Entertainment: Gossip and cohabitation rumors spread

Chapter 61 We Are All Descendants of the Dragon

After Li Yi sang this song, the happiest person was Zhang Yan in the background. She seemed to have mastered the ratings code, and the assistant kept sending good news about the skyrocketing ratings.

Zhang Yan continued to arrange the various camera positions, aiming at Li Yi the two most important high-definition camera positions.

The next song was still Li Yi's song, but the host did not come to the stage to broadcast the program, but Li Yi asked with a microphone: "I want to ask everyone a question, what is our ancient totem in China?"

The audience shouted, "Dragon!"

"Yes, our Chinese totem is a dragon, and we are the descendants of the dragon!"

"Next, I will sing the song "Descendants of the Dragon" for you again!"

A rhythmic prelude is played along with it.

Ships appeared around the stage, each with an actor in a red martial arts uniform, and they beat drums in unison to the rhythm.

The colorful lights around the stage are also fluctuating with the music and flashing with the drumbeat.
There is a dragon in the ancient east
Its name is Huaxia
There is a group of people in the ancient East
They are all descendants of the dragon

black eyes black hair yellow skin

永永远远 是 龙 的 传人

"Let us raise our hands, wave your hands, and sing together, black eyes, black hair, yellow skin, forever and ever be the heirs of the dragon!"

Driven by Li Yi, the audience raised their right hands one after another, singing along with Li Yi and waving to the beat.

Teacher Liu Huan also waved his hand in the audience, and said to Zhou Huajian who was beside him: "The lyrics of this song are simple, but the rhythm is very strong. The simple and easy-to-understand lyrics are sung in this form, and it is easy for everyone to sing. A few words!"

Seeing the teacher nodding his head, Zhou Hua agreed with Liu Huan's statement: "So this song must have a high popularity. As a patriotic song, I think the most important thing is the popularity. Is the country in mind?"

Just after speaking, Li Yi actually sang rap in the middle of the lyrics. Liu Huan and Zhou Hua realized it when they saw this sentence in English. It turned out to be rap in English.

When this English rap was sung, the fans were stunned for a moment. They couldn't believe that Li Yi sang English, and it was rap.

At this time, everyone remembered that Li Yi said that he would perform rap at the concert.

Everyone ran to Song Yide's V blog one after another:

"Grandson! Come out and slap me in the face, and I'll ask you if you agree with this rap!"

"Look at your rap, then look at Li Yi's, do you have the keys? How many do you have!"

"Come, come, let me see who dares to say that Li Yi can't speak foreign languages, come out and slap him in the face!"

At this time, Song Yide was also watching the patriotic concert, and he also heard this English rap sung by Li Yi, which was indeed better than him, but didn't Li Yi say that he would sing Chinese rap?He started to log in to V blog to reply.

"Didn't Li Yi let me watch? I was indeed watching, but Li Yi, where is the Chinese rap you said, and how did you sing it in English? This proves that I am right! English rap is invincible!"

Netizens didn't care about this, and directly named Song Yide and asked: "You just say you can sing like Li Yi? Should you learn? Don't look, you can't learn it! Go home and learn Chinese before you come back!" "

"Do you have any cultural self-confidence? Li Yi raps so well in English, and he is always supporting Chinese. Are you determined to be a traitor? If I serve the country faithfully, I will be the first to deal with you!"

Li Yi, who was still performing, naturally couldn't see the Internet and was swearing again. His enthusiasm had been ignited, and he continued to guide the audience to sing non-stop:
I grow up on other people's land
长成 以后 是 的 传人

"Come together: dragon dragon, you keep your eyes open, keep your eyes open forever and ever!"

"Dragon, dragon, keep your eyes open, keep your eyes open forever and ever!"

Everyone sang and lamented that the lyrics were so amazing. The Chinese people in foreign countries thought, although I grew up in a foreign country, I will always be a descendant of the dragon.

Meng Youguo said directly: good song, good song.

For this song, he must go to Huaxia Street in various countries to let foreign Chinese people know that they will always be the descendants of the dragon.

People who can understand English are even more moved, because this song hints at the land that has not yet returned. They are also the descendants of the dragon, and they are also Chinese. One day, sooner or later, we will return to unity.

Watching the live broadcast, there were also many Chinese people who lived abroad all year round. They posted comments one after another to express their patriotic spirit.

"Only Chinese people deserve the right to sing this song!"

"The lyrics look ordinary, but the meaning in them hits my heart."

"Singing the passion of the Chinese people, the sense of momentum and domineering coexist!"

As soon as Li Yi finished singing the song, the tickets on Kyoto Airlines' official website were sold out in a short period of time.

The staff who managed the website thought there was a system problem, but after review, they found out that the tickets were all purchased under the real-name system. They were shocked and didn't know the reason.

At the same time, the 24-hour service calls of the airlines were buzzing, all asking when there would be air tickets to return to China. Chinese people living in foreign countries and overseas Chinese people wanted to return to their motherland.

When these situations were brought together to the top leadership of the airline, the airline immediately held an emergency meeting to study what caused so many people to return home crazily.

Originally they guessed that it was due to wars and riots abroad, but when they saw the data, it was Chinese people from all over the world who returned to China, which made them full of doubts again.

Later, at the suggestion of the leader of the management customer service telephone department, I asked the customers who called to book tickets, and only then did I know that it was because of a song that made Chinese people in other countries feel nostalgic for their motherland.

Therefore, the airline released a message on the official V blog:

Because of the song "Descendants of the Dragon" sung by Mr. Li Yi, Chinese people in other countries are eager to return home. Therefore, the air tickets have been sold out recently, and our company is urgently arranging flights. Please pay attention to the official news at any time. Thank you.

As soon as the airline's announcement was released, netizens were stunned. The song sung by Li Yi had such a great influence that the air tickets were sold out.

Ever since, netizens who have not watched the patriotic concert poured into the live broadcast room one after another, and they all came to have a glimpse of Li Yi's demeanor.

Due to the influx of a large number of netizens, the backstage staff rushed to report the good news to Zhang Yan.

"Director Zhang, the ratings of our concert have reached a new high, and we are now No.1!"

Zhang Yan jumped down from the high stool excitedly, "Show me quickly!"

As she spoke, she snatched the staff's mobile phone, and seeing the number one ratings, Zhang Yan said excitedly: "Tonight, everyone will have supper, and I will pay for it!"

The staff cheered and worked more seriously to ensure the perfect end of the concert.

Now Zhang Yan's idea is to hope that Li Yi will not make any more fools. As long as the party ends steadily, she will be thankful.

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