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Chapter 625 Let's make a bet

But the doorman glanced at his car, but said: "I'm sorry, sir, our club never asks employees for their private addresses, and never interferes with employees' private lives. We can't contact him after he is off work."

Lin Xiangyang, regardless of whether he was covering for the doorman or because Caesars Palace really had this rule, he only wants to get back those two bottles of wine now.

Although the 100 million yuan was not his money, if a doorman succeeded in Caesars Palace, then he would not have to mess around in the future.

He said again: "Is your manager always here? Call me your manager and tell me that the 100 million worth of wine I put in the car is missing."

He unintentionally revealed the Vacheron Constantin watch on his wrist. The doorman was horrified when he saw it, and hurried to find the manager.

As the saying goes, the poor play cars and the rich play watches. Although Lin Xiangyang only drives hundreds of thousands of BMWs, the watch on his wrist is worth tens of millions.

The doorman had never seen Lin Xiangyang come to play before, so he guessed that he might be a wealthy son from another city or province, and he dressed so low-key and drove such a poor car in order not to be discovered by his family.

Otherwise, how to explain the famous watch on his wrist and the bodyguard beside him?
Seeing the doorman go in, Lin Xiangyang also temporarily drove the driver out of the car.

No. 200 said: "We still have to pay the bill now, right? The mere [-] million wine is gone. Anyway, the brothers don't know the existence of these two bottles of wine, so I don't think it's a pity."

Lin Xiangyang replied: "It's not a matter of more money or less money. If these two bottles of wine are lost for no reason, after they know that I represent Maxsun Company, they will lose the reputation of Maxsun Company."

"Even a doorman can bully Mingsun Company, so what face will Mingsun Company have in the future? Don't they have to be looked down upon wherever they go?"

"It would be fine if Caesars Palace could hand over the doorman and the wine. If they insist on protecting them, then I have something to do."

He looked up at the cameras installed above his head, and he knew that all the areas in front of the door were within the monitoring range of Keith Palace.

After all, the people who come here to play basically include the rich and powerful in the entire Zhanlan City, and he will be troubled by anyone who is offended. It is the most convenient to install a camera.

From the fact that the Caesars Palace has survived several times of wind and rain, we know that there must be capable people behind it, and they are also standing in a more objective and fair position when dealing with things.

Lin Xiangyang said again: "Why don't we make a bet on whether Caesars Palace will call that doorman to confront us, or whether they will show us the surveillance video."

"What's the bet?" Number One asked nervously.

Lin Xiangyang chuckled: "If I win, you will double the amount of training when you go back; if you win, I will teach you another secret."

Originally, No. [-] was unwilling to gamble with Lin Xiangyang, but when he heard that he had cheats, his eyes lit up.

"Okay, then I bet they won't hand over the doorman, and they won't show us the surveillance."

Although Lin Xiangyang was very intimidating in Haifeng City, he had no influence at all in Zhanlan City.

When this kind of thing happened, they were usually locals defending the locals, and they didn't take Lin Xiangyang seriously at all, let alone cooperate with his work.

Lin Xiangyang raised his hand as if to slap him: "Grandma, you bet the one with the biggest chance of winning, and I'm still playing a fart!"

He and No. [-] wanted to go together, and both felt that Caesars Palace would not give him any reply.

A few minutes later, the manager came out and said to Lin Xiangyang neither humble nor overbearing: "Mr. Lin, I am Manager Qin from Caesars Palace."

"Thank you for coming to Zhanjiang City from Haifeng City. It is our honor for Caesars Palace. At the same time, I would like to express my sincere apologies for your bad experience in this clubhouse."

He took two bottles of Feitian Moutai from the doorman, and said: "We are very sad that your wine disappeared. This is the wine that our club gave you. I hope you can accept it."

Having said that, number one knew that he had won the bet, and it was impossible for Caesars Palace to take care of them who came from a different place. It was the greatest sincerity to show them two bottles of wine.

Lin Xiangyang didn't even look at the two bottles of Feitian in brand new packaging, and said bluntly: "I don't need your compensation, just contact me with the parking doorman, and I'll just confront him personally."

Manager Qin didn't seem to see the anger on Lin Xiangyang's face, and said, "I'm sorry Mr. Lin, our club never disturbs the private life of employees after get off work. If you really need to confront him, please come before nine o'clock tomorrow night .”

Lin Xiangyang glanced at his watch, it was already 09:30 in the evening.The doorman changed shift at nine o'clock, so his job was easy enough.

Lin Xiangyang pointed to the camera above his head and said, "Since you can't ask the doorman to come over, why don't you show me the video surveillance head office? As long as I can prove that he didn't take my drink, I will naturally not trouble him. "

Manager Qin apologized again: "These cameras are just for decoration, and they can't be used for a long time. If Mr. Lin really wants to confront the doorman, please come here before nine o'clock tomorrow night."

Sure enough, it's the same reason, anyway, I just don't show you the surveillance.

Listening to Manager Qin's words that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, No. [-] clenched his fists tightly, wanting to punch him down.

Lin Xiangyang stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I'll give you 24 hours to apologize to me, beyond this time, you, a small manager, cannot bear any responsibility."

He sat back in the car, asked the surrogate driver to get back into the car and drive, and drove them to the next destination.

Seeing the taillights of the car disappear at the end of the street, Manager Qin spat hard on the ground.

"Hey, a little boy from a small place dares to be arrogant with me, let's see if I can't kill you."

Not far behind him, a clever ghost came out from behind the pillar and said, "Brother Qin, this is to honor you. I heard that you like the old Moutai, so I won't fix it for you."

This guy is obviously the doorman who helped Lin Xiangyang park the car earlier, and he was the one who walked along with the two bottles of wine.

Manager Qin patted his face and said, "You kid is getting more and more presumptuous, even daring to steal guests' wine, do you know how much this wine costs?"

The doorman shrank his neck and said with a smile: "How do I know that, I think this is old Moutai, it must be delicious, and it must be worth the money."

"Nonsense, of course it's worth money." Manager Qin slapped the doorman on the face and said, "If I remember correctly, these two bottles of wine are the treasures of Fengyulou, and each bottle is worth 100 million. "

"And I heard that the boss has been showing these two bottles of wine and not selling them. I don't know how that kid got them."

"One... 100 million? Only for exhibition but not for sale?" The doorman panicked suddenly, his little heart beating violently.

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