Seeing the light in Lucifer's eyes, Ye Qing subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

It's not that Ye Qing can't defeat that impostor.

Rather, Ye Qing didn't plan to fight right now.

Ye Changqing set many things here, although Ye Qing did not personally participate.

But from the few words in the letter Ye Changqing left for him, he could also guess it.

It was he who guessed it.

That's why he didn't show up to expose the impostor the first time he saw it.

Ye Qing wants to take a look at that impostor.

Is it one of Ye Changqing's plans?

If so, that person was really expected by Ye Changqing.

Then Ye Qing will not take action to solve the matter here.

According to Ye Qing's thoughts, he would always hide behind his back and watch the development of this world.

But just now in that heaven, when he watched the development of the matter, there was always something wrong in his heart.

Where does this feeling come from, Ye Qing is not quite clear.

Yes, there is.

You know, in Ye Changqing's letter to him, it is clearly stated that the development of this world is different from what he remembers.

In the back of the letter, Ye Changqing also told Ye Qing that if he came here and found that the changes in this world are very different from the western myths in his memory, Ye Qing shouldn't be shocked.

But now?

Now, the development of this side of the world vaguely seems to be the same as the memory of the previous life.

It's the way the world works.

He also said that there are some people here who have heard some brief parts of Western mythology.

So, man came to intervene?
This is what Ye Qing wants to straighten out.

He will appear in front of Lucifer, one reason is that Lucifer cannot return to heaven.

Another thing is, Ye Qing can feel the admiration, respect, and belief from Lucifer that goes straight to Ye Changqing's position.

When he went to that heaven before, he discovered it.

The faith of the angels in heaven has turned to the impostor.

So, when he found out that there was another person who didn't believe in the counterfeiter, he was naturally curious.

There is also the scene of showing up.

I thought that with just a few words, this matter would be over.

But Ye Qing didn't expect it.

Lucifer could recognize Ye Changqing directly from his breath.

After all, Ye Qing is the incarnation of Ye Changqing, in a certain way.

It is not a problem to say that it is Ye Changqing.

It's nothing if it's just recognized.

But now, Ye Qing looked at the bright light in Lucifer's eyes.

That is the light that can only be shown when you see your own beliefs appearing in front of your eyes.

If Ye Qing rejects Lucifer's desire at this moment.

I don't know if this Lucifer will fall directly and completely to the side of the devil.

If you haven't seen Lucifer resisting that impostor for Ye Changqing.

Didn't see the light in Lucifer's eyes.

Ye Qing said that he can ruthlessly refuse.

Even, when he heard such things, he would express it.

The world is free to develop, what does the request of others matter to him?

But now, when he is really in this position.

Ye Qing really wants to say something, people who think that way.

Really, standing and talking doesn't hurt my back.

Others don't know, anyway, he can't refuse.

Sighing helplessly, Ye Qing took a step forward, raised his hand to gently rub Lucifer's hair, and said.

"Not urgent."

"I need to take a look first, where did the Outer God come from."

"How did he get the ability to pretend to be me?"

"it is good."

"All to God the Father."

Lucifer lowered his head slightly, showing respect to Ye Qing.

Did not say anything more to Lucifer.

Ye Qing directly let Lucifer go to hell first.

Go and see how many people who betrayed heaven before are left.

At the same time, Ye Qing also solemnly told Lucifer that he needed Lucifer to form an army of demons based on hell creatures in that hell.

"Why do you want that demon army?"

Lucifer frowned slightly, expressing that he couldn't understand Ye Qing's arrangement.

Of course, he hesitated, but his eyes still expressed trust to Ye Qing.

Obviously, Lucifer's inquiry at this moment is not an inquiry of whether he agrees or not.

Rather, he wants to know how this has anything to do with Ye Qing's plan.

Then, he can find suitable demons from among them.

So that Ye Qing's plan was not in a critical place, and fell off the chain.

Ye Qing, who heard Lucifer's question, didn't guess what Lucifer was thinking.

But I also feel that this kind of thing is not too important.

It was Lucifer who betrayed him and told others.

Nothing to lose to him.

He directly expressed the intention in his heart.

"Then the counterfeiter can pretend to be undiscovered for so many years."

"The trust of those angels in him will not be less."

"When I pass by, maybe those people will think I'm a fake."

Ye Qing paused for a moment before continuing.

"At that time, maybe it will be a war with the whole heaven."

"That can't be done. I have to deal with the counterfeiter and those angels again, right?"

Ye Qing looked at Lucifer with a smile.

Then he saw it.

After he finished speaking, the roots of Lucifer's ears also shot up into the sky, and instantly turned red.

"Yes, I know Father God."

He lowered his head in embarrassment, not knowing what to do.

Lucifer accepted the task Ye Qing gave him.

He didn't say anything, and continued to fly directly to hell.

Only Ye Qing was left, turned into an invisible form again, and returned to the heaven.

He had just walked through the gate of heaven, and immediately realized that something was wrong in heaven!
When Lucifer was still in this heaven before, although he could detect a little problem from heaven.

But, in the final analysis, those are just his feelings, and may not be 100% accurate.

But at this moment, he looked at the whole scene presented in front of him.

In a trance, Ye Qing thought that he came to the Pansi Cave.

I saw, in front of Ye Qing, a huge heaven.

No more male angels.

In fact, when Ye Changqing was making angels, he thought about whether or not to give them a gender.

Later, when he was actually creating, Ye Changqing suddenly had an idea in his head.

There is debate about whether Guanyin is male or female.

That is, under this idea, Ye Changqing created the angel.

how to say.

It is an existence that can become a male angel or a female angel.

Are they male or female.

Safety is determined by one's own nature.

Ye Changqing thought this setting was quite interesting, so he didn't bother to change it.

Come to think of it, among angels, those who like to fight, most of them would not choose a male image, right?
Ye Changqing's thinking was not accurate, but when all the angels were born.

The ratio between men and women has not reached a particularly exaggerated level.

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