin, and let him have full authority to build the Tangda Yipin project.

But luckily now, a man who claimed to be the chairman's uncle had just left by air to become the deputy project manager, and he relied on his relatives to put on a posture that only a company boss could have, which had a serious impact on his daily work.

What is more difficult than him is the ordinary employees of the project team. They have to listen to Guo Lincheng's command and cannot ignore Zhao Binggong's words. They are like mice in a bellows, and they are in a dilemma.

As soon as Guo Lincheng's voice fell, Zhang Chao also started his complaint mode.

"Your Zhao Binggong is at least a man. If you don't like it, you can beat him up. But the person from my project team is a shrew. She can't be scolded or beaten. I can't wait to put her in a pigsty and sink her." Go to the river."

"By the way, her name is Tong Jing. According to her, she is President Zhao's aunt. Her mouth is really powerful. She offended the entire project team in one afternoon. It seems that this project belongs to her. Whoever touches it will die."

He glanced at Lin Xiangyang and then at Zhao Yixuan, summoned up his courage and said, "Mr. Zhao, you understand how I am. Even if I made mistakes in the past, I didn't make trouble like this shrew."

"I'm going to leave my words here today. The Suzaku Garden project has me without her, and she without me."

Just as Zhang Chao's angry words were finished, there was another knock on Zhao Yixuan's office door.

Lin Xiangyang walked over and opened the door, and there were seven or eight middle and high-level managers of the company standing outside.

There are not only ashes-level veteran cadres from Mingxuan Company, but also those recruited from the housekeeper and Gu's Hu family, and one who was hired recently.

Zhao Yixuan asked with a dark face, "Are you all here to complain about the Zhao family?"

"Yes, here to complain about the Zhao family."

The people outside the door answered in unison.

From this alone, you can feel how badly they were bullied.

Zhao Yixuan nodded and said, "Come in, all of you tell us about your experiences."

After all, she had already sat back at the boss's seat, took out her notebook and made preparations for recording.

Seeing her posture, the middle managers not only hesitated.

The chairman is a relative of the Zhao family. If I make such a small report, it won't be a pot for them to join forces, right?

Lin Xiangyang said to them: "Don't worry, just say what you want, our President Zhao will definitely make decisions for you."

With Lin Xiangyang's words, the others finally felt relieved.

Everyone doesn't know that the most "idle" Lin Xiangyang is the real big boss of the company. He dares to mess with whoever he says he wants, and it's not good for anyone.

It took a full two hours for these employees to completely complain about the evil deeds of the Zhao family.

It can be said that they can't vomit quickly, and at this time their mood has improved a lot, and their faces are no longer gloomy.

But they want to know how Mr. Lin and Mr. Zhao will deal with these Zhao family members. If they just give a warning, they will be in big trouble when the Zhao family members come back to settle accounts with them.

When the time comes, the forced resignation of employees will be mild, and if it is serious, it is estimated that they will draw their swords against each other.

After Zhao Yixuan wrote it down, she closed the notebook, "Okay, I've written it all down, you go back to your respective jobs first, and I'll solve it for you right away."

Immediately, she sent a notice to all members of the family work group: "Everyone gather in my office within 5 minutes, and those who fail to arrive after the time limit will be dismissed directly!"

5 minutes, even if you sneaked downstairs to buy breakfast, it is enough for you to come back.

She wanted to see the attitudes of these people. Since some monkeys were disobedient, they could only make an example of them.

After 3 minutes, only a dozen people came from more than 30 people.

Four minutes later, more than 4 people came.

5 minutes passed in the blink of an eye, but it was clear that people were still not there.

"time up!"

Zhao Yixuan pinched the watch and shouted to stop.

My cousin Zhao Yifei and my cousin Zhao Longquan were not there, and another family brother Zhao Longtai and uncle Zhao Bingqi were late.

All the people present were asked to line up and accept Zhao Yixuan's inspection like a group of stragglers.

Zhao Yixuan patted the teacup heavily on her desk.

"Zhao Longtai, Zhao Bingqi, the two of you didn't arrive at my office on time, half a month's wages will be deducted."

"Concubine Zhao Yi and Zhao Longquan innocently absent from work on the second day of work. If they don't answer the phone or return messages, they disappear. I decided to dismiss them directly."

As soon as the punishment came out, there was an uproar in the office.

Half a month's salary will be deducted if you are late for a meeting, and you will be fired if you don't come to the meeting. There are not many such perverted practices in the world, right?
As Concubine Zhao Yi's mother, Tong Jing directly pointed at Zhao Yixuan's nose and scolded: "Zhao Yixuan, what do you mean? My daughter is doing well, why do you fire her?"

A sharp sound of breaking wind flew by, and a piece of finger fell to the ground.

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