Do you want to go or not?

Since Nuwa told Ye Changqing the exact location.

This is already Ye Changqing, who asked himself the 820th time in his heart.

Ever since his strength had risen to the level of a saint, he had discovered it.

In fact, the system has never prevented him from leaving the tavern.

It was because he felt that he would die if he was not strong enough to go out, so he formed a rule outside the tavern.

That is, he can't leave the tavern!

When his strength improved, the restriction he set for himself was lifted.

But for such a long time, Ye Changqing never took the initiative to leave the tavern.

This suddenly let him go out, and he was still a little hesitant.

It's not that I'm afraid or something, but I don't know what to do after going out.

There are so many guests in the tavern, if he meets him, someone will ask him.

He can't say to find the elf to satisfy his childhood fantasies, right?
This is too embarrassing.

It is also because of this that Ye Changqing struggled for several days.

Seeing that, with the participation of Tong Tian and Yin Jiao, a similar debate competition has been prepared.

Ye Changqing finally stood up from the chair.

He is leaving the tavern!
Chaoge Tavern cannot operate without him.

If he said to the outside world, he went out to find an elf and came back when he found it.

I am afraid that these people, the guests in the tavern, will directly press him in the tavern.

Then they went to find it and brought it back to him.

In this way, he can get the elf without going out of the tavern.

From Ye Changqing's point of view, what's the use of the elves that he didn't capture?

So, he wanted to call Ye Qing back, and then he went out to wander around.

Just when Ye Changqing was full of confidence, he was ready for everything.

Even when the luggage was packed, a palm-sized bird suddenly flew over outside the tavern.

Then, a piece of paper was thrown down.

Suddenly, Ye Changqing had a bad feeling in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the paper that the bird dropped.

"Hello my dear body~"

Seeing a line of words on the upper left corner of the paper, Ye Changqing's head suddenly ached.

Needless to say, Ye Qing is definitely not coming back!
Look at the wavy line that twisted to Guixu!

No need to look at Ye Qing's face, Ye Changqing knew that when the other party wrote this letter, he must have been extremely happy!
Anger surged in his heart, Ye Changqing continued to read without moving.

At the back of the letter, Ye Qing wrote in detail.

He felt that it was already very hard for the ontology itself to manage a tavern.

Since he was refined by the main body, he didn't help the main body.

For this, he is deeply sorry.

So this time, after learning that the ontology wanted to get the poke ball and elves, he decided to help the ontology.

He can no longer let his body experience the hard work of walking in the wild.

It just so happens that the two of them have shared some memories over time.

Unless it's the kind that goes elsewhere.

For example, I went to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, went to Guixu, and went to Honghuangwai.

So he doesn't have to be embarrassed by himself, he will go directly to the address that Nu Wa told him to get the elf back.

In addition, at the end of the letter, Ye Qing also asked Ye Changqing.

For elves, do you want the kind of human or animal.

If it is humanoid, do you want a male or a female.

In short, when Ye Qing wrote such a letter, he wrote a large piece of it eloquently!

One of them has something serious and useful, but one doesn't.

In Ye Changqing's eyes, the content of this letter expresses one meaning throughout.

That is, the ontology, I am going to be happy.

You still have to guard in the tavern, are you angry?

Holding the letter paper tightly in his hand, Ye Changqing spoke viciously in his heart.

Dog, don't let me see you again!
As Ye Changqing returned to the tavern, the letter in his hand also disappeared with the wind.

The kind without a scrap of confetti.



Ye Qing is rushing to the specific location Nuwa told.

No, just walked a few steps away, he opened his mouth and sneezed loudly.

After thinking about it in my mind, it should be the letter that was sent to Ye Changqing.

The corner of Ye Qing's mouth curled up, revealing a smirk.

"Come to think of it, the guy on the body must be so angry that he wants to kill me."

"Hey, that's true."

Before Ye Qing finished speaking, he felt Ye Changqing's emotions, he smiled, and continued to drive to the destination on a ostrich he just caught.

It took a full half a month before he rushed to the place Nuwa said.

A valley formed by the convergence of four mountains.

Walking in from the outside of the valley, the moment Ye Qing stepped into the boundary line, the scene before Ye Qing's eyes changed immediately.

Just standing outside and looking inside, this valley looks barren.

But when you walk in, you will find that the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant in this valley.

It looks like a paradise.

Thinking about it, Tao Yuanming's Tale of Peach Blossom Spring is like this.

Turning around and glanced outside the valley, Ye Qing went back into the valley, under the huge tree.

As Nuwa said, the elf tree that gave birth to the elf ball is very huge.

Just standing at the outermost edge of the valley, you can see the crown of the tree at a glance.

You know, this entire valley has a provincial university in Liao Province where Ye Qing's body lived in his previous life!
Take a look at the distance between him and the big tree.

A huge book suddenly appeared in front of Ye Qing, with the words Hunyuanqi branded on it.

Stretch out your hand, tap lightly on the writing, a word "shrink" floated out of the book, and then fell into Ye Qing's leg.

Afterwards, Ye Qing raised his foot and took a step forward.

Taking this step, Ye Qing's body directly spanned a distance of nearly [-] meters.

This is still the distance that he does not have the maximum distance.

If he did everything, he might be able to cross the distance of [-] meters in one step.

This was created by Ye Qing based on the technique of shrinking the ground into an inch.

With his body shrinking to an inch, Ye Qing walked slowly towards the big tree.

From a distance, one can only see Ye Qing's figure flickering continuously.

It looks like he is walking, but each step can pull an extremely long distance.

In less than two hours, Ye Qing arrived under the big tree.

This big tree looks like a hundred-story building.

Ye Qing stood on the tree and looked up, he couldn't see the sunlight at all.

The sunlight is completely blocked by the canopy of the tree.

At the same time, under the cover of the emerald green leaves of this tree, countless fruits spread all over it.

In front of Ye Qing, that huge book reappeared.

This time, Ye Qing chose the word "wing".

The word "wing" appeared and fell behind him, turning into a pair of huge wings.

These wings carried Ye Qing into the void, until they reached the place next to the big tree.

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