"Peach Love" bar.

On the fourth day of resumption of business, people come and go, more than ever.

The sudden closure and the sudden resumption of business have added a legendary color to the bar.

Such a twisted and bizarre plot fascinates young people who like nightlife even more.

Exciting, mysterious, crazy!
Always belong to their theme.

The first floor is colorful and feasting,

In the various private rooms on the second floor, laughter, cursing and profanity could be heard from time to time.

The third floor is the opposite quiet.

The sound insulation effect of the walls of the whole building is excellent, even if the first and second floors are noisy, the offices on the third floor will not be affected.

In the conference room at this time.

The owner of the bar, Carambola, and Fang Yuan, the original square K and the current bar foreman, are all sitting here.

In front of them, two young men looked nervous and fidgeted.

"You two haven't visited for a long time, why are you free today?"

Yang Tao chuckled and asked casually.

"Mr. Yang, we want to be with you."

One of the young men spoke.

"Hehe, Liu Yangming, 9 of Hearts, I fully believe what you say."

Yang Tao glanced at the young man who was speaking, and then looked at the other person: "But Chang Hui of Heart 8, aren't you Feng Nutao's brother?"

That's right, the two are red members.

Ever since Diamond A's sneak attack failed that day, Yang Tao and Fang Yuan officially fell out with Chi Shi.

Moreover, the situation on the surface is like fire and water, and war may start at any time.

Although the two sides haven't done anything yet, the red members are no longer seen in "Peach Love".

Carambola is waiting for red, maybe it will be a thunderbolt, or it may be the start of a big war.

What they didn't expect was that Liu Yangming and Chang Hui, the red members, came to voluntarily surrender.

Yang Tao is not stupid, she became suspicious immediately, and brought the two of them to the conference room to observe.

The behavior of the two is very frightened, afraid of some unknown mysterious existence.

"Red is crazy."

The silent Chang Hui suddenly said: "They canceled all the missions and put all the members on standby, ready to attack Xu Mu."

"What?" Yang Tao was startled.

Although he knew that Red would not let it go, he never expected it to be so crazy.

Revocation of the mission means unilaterally breaking the contract, which will have serious consequences for the credibility of the organization.

It also shows that Red is now in a desperate state.

Originally, Yang Tao guessed that Red would delay killing Xu Mu and solve other tasks first.

Perhaps, Xu Mu's reward has increased again!

"it is true."

Liu Yangming continued: "Currently organizing all staff to be on guard and formulating a plan is entirely aimed at Xu Mu alone."

"For this matter, they also summoned members to the headquarters in batches, but it's strange."

Speaking of this, fear appeared on Liu Yangming's face: "The members who have been to the headquarters will lose contact!"

"losing contact?"

Fang Yuan, who was listening, frowned: "What do you mean? They were locked up?"

"not that simple!"

Liu Yangming shook his head: "My cousin Heart 10 was summoned last night. Originally he said he would go and return, but he disappeared, and there was that weird noise."

"What's the noise?"

Fang Yuan's eyes were sharp.

"Before my brother entered the headquarters, he forgot to turn off his voice with me."

Liu Yangming fell into memory: "I wanted to remind him, but he changed after entering the red color, muttering 'Mom, Mom' in his mouth, and couldn't hear what I said at all."

"But, it's been more than ten years since my mother passed away!"

Hearing this, the other three people in the room were shocked.

Faced with this weird situation, they couldn't help being afraid.

Fang Yuan guessed: "Could it be that he fell into a hallucination?"

After all, there are many types of abilities, and spiritual abilities can indeed do it.

"I don't know. Later, the sound became more and more noisy, and the phone was hung up. I called back and kept reminding to shut down."

Liu Yangming said: "One day has passed, and I still can't contact him."

"How do we know, are you lying to us?"

Yang Tao asked lightly.

"I have evidence, I recorded it at the time."

Liu Yangming quickly took out his mobile phone and played the recording face to face.


"I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to enter the house next. Let's see the situation first."

"Dong dong dong" footsteps.

"Click, ga—"

A door was opened, followed by an eerie silence.

"Mommy mommy"

Suddenly, the man in the recording seemed to lose his mind, and kept murmuring "Mom" for more than ten seconds.

The recording stopped abruptly.

Yang Tao and Fang Yuan looked at each other with inexplicable shock in their eyes.

Liu Yangming's brother, who has 10 hearts, is a B-level superhuman.

To lose contact so easily, how terrifying is the person who ambushed him?
At this moment, the shadow in the corner of the meeting room changed, forming a terrifying and eerie ghost.

Standing behind Fang Yuan, he raised a scythe and slashed at his neck.


The sharp black blade fell.

Fang Yuan didn't seem to notice, still staring at the phone playing the recording in silence.


The moment the scythe fell, Fang Yuan erupted with terrifying airflow, forming a repelling force.

Sweeping the entire meeting room, even the sickle with the slender ghost figure also shifted its direction.


The movement of the strong air current startled the other three, and they quickly got up to be on guard.

Looking over again, Fang Yuan's right shoulder was pierced by a pitch-black sickle.

Like a huge claw, it suspended him in the air.

"Uncle Fang."

Yang Tao turned pale with shock, and decisively used Fang Yuan to purify.


A thin layer of light appeared on Fang Yuan's body, like an insulating layer, and he pushed the sickle away.

Freed from the bondage, Fang Yuan fell directly to the ground, clutching the wound on his right shoulder, his face pale.

Yang Tao asked: "Uncle Fang, you?"

"Be careful."

Fang Yuan interrupted, pointing at Yang Tao's back, his eyes almost popping out.

With a thought, Yang Tao threw herself forward.

Immediately afterwards, a large scythe fell down, exactly where she had just stood.

Everyone blinked again.The scythe disappeared.

All that's left is a horrible pothole in the floor. , could vaguely hear the noise on the second floor.

The two attacks made everyone nervous and looked around.

"That move just now." Yang Tao said to Fang Yuan.

"That's right, it's square A."

Fang Yuan broke out in cold sweat, and the wound stabbed by the sickle was in severe pain.

Combined with the movement just now, he added: "That guy's ability has been enhanced."

got stronger.
Block A is originally an A-level supernatural being, and it is a monster that can fight multiple monsters with one.

Become stronger again, could it be - S rank! ?

Yang Tao's tender body shook, her pretty face was hard to keep calm, this is an S-level state.

The pinnacle of normal superpowers.

Even if Xu Mu is here, what can he do?
"Jie Jie"

The shadows in the meeting room trembled, as if they had been given life.

The familiar and strange hoarse voice sounded again: "Thanks to you, I have indeed reached the S rank."

After confirming with square A, Fang Yuan and Yang Tao looked at each other, with despair in their eyes.

This difference in realm is far from something they can contend with.

"Hahaha, isn't it surprising, today you are destined to die in pain!"

Square A sneered: "There is also that Xu Mu, he can't escape!"

More and more darkness poured out from the ground, almost engulfing the meeting room.

Suddenly, rumbling——

The ceiling exploded, and white thunderbolts fell from the sky.

What followed was a cynical ridicule: "Little old man, why are you still playing with mud after S-level, so there is nothing new?"

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