Fengshen: Deduce the practice method at the beginning, scaring the sky

Chapter 122 How can you be as shameless as a Western saint?

"Look what I do?"

Sensing everyone's attention, Ye Changqing turned his head and glanced at the guests, knowing what they were thinking.

Don't you just think that he is a tavern proprietor, powerless and easy to bully?

"Looking at it like this, starting tomorrow, the tavern will be temporarily closed for three days."

With a cold snort in his heart, Ye Changqing announced very capriciously.

For a moment, everyone turned their gazes back, not daring to look again.

No way, Houtu and the others couldn't afford it, and Ye Changqing couldn't afford it.

There are countless fine wines in the wild, but it takes countless hours to collect those fine wines.

The drinks in Ye Changqing's tavern are here.

In addition, there is also the Immortal Drunk that can improve one's perception.

Able to break through the calm shattered ice.

The old pine that can make people return to a young mind, and so on.

It can be said that Ye Changqing has almost all the drinks imaginable here.

Therefore, even those prehistoric powers who just came over were also beaten back by Ye Changqing's words.

Fortunately, Houtu did not keep everyone waiting too long.

"Pingxin Empress' Six Paths of Reincarnation is not a trading place, let alone a shop."

"Why do you think that the Six Paths of Reincarnation is an option?"

Houtu blinked, and spoke a little mischievously.

This is also what Houtu was curious about. Why did these people finally think of this most unreliable answer?

You know, the six realms of reincarnation have always been places of reincarnation.

Don't say it's not a store anymore.

Even if it is, no one will come back to buy the chance of reincarnation.

Why, do you still want to buy some chance to be reincarnated somewhere?


Who else dares to propose this deal in front of Houtu who has the same strength as the saint in the six reincarnations?
Houtu said he was also surprised.

Ye Changqing also laughed out loud after hearing this.

"Yes, that's the truth."

"However, some of the answers guessed by some of you are correct. There are many answers to this question."

"Shopkeeper, you tell us a few answers!"

"Yes, yes, don't hang us like this."


In the tavern, some customers who couldn't wait were the first to shout.

Listening to their yelling, Ye Changqing pressed his hand lightly.

After quieting everyone's voices, he spoke.

"Okay, okay, I'll just say two."

"Mengpo soup, coffin shop."

The affairs in the prehistoric world are somewhat different from those in the previous life.

When Ye Changqing first came here, Chaoge didn't have a systematic coffin shop.

Later, after he met Yin Jiao, when Yin Jiao asked him what to do with Su Daji's body, Ye Changqing asked why he didn't make a thin coffin.

Because of those made by Daji, it is considered kindness for the corpse not to be roasted by the fire, and it is impossible to make a coffin.

After listening to Ye Changqing's introduction, Yin Jiao felt that what Ye Changqing said was very reasonable, so he buried Su Daji's body in a thin coffin.

Later, with Yin Jiao's ascension to the throne, the people of Dashang developed little by little.

Up to now, there is a systematic coffin shop, and even the prototype of the shroud has come out.

In the tavern, everyone had no opinion on Yin Jiao's answer that one of the answers was the coffin shop.

Because it is good in any world, no one will buy two coffins.

There is a promotion in a coffin shop, buy one get one free.

Who dares to buy?Does anyone in your family want to use the curse?
Some old people in the big business said that they kept the coffin book, but they didn't mention this thing, and they had to prepare an extra one!

"Master Ye, we can understand this coffin shop."

"What's the meaning of Mengpo soup?"

"If I remember correctly, this Mengpo soup should not cost money, it's not considered a business."

Hearing everyone's inquiries, Ye Changqing did not answer, but instead glanced at Po Meng.

When Ye Changqing was teaching Ji Tian, ​​in terms of basic knowledge, he also taught him a lot of brain teasers and sophistry.

The purpose is to ask the first question, directly to the other party!
So the answer to Ji Tian's question is a brain teaser.

Among the answers Ye Changqing remembered, there was only one coffin shop.

Some time ago, Granny Meng suddenly told him that she thought Ye Changqing's fees were too high.

She marked the price on the Mengpo soup she drank before the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Then according to the different production tastes, there are different prices.

The cheapest Mengpo soup, it smells so bad that even many pig souls dislike it.

Mengpo Soup is on sale, so naturally I won't choose to buy one get one free.

After all, you want to be reincarnated.

Either go and drink the nasty Mengpo soup, and if you want to drink something delicious, you have to pay for it.

And these ghosts gave the money to Meng Po, and after drinking the soup, they would forget everything before.

Who would buy Mengpo soup if Meng Po said that buy one get one free?
Who knows if Po Meng will give it to them after buying it?

However, none of the people in the tavern have seen these.

So when Ye Changqing finished speaking and looked at Po Meng, they also turned their eyes away.

"Mengpo soup is charged."

Hou Tu glanced at the crowd, and slowly spit out a few words from his mouth.

As soon as she said this, the Da Neng present, one by one, all changed their expressions.

These days, do you have to be rich even for reincarnation?

This was Ye Changqing's first thought when he heard the news, and it was also the thought of these people.

Of course, when facing Ye Changqing, Houtu will explain.

Facing these drinkers, Hou Tuli ignored them and turned his attention away.

Seeing that there was nothing to be asked from Houtu's side, everyone no longer wanted to ask.

They just startled about the charge for Meng Po Tang.

After Mengpo soup was charged, it was included in the answer, which they could figure out.

"No problem?"

Ye Changqing looked at Tongtian, reached out and clicked on the battlefield screen projected by the magic mirror, and turned on the sound that had just been turned off.

Following Ye Changqing's actions, the voices on the battlefield were heard again.

Seeing Huang Tianhua start to play tricks, Ji Tian was quite speechless.

He didn't expect that the other party, as a cultivator, could do such a thing.

Why is it the same as Ye Changqing often said, those two shameless bald donkeys in the West?
Seeing that if he didn't settle this matter, Huang Tianhua would not admit defeat.

Ji Tian's original sympathy for the other party's absence suddenly disappeared completely.

"In this Confucian battle formation, everything said is true."

"You don't believe it, it's your problem."

"What's with me?"

Ji Tian looked at Huang Tianhua, not thinking of answering him at all.

There are only so many weird questions he learned from Ye Changqing.

Here he explained for Huang Tianhua.

Will I not be able to use this one in the future?

Ji Tian will not be an enemy.

Huang Tianhua wanted to ask again, when he suddenly saw a man running out from the Da Zhou army.

The man had three eyes between his brows, and as soon as Huang Tianhua appeared, he immediately shut his mouth.

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