Top giants

Chapter 728

Who is that knife in Hongzao City?

Su Wangsheng's direction is self-evident, and it must be the old monster of the Dao family.

"You're not kidding me?" Lin Xiangyang looked at him suspiciously.

Su Wangsheng laughed and said: "Believe it or not, there are still about ten hours left, and you still have time to go to Dao's house. If you continue to quarrel with me here, it will be too late."

Time was running out, Lin Xiangyang could only trust them temporarily.

He pointed to the old bodyguard kneeling on the ground and said: "You dare to lie to me, this old bodyguard will be the fate of your whole family!"

He turned and left, only stomping lightly when he reached the door.

Under the watchful eyes of all the Su family members, the old bodyguard's tight-knit body suddenly split in two.

From his fist to his arm to his entire body, he was split into two without any sign. The incision was extremely smooth, and internal organs and blood flowed all over the floor.

"The devil, that man is the devil!"

I don't know who made this terrified exclamation, and then all the Su family members vomited, and a stench shot straight into the sky.

This is Lin Xiangyang's method of killing. If Su Wangsheng lied to him, the entire Su family, old and young, would end up in this way.

Su Wangniu said with trembling lips: "Brother, fortunately you didn't tell lies just now, otherwise our Su family will really be wiped out by him."

Su Wangsheng didn't want to talk anymore, so he hummed lightly, got up and walked towards the backyard.


Lin Xiangyang got into the car again after leaving Su's house, and went straight to Dao's house in Hongzao City.

Because the Dao family in Tianpei City was involved this time, he contacted Dao Wannian by the way and asked them to start from Liupei County and gather near the Dao family in Hongzao City.

Dao Wannian and Dao Wanzai wanted to meet the old monster first, but with their martial arts, they were looking for abuse, so they could only wait for Lin Xiangyang to join them.

Lin Xiangyang regretted that he didn't bring someone who could drive.From Ningji City to Hongzao City for 140 kilometers, it takes two hours to drive, and it is really tiring to step on the accelerator and brake all by yourself.

But at 02:30 in the afternoon, he finally met his two brothers according to the position given by Dao Wannian.

Dao Wannian pointed to the mountainside not far away and said: "That is the Dao family villa area. I checked it just now. It covers an area of ​​more than four hectares. The buildings and layout inside are comparable to the palace garden."

Lin Xiangyang snorted, "The Dao family really know how to enjoy themselves. In ancient times, he was like an emperor."

"There are only five hours left until the first news broadcast, let's go, let's meet them."

The two cars meandered up the two-way, four-lane mountain road. No need to guess, everyone knew that it was made by the Dao family with money.

When they reached the mountainside, they saw a magnificent gate standing in front of them from a distance, with the word "Daofu" shining brightly on it.

"Stylish, really stylish!"

Dao Wannian looked at the door in amazement, "Our Dao family really doesn't even have a grandson in front of this Dao tip."

Dao Wanzai asked: "Brother, if we really annex the Dao family, should we move here to enjoy it?"

Dao Wannian showed him a meaningful smile and asked, "Do you know why this Dao family was destroyed?"

Dao Wanzai was stopped by the question, and after thinking about it for a while, he didn't know what aspect he was referring to.

Dao Wannian said: "They don't know how to be prepared for danger in times of peace, they only know how to immerse themselves in their current achievements to enjoy happiness."

Dao Wanzai understood.

At least in the next few decades, they have no possibility of living in this villa, or they may never have such a possibility.

Their car was driving ahead, and they were stopped by security guards a few meters away from the door.

"Are you from the Dao family in Tianpei City?" the security guard asked.

"My name is Dao Wannian, and I am the person you are waiting for." Dao Wannian put down the car window and said.

He wasn't surprised by what the security guard said, after all Dao Wanke could sit at home and point out the country, if he didn't even expect them to come, it would be a bit of a waste of reputation.

"Turn left 500 meters ahead, then turn right, keep going straight until the end and you will arrive. The owner is waiting for you."

Dao Wannian nodded, and continued on with the car window open.After taking a few breaths of fresh air, the car has already arrived at the entrance of the main building of the villa.

The security guard did not lie, at this time Dao Wanke was leading several heavyweights in the family to welcome them.

Of course, maybe in the eyes of this Dao family, it's not a welcome, at most it's just coming out to receive the fat delivered to the door.

The three of them had already got off the car, but the Dao family didn't have any intention of coming up to say hello, and just stood on the steps a few steps higher than them and looked at them.

"Of course it's domineering enough, even this little advantage has to be taken!" Dao Wanzai said very unhappy.

Lin Xiangyang said: "Don't care about these details. Whoever becomes the final winner is qualified to define the meaning of every detail in the past. We are here to do business, not to compare ourselves to them."

He took the lead and walked in front, so as to prevent the Dao family from suddenly shooting Dao Wannian and Dao Wanzai and causing serious injuries.

Although the Dao family can restrain their breath, Lin Xiangyang can still sense it.

One late master, one middle master, one early master, one late martial master peak and two early martial masters.

Except for the half-step martial king, all the masters of the sword family including Dao Wanke are here, a total of six people.

In contrast, the ancient martial arts level of the sword family in Tianpei City is not even worthy of support in front of them, and they really can't resist a single move.

When they walked up the few steps, Dao Wanke said: "I know why you are here, but I will not agree to your request unless you two merge Tianpei City Dao Family into our Hongzao City Dao Family. "

"Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan can be regarded as an explanation to the ancestors."

It is very domineering to express one's position and make one's request as soon as one opens one's mouth, and still take such a natural attitude.

Without Lin Xiangyang, the Dao Wannian brothers would really have to be slaughtered by them, with no room for resistance.

Lin Xiangyang said: "Which of the two Dao families will annex the other is a matter before your Dao family, but it is my business to get the Liu family out of danger."

"Patriarch Dao, I don't have time to talk to you here, you either invite your ancestors out, or I kill all of you."

Dao Wanke glanced at him disdainfully: "Lin Xiangyang? Do you think that you will be invincible if you abolish Dao Wuming and Dao Wanxia? I tell you, as long as you dare to step into the main building of our Dao family today, you will not even think about it." Get out alive."

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