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Chapter 785 2 women were arrested, search and rescue failed

In the room, Dao Xueqing and Bai Shuang looked at the man in black who appeared out of nowhere, terrified.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?"

Dao Xueqing grabbed a remote control from the bedside table and pointed it at the man in black. Maybe she knew that this would not pose any threat to him, so her body was shaking all the time.

Bai Shuang grabbed the mineral water on the table and threw it at the man in black, but it didn't work at all, and he didn't even move.

"Who are you, hurry up, we don't welcome you here!"

Bai Shuang yelled, throwing everything he could see towards him.

The man in black finally spoke: "Don't be afraid, I'm just taking you somewhere."

As he spoke, he picked up one with one hand and jumped out of the window.

The two girls just yelled a few times in the air, and then completely disappeared from the hotel.

On the other side, Lin Xiangyang didn't even drive the car, he just flew into the air and rushed towards Jinshi Town.

Zhu Maocai chased out from the room when he heard the movement, he looked up to the sky and shouted loudly: "Hey, where are you going?"

Lin Xiangyang mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and said with the skill of sound transmission: "Grandmaster Dao Xueqing and Bai Shuang have kidnapped them, and I have to rescue them."

"The original plan for the next day was cancelled. You immediately rushed to Jinshi Town at full speed, tried your best to determine the hotel where they stayed before, and quickly launched a search and rescue."

Zhu Maocai didn't care about thinking too much, and immediately summoned all the masters and masters in the family to set off.

They originally planned that Lin Xiangyang would drive Zhu Maocai in the old broken car he borrowed from the Dao family in the early morning of the next day, and then let the other five masters in the family take a seven-seater SUV to go to Jinshi together. town.

As long as those two old broken cars are dispatched, as long as they don't know who the people inside are in advance, even those masters can't guess the true identity of the people inside.

They wanted to arrive at Jinshi Town without raising eyebrows, but now that Dao Xueqing and Baishuang were exposed ahead of time, and they were also taken away, all their plans were ruined.

Lin Xiangyang's body flew high into the sky, and with a bang, his body directly broke through the sound barrier and reached supersonic flight.

Lin Xiangyang estimated that if his current speed of [-] kilometers per hour was used, it would only take him more than two minutes to reach Jinshi Town, which is [-] kilometers away.

This is unmatched by any modern car, and only a fighter plane can catch up with him and surpass him.

Soon, Jinshi Town was already within the scanning range of his spiritual consciousness, and he started the scanning without hesitation, hoping to find the whereabouts of Dao Xueqing and Bai Shuang.

But he was disappointed, he couldn't find any masters in Jinshi Town covered by his spiritual consciousness, and even the traces of Dao Xueqing and Bai Shuang disappeared without a trace.

His body fell to the edge of the construction site where the accident occurred, where workers were still clearing the site.

There are whistles and orders everywhere, and everyone is cleaning up the accident scene in an orderly manner according to the instructions.Although no one spoke, everyone could feel the tremendous psychological pressure.

Whether it is a miracle or a ghost, whether it is a natural phenomenon or a ghost legend, these people are undoubtedly more willing to believe that there are unclean things to make trouble.

Lin Xiangyang stood at a place that no one had noticed and watched from a distance, feeling the traces on it with spiritual power.

On the wall, five energies bombarded it at the same time, causing the wall to collapse.

The water tower also had five forces hitting it, causing it to collapse and the tank to rupture.

Judging from the effect of the bombardment, these people are all strong masters in the late stage of the master, because only reaching this level can the internal force be completely separated from the limbs to achieve long-distance attacks.

But it's a pity that he didn't find the traces of Dao Xueqing and Bai Shuang's previous dormancy from the surrounding area, probably they were completely cleaned up.

More than ten minutes later, Zhu Maocai and the five masters of the clan arrived, and at the same time, they also investigated the information of Dao Xueqing and Bai Shuang.

"Mr. Lin, Ms. Dao and Ms. Bai came to Jinshi Town to work in the Qizhen Restaurant next to the construction site, and they stayed at the Xingnuo Hotel, which is more than 200 meters away from the restaurant."

Lin Xiangyang nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look."

But when they got to the restaurant, it was already closed, and the owner didn't live in the store or in town, so they had to wait until tomorrow.

They went to the Xingnuo Hotel again, and soon found the check-in information of the two of them.

After getting the room card from the front desk of the hotel, they found the shooting equipment they had used in the room.

Zhu Maocai took out the memory card from the top and inserted it into his mobile phone, searched in fast forward mode, and soon found the man in black photographed next to the construction site.

Although the equipment has the infrared imaging function, but the whole body of the person is covered by the night suit. This video has no effect except to prove that they have been here.

When they saw Dao Xueqing posing as a reporter and the man in black asked them to report a supernatural event, they were finally 100% sure of their purpose.

They just want to create panic, and they want to make all the bases from Qiaoshi Town to Heilin Town abolished.

After the video was pulled back, they discovered that Dao Xueqing had not turned off the camera from the time she left the construction site until they arrived at the hotel, and the equipment had also recorded the situation in the room.

They called Lin Xiangyang, and the man in black appeared again, took them away and escaped through the window, all of which were faithfully recorded.

Zhu Maocai said coldly: "It would be great if I knew where they were hiding, these bastards, if I catch them, I will definitely tear them to pieces."

Lin Xiangyang said: "It only took me more than two minutes from the time I received the call to come here. No matter how powerful their master's qinggong is, their speed is not one-tenth as fast as mine. If they run away from here at full speed, I must be able to sense it." of."

After hearing his analysis, Zhu Maocai showed joy, and said, "So they are still hiding in a certain corner of Jinshi Town? As long as they are still here, we will dig them out even if we dig three feet."

They had no way of determining where these people were before, but now that they knew they were in Jinshi Town, it would be much easier.

Zhu Maocai called overnight and asked his family to call all the forces and people on the road controlled by his subordinates.

Lin Xiangyang didn't do anything that night, he meditated in this room with peace of mind, spread out all his spiritual knowledge, and carefully monitored everything in Jinshi Town.

He doesn't want to monitor the cars at night too much. He just needs to make sure there are no women in the car. If there are women, he will check carefully.

Besides, Jinshi Town is not big, and there are very few vehicles driving on this big night. The seven surrounding villages are scattered irregularly in all directions around the city, and they are easy for him to observe.

After searching all night to no avail, they went to Qizhen Restaurant for breakfast the next morning, and checked the situation in the past two days by the way.

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