Fengshen: Deduce the practice method at the beginning, scaring the sky

Chapter 102 Chapter Yu: Do I still have this identity?

Yin Jiao looked at the expressions of these ministers, how could he not know what they were thinking?
But if they really think that way, they will look down on him too much!
Don't say that these talents are two-sevenths of the ministers.

Even if all the ministers in the court have two hearts now, he will kill them all.


Sometimes it is necessary to look at the situation.

The minister kneeling on the ground did not expect that Yin Jiao would really kill all of them.

So when Yin Jiao gave the order, the army waiting outside the hall came up.

When the two dragged one of them out, these ministers seemed to wake up suddenly and struggled.

"My lord, you can't do this!"

"Big merchants have no ministers, something is going to happen!"

"The minister devoted himself to the great businessman, the king can't do that!"

"I made a mistake just once, Your Majesty!"

One after another, the voices of the ministers begging for mercy resounded through the Nine Halls.

Among these ministers.

Some were begging for mercy, begging Yin Jiao to spare his life.

Some were telling their merits and virtues, wanting Yin Jiao to forgive him.

Others were selling miserably, trying to soften Yin Jiao's heart.

The various states of beings are displayed one by one in front of Yin Jiao.

However, facing the ministers' begging for mercy, Yin Jiao's expression was indifferent, and the emotion in his eyes did not change at all.

Obviously, his determination has been made and cannot be changed.

All these criminals were pulled out and beheaded.

Yin Jiaofu looked down at the minister again, and continued to speak.

"The matter of a minister with two hearts in the court has been resolved."

"It's just that it's still early, so I will continue to talk about some new policies."


The ministers of the DPRK and China looked at each other, knowing that Yin Jiao would enforce this change.

In this way, as courtiers, they will listen to it.

Of course, in the Nine Halls where two-sevenths of the ministers had just been beheaded, these courtiers did not dare to speak out on some trivial matters.

They were afraid that Yin Jiao would start killing them, so they dragged them out and beheaded them along the way.

It can be said that Yin Jiao's move directly made the court ministers fear him.

Yin Jiao didn't bother to pay attention to what the ministers were thinking.

He directly stated some of the policies he had thought about earlier.

Here, there is something about the establishment of academies, so that many students who want to become officials in the court can learn knowledge.

There is also Shutang, a place to buy books.

There is also a school for enlightenment.

These things were mentioned by Yin Jiao before, and the ministers did not object.

This time it was brought up again, and the complete plan was brought out. At the same time, all the official positions held in the school, study hall, and academy were also set up.

Yinjiao set up a school for enlightenment. One is to provide students for the later academies, and the other is to let the people of big businessmen be able to read.

Only when these people can read and write, the Hunyuan Qi cultivation method that Ye Changqing passed on to him will be useful.

After getting this exercise, he asked his master again, and then threw away the previous cultivation base and re-cultivated this exercise.

In the words of his master, this exercise is more suitable for the human race than the Jindan Dao taught by the Taiqing sage Lao Tzu.

At first, Yin Jiao didn't feel it yet.

He didn't understand until he really got started and after he cultivated a ray of Hunyuan Qi.

Among the human race, there are countless skills and cultures, all of which can be used to improve one's own cultivation.

In this way, if there are infinite scholars, there will be infinite articles.

Does it mean that human race cultivators are infinite?

If one day, human race cultivators completely gain a foothold in the prehistoric, why should their human race be afraid of other races?

Even that great religion, don't even think about giving advice to the human race.

Yin Jiao thought about the side that might appear in the future, and there seemed to be countless stars shining in his eyes.

The court minister looked at the shining King Shang in front of him, and he also had an expectation for the Great Shang in his heart.


In the palace, Yin Jiao knew how to go back.

Outside the imperial palace, countless subjects among the great merchants felt an inexplicable aura descending on them at this moment.

At the moment when the breath fell, everyone felt that the fatigue and pain in their bodies were relieved.

For a moment, all the subjects in Dashang put down all their movements and bowed slightly towards the direction of Chaoge Palace.

They couldn't tell what they got, but they knew very well that this change was brought about by Ren Wang Yinjiao.

This bow only represented their respect for Yin Jiao.

"This is the rain of luck?"

Inside Chaoge Tavern, the drinkers in the tavern stood up one after another as they watched the golden raindrops suddenly fall outside the tavern.

In their eyes, there was endless astonishment.

Of course, most people don't know what the golden raindrops are, they can only feel the great benefits of the golden raindrops.

Only Tong Tian, ​​who was sitting with Ye Changqing, discovered the essence of the golden raindrop at the first time.

This is because Tongtian himself is a sage of heaven, so he can instantly know some changes in this prehistoric world.

"The rain of luck, what is it?"

Ye Changqing was listening, and some memories flashed quickly in his mind.

But whether the rain of luck in these memories is the same as the one in front of him, he still doesn't know.

"I don't know Boss Ye, but do you know that at the end of the battle between demons, the three clans paid for the murder they committed?"

Tong Tian thought for a while and asked.

"The ancestral dragon enters the sea and does not come out, the Fengzu town does not come out of the volcano, and the unicorn turns into an auspicious beast and walks the world?"

After Ye Changqing pondered for a moment, he spoke out the memory in his mind.

The main thing is that what he knows are all processed novels he has read.

Among them, no one knows whether it is true or not.


Tong Tian nodded, thinking more and more that Ye Changqing was an ancient god and demon.

If it wasn't for the other party, how could he say it so easily?
We must know that at the time of the dragon and phoenix catastrophe, none of them had yet incarnated.

Among the prehistoric times, perhaps only Daozu Hongjun knows this period of history best.

"Of course, what I want to say is related to the dragon clan that enters the sea and does not come out."

"After the dragon clan entered the sea, because of the deep karma in the past, it is still in danger of extinction."

"So in order to ensure that their own race will not be extinct, the Dragon Clan suppressed the luck of the human race at the cost of a pure-blooded Dragon Clan's dragon soul during the time of the Three Emperors."

"This dragon is golden in color and has five claws."

"On weekdays, it is hidden in the luck of the human race. Only when the dragon clan has a real king who can inherit the throne of the emperor, will he show his figure."

"This dragon soul has also been exchanged for the Luck Golden Dragon."

"Emperor Xin, the former emperor of Dashang, actually did not appear when he succeeded to the position of emperor."

Tongtian slowly introduced some unknown history in the wilderness.

Of course, in Tongtian's heart, Ye Changqing should know all these things.

He will go into detail, just because Ye Changqing asked.

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