"Boy, are you very happy?"

"That's... uh..."

As soon as the words came out, Lin Nianqing felt something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, his collar was lifted from behind.

Turning his head, he could vaguely see Lin Yitian with a dark face, his expression was not particularly happy.

"Yes...you asked me to do my best. I can't retaliate if I get tricked!"

Lin Nianqing kicked her limbs wildly, trying to break free from her father's clutches.

A smirk appeared on Lin Yitian's face.

According to Lin Nianqing's head is a chestnut.

The poor baby was hammered into the ground in an instant, only a small head was exposed.

Stars stared at her eyes.

Lin Yitian followed suit.

Sitting next to Lin Nianqing's little head.

Holding his cheek with one hand, he sighed:

"Why are you so weak?"

It's a bit ignorant to say that it's true, when he himself was as old as Lin Nianqing.

I still don't know where to play with mud.

"Hmph, if you have the ability, go tell your mother."

Lin Nianqing angrily turned her head away from her father.

Lin Yitian stared at him, hehe, how dare you talk back!
He pulled Lin Nianqing out of the soil and threw it away:
"Don't try to be lazy, come again!"

Under the influence of the fight between the father and son.

The already messy environment has become even more messy.


A month later.

The center of the God Realm, Weiyang City.

The closer to the city gate, the denser the people of various ethnic groups coming and going.

Lin Yitian's family of three walked slowly on the avenue leading to the main gate of Weiyang City.

Curiously, he looked at the strangely shaped gods and men around him.

Not all mythical beasts like to transform into human form.

However, most of them are in half-human form.

This form not only retains the wildness of the main body, but also does not lose the flexibility of the human form.

No matter how long the road is, it will come to an end.

After the family of three entered the city, they went straight to the registration office.

There is already a long queue here.

No way, the reward is too tempting.

The top three all have the opportunity to enter the God's Pool, but the length of time is different.

The check-in staff is very efficient.

Lin Nianqing was soon in line.

"Name." The staff member didn't look up.

That's right, with so many contestants signing up, if everyone raises his head, even the gods can't handle it.

"Lin Nianqing."


"Five years old."

The staff paused when they heard Lin Nianqing's age.

For the first time since doing this job for so long, I looked up:
"Are you coming to sign up too?"

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of those who lined up behind them, and those who had just signed up and were about to leave, but didn't have time to leave.

"Is there a problem?"

Seeing that the staff member seemed to look down on him.

Lin Nianqing was a little unhappy.

"The playground is over there."

The staff pointed in one direction wordlessly, and then prepared to call the next person.

"Little devil! Hurry up, don't delay our registration!"

"Are you weaned?"

"Don't say a few words, didn't you see that he was about to cry, hahaha!"

"Let him sign up, in case he is my opponent, that's fine, lie down and win!"

Lin Nianqing seemed to have never heard of the wanton ridicule of the people around her.

"I said, I want to sign up!"

Lin Nianqing's face was cold, she clenched her fists, and tapped on the registration desk twice.

For the first time, the staff felt the air vibrate.

The surrounding temperature rose instantly.

The second time, the staff saw sparks starting to fill the air.

Standing closest to Lin Nianqing, he just taunted the loudest guy.

Grinning his teeth after being burned, he backed away vigorously.

It caused the other people in line behind to complain for a while.

"Yo yo yo, the little thing has quite a temper."

The staff joked again, without asking any more questions, and helped Lin Nianqing register his name in the booklet.

"Hey, here's your number plate, get it, the game will start in the afternoon, don't be late, next one!"

Lin Nianqing took the number plate numbered 999 and turned to leave.

After he left, the people nearby breathed a sigh of relief.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he felt the air cool down.

It's just that when I looked at Lin Nianqing's back again, I no longer felt contemptuous.

Of course, it is limited to the small group of people around.


The family of three joined Ao Ye's family who arrived later.

I found a good restaurant and ate it.

"Has Wan'er signed up?"

Wu Qingcheng delivered food to Lin Yitian, and asked Ao Yu next to him.

Ao Yu withdrew the hand that passed the barbecue to Ao Ye, wiped it on the clean white tablecloth, and said:
"Well, I'm not worried about Wan'er's strength, it's just that she is too timid.

She was afraid that she would start crying before someone did anything to her. "

Ao Yu dotingly glanced at her daughter sitting opposite.

Ao Wan'er was carefully wiping Lin Nianqing's mouth.

The three men, two big and one small, seemed to be fighting for food, and no one would obey the other.

If you eat a leg, I will eat one too.

If you order ten bowls of noodles, I will order twenty bowls.

The other guests in the restaurant were stunned.

Where is the mind to eat, just watching these three guys make it here will make you full.

Siri Hulu passed away in a gust of wind.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant stood behind the counter and wiped his sweat.

The news came from the back kitchen just now that there are only a few cooks left in the kitchen who can eat.

It's a good thing they're full, that's a good thing.

Coming out of the restaurant, the two families walked towards the arena.

They bought tickets in advance, so there was no rush.

Lin Nianqing had already fallen asleep in Lin Yitian's arms.

Ao Wan'er didn't, holding Ao Yu's little hand, sweating because of nervousness.

The little face was pale.

Ao Ye not only didn't say a word of comfort, but laughed at her heartlessly.

Ao Yu was so angry that she went up and kicked him away.

When I came outside the arena, it was already crowded with people.

The grouping situation of all contestants is printed on the tall outer wall.

All players were divided into ten groups.

On average, there are five hundred people in a group.

Due to time constraints, every group of ten people will have a big fight.

Falling off the ring, conceding defeat, or dying is considered out.

Each group has only one qualifying place.

The 1VS1 mode will not be entered until the champions of ten groups have been competed.

Ao Wan'er was placed in the first group, and Lin Nianqing was in the tenth group.

After understanding the general situation of the competition system, Lin Yitian woke up his son.

After instructing him to take good care of Wan'er's younger sister, the four adults watched the two children walk into the players' rest area together.

Only then did the four slowly walk towards the stands of the arena with the flow of people.

"Brother Nianqing, I'm still a little scared."

Ao Wan'er kept rubbing the corners of her clothes with her small hands, looking at the players passing by with an uneasy expression.

All of them are like devils in her eyes, baring their teeth and claws.


Lin Nianqing yawned and comforted:

"If you are afraid, close your eyes as soon as you enter the stage, and then make two circles vigorously on the spot,
When you open your eyes again, you will find that they all fell out of the ring. "

"Really?" Ao Wan'er was dubious.

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