Entertainment: Gossip and cohabitation rumors spread

Chapter 86 Finalize the actor of Yang Jian

This was an unexpected joy. Knowing that Wu Bixia was dubbed by the fans as the big devil in the national team, it is conceivable that this strength is not ordinary.

"Thank you, Teacher Wu. If I can survive to the end and not be eliminated, I will trouble Teacher Wu!"

Wu Bixia smiled: "You have helped me a lot, and singing is a piece of cake for me!"

Seeing Wu Bixia's confident look, Li Yi knew that as long as he made it to the "Singer" finals, he was at least [-]% sure of winning the championship, and the other five levels were in the hands of Teacher Han Hong!

In this way, several people talked and parted.Li Yi also entered the job smoothly, with a fixed salary of 5000 yuan.

Salary is actually not important, what is important is the status granted by the state, he can avoid many bad things in the entertainment industry, even if someone targets him, he has to weigh whether it is worth it.

At night, Li Yi lay in the hotel and called up his personal information from the system.

Name: Li Yi

Sex: Male
Current ability: master-level songwriting ability (progress 5%)

Singing skills of professional singers (progress 30%)
Ability to create general online novels (progress 56%)
Master level guitar playing ability (1% progress)
Ordinary-level piano performance (63% progress)
Professional Guzheng performance ability (progress 0%)

Current item: 10-minute Master Singing Skills Experience Card
One free draw

Li Yi decisively used the free lottery, and the pointer of the lottery started to turn, and finally stopped in the rare area.

[Congratulations to the master for getting the song "Orchid Pavilion Preface"]

[The main task is triggered again: ask the master to lead the national style popular]

[Task Reward: Professional Actor Ability]

Good guy, is this system going to start developing itself into film and television?

Li Yi ignores the main line for the time being, but checks his popularity value. Since the three songs "Invisible Wings", "A Diao" and "People Like Me" have become popular, the current popularity value is still 1800 million, and there are still There is an upward trend.

In two days, the live broadcast of the third episode of "Singer" will start. Li Yi's current idea is to complete the side mission.

Just thinking of this, Sun Nan has already called.

"Brother Nan, don't worry, I've already written it, and I'll pass it on to you right away!"

Li Yi spoke first, and Sun Nan on the other end of the phone was stunned, and it took more than ten seconds for him to react.

"Thank you, thank you, the main reason is that I want to get used to the new song, and I'm afraid I won't be able to sing your song perfectly in a hurry!"

Li Yi didn't reveal Sun Nan's thoughts, the two hung up the phone and passed the song to Sun Nan.

With 1500 million popularity points left, Li Yi directly exchanged all the content of "Zhu Xian", uploading 50 chapters.

Book fans have become accustomed to Li Yi's intermittent explosive changes, and the whole book is getting better and better.

The appearance of the two heroines also made the book fans more and more divided, especially the dispute between the Baguio Party and the Xueqi Party.

Li Yi gradually uploaded the content to the part where Baguio rescued Xiaofan.

Book fans are clamoring to send blades to Li Yi!
Li Yi doesn't care so much, anyway, book fans don't know who he is.

Li Changqing, editor-in-chief of Tomato Novel.com, was having a headache. The role of Yang Jian was really hard to find in the film adaptation of "Life Grows and Hates Water Changdong". The director kept urging him to meet the writer.

Li Changqing had no choice but to call Li Yi.

Li Yi saw that it was Li Changqing's call, and answered directly, "Editor Li, don't rush to update, didn't I just update dozens of chapters?"

Li Changqing sighed: "It's not about updating, it's about the last novel. Now the director can't find the leading actor, so I want to meet you.
I took into account your status as a singer, so I didn't give him your contact information directly. Mr. Li, when you are free, do you want to meet up? "

"Starring role? It's easy to handle. Have you looked for Jiao Enjun?"

"Jiao Enjun?"

Li Changqing quickly thought about the familiar stars, but he had no impression of this name.

Is there no Jiao Enjun in this world?Li Yi quickly searched the Internet, but he didn't see the film and novel "Little Li Feidao".

Then he started searching for actors to play Zhan Zhao, and finally saw an actor who was very similar to him.

It's just that the actor's name is: Jiao Jun.

The word grace is missing.

"Editor-in-Chief Li, I'll send you the actor's profile. You can show it to the director. Please the director choose carefully, especially let Jiao Jun wear Yang Jian's ancient costume! I believe he will be amazed!"

"Okay, thank you Mr. Li!"

When Li Changqing opened the information sent by Li Yi, he also felt that Jiao Jun's tall and righteous image was very suitable, and then sent it to the director.

After a good day's rest, Li Yi came to the program group of "Singer".

This episode is just a competition, there are no special guests to play, and no singers will be eliminated, so everyone seems to be more relaxed.

Sun Nan was all smiles when he came to the program group, and he was not worried about the competition at all.

"Brother Nan, is there any happy event today? Why are you so happy?"

Han Hong couldn't help asking.

Sun Nan was also straightforward and didn't hide anything: "Yesterday I got a new song from Li Yi. With this song, I feel that I am the champion of this round!"

"So confident? If Li Yi wrote a new song for himself and Yang Qian, you would only be third, hahahaha!"

Sun Nan's face fell instantly: "Is there anyone who hits people like this?"

"Who told you to tease me often!" Han Hong also retorted.

The two chattered at each other in the singer's lounge until other singers arrived.

The "Singer" program group has the same process. After passing the lottery, all the singers will perform in order.

In this issue, Li Yi did not prepare a new song for Yang Qian. Yang Qian sang a cover of a sweet song, but the audience's response was mediocre, and Yang Qian knew that she had chosen the wrong song.

Li Yi and Zhang Jie competed on high notes, but the audience in this episode didn't know why, and they also felt that they were tired of hearing, and neither of them moved the scene.

And Liang Ying and Teacher Han Hong's stage effects were magnificent, and they took the warm route, which won the applause of the audience.

Hong Tao was very anxious, and he didn't know the reason. It seemed that the viewers were already tired, and the ratings and live streaming traffic kept dropping.

He was thinking about whether to find a strong player to control the field in the next round.

When it was Sun Nan's turn to appear, an hour had passed since the show, and he knew that both the audience at the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room were a little tired at this time.

He thought of many ways to retain the audience, or to shock everyone, and finally he decided that Li Yi should be moved out.

The lights gathered together, and the heartbeat of the special effects sounded, and Sun Nan walked out from the light curtain passage.

Instead of singing directly, he picked up the microphone and said a word.

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