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Chapter 529 New Stage Layout

Qin Wushuang was very desperate, but he still had to hand over all the properties under the name of the Qin family.

Lin Xiangyang gave him three days to arrange the funeral. Three days later, he had to personally bring all the industrial contracts to Haifeng City to hand over to Zhao Yixuan.

They didn't stay any longer after cleaning up the Qin's house, and rushed back to Haifeng City without stopping.

He desperately needed to verify that sheepskin map, and he couldn't wait any longer.

After going back and taking out the fragmented picture, he rushed into Chu Lushan's office and put the two fragmented pictures together.

"That's right!"

Chu Lushan let out a roar of surprise.

After several minutes of comparison and stitching, the edges of the two remnants finally joined halfway.

Mountains, rivers, roads, all the details are connected.

Lin Xiangyang couldn't describe the excitement in his heart, his hands were trembling slightly.

He stared at a dot on the broken map of the Qin family and said: "Qin Baiyi said that they found an ancient tomb in Zhuifeng'ao, Nanbian City, and they developed the Qin family with the gold, silver and jewels in the ancient tomb."

"Go and find the map of Nanbian City, let's check the points on it carefully."

Chu Lushan immediately sent a celebrity to do it, and sent in a detailed map of Nanbian City in less than 10 minutes.

But they watched for half an hour, and only found that except for one mountain range, the direction of the mountain range was the same as that on the map.For the rest of the elements, the topographic map on the remnant map cannot correspond to that of Nanbian City at all.

Did it really correspond to Nanbian City, or was it a coincidence that the Qin family dug up the treasure?

Lin Xiangyang couldn't figure out why there was only one mountain in such a large map, and why the Qin family could dig an ancient tomb there.

If the splicing method of the two remnants is correct, then his remnant map should also depict Nanbian City or the surrounding terrain, but why can't it match at all?
Lin Xiangyang thought: "The maps of ancient times must be very different from those of today. With the construction of roads and the excavation of mountains and rivers in modern times, the geographical features have changed greatly, and even many hills have completely disappeared from the map."

"It's too difficult to find the location of the remnant map with a modern map, I'm afraid we have to find another way."

Chu Lushan scratched his head to think, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "I have a friend who holds an important position in the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. We can use his satellite remote sensing technology to find related mountains and rivers."

The mountains are huge, and the great rivers are obvious from the sky. Identifying them is the easiest way to find them.

But Lin Xiangyang shook his head and said: "Judging from the splicing of these two fragments, there are at least four fragments of the whole picture that have not been found, we can't leak this thing out, otherwise it will only lead to death. "

"You get back the remote sensing map drawn by your friend, and I will compare it slowly by myself."

Chu Lushan hurriedly called his friend to ask for the map. Just after hanging up the phone, Lin Xiangyang ordered again:
"Please contact any old professors who study history, and try to get a copy of the ancient maps of the past dynasties from them."

This is the result of his repeated thinking. Ancient maps are likely to be much more useful than modern maps.

After arranging these two matters, Lin Xiangyang carefully put away the sheepskin map and temporarily put this matter to the back of his mind.

Chu Lushan asked in a serious manner, "Miss Zhao has taken down the position of leader, what should we do next?"

He knew about Zhao Yixuan's election as the new leader last night.

These news are also limited to the big families in the provinces and cities, and it is impossible to spread them to the general public.

Ordinary people only know that every big company and big brand will open branches and stores all over the country, but they don't understand why the business that is popular in the north fails in the south, and they don't understand why the good stores suddenly disappear overnight in the north up.

This is the struggle between the North and the South. In fact, it has always been there, but no one can feel the invisible smoke of gunpowder, let alone the bloody slaughter inside.

Lin Xiangyang said: "Tai Monroe Fashion and Longlin Tiles are the pioneers of Maxsun, and we will use them to push our business to every corner of the country."

"The current market share and physical store density are far from enough, we must speed up."

"You don't need to worry about the salesman arrangement of Mingxuan Company. If you recruit me in large quantities, I will need a very large number of bodyguards to spread across the country to perform tasks. You must not hold back."

"The second thing is that after Tai Monroe and Longlin tiles are spread across the country, we will promote the main business of Maxsun Company and Chuhan Group to the whole country, so you must train a large number of middle and high-level managers to avoid running out of time. use."

Chu Lushan nodded again and again, he didn't ask how much he wanted, because he knew that Lin Xiangyang would definitely want as much as he had.

In the next period of time, Maxsun Corporation and Chuhan Group will enter the stage of spending huge sums of money to cultivate talents.

After Lin Xiangyang returned to Maxsun Company, the first person he contacted was Dai Luosen. This guy was the closest, and he came over just as soon as Lin Xiangyang called.

"Mr. Lin, what is your urgent matter?"

Lin Xiangyang pointed to the dots on the map and said, "Our first batch of distributorships of Tianmeno only opened up in first- and second-tier cities, but these stores can only cover 20.00% of the urban population in the country..."

After listening to his words, Dai Luosen was ecstatic: "Is Mr. Lin going to open up more agency rights?"

"Well, other luxury goods have begun to sink to third-, fourth-, and fifth-tier cities. We must seize the market as soon as possible and not fall behind."

Lin Xiangyang handed a survey document to Dai Luosen, which clearly stated the new stores opened by major luxury brands across the country.

Dai Luosen's eyes shrank suddenly. It didn't take long for this bunch of luxury brands to add more than 300 new stores, covering almost all the third-tier cities.

Lin Xiangyang said seriously: "Dai Luosen, I need you to give me a clear answer as soon as possible, whether the production capacity of your headquarters can supply such a huge market demand."

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