It is said that this hotel existed many years ago.

How exquisite the decoration of the hotel was at that time, it attracted countless people to live in it.Gradually, many people became regular customers and regarded this place as their home.

It's more like a rental apartment building than a hotel.

The consultant and the others lived in room 213 of the hotel.

One day, two customers came here, they were a couple.

These two people are not ordinary people, or in other words, there are no ordinary people in the entire Emerald Dream, except for the beast master who is a druid.

But what is special about them is that they raise a monster together.

What does this monster look like?No one has ever seen it.

The world only knows that the two used to be a very loving couple, feeding each other even apples, sticking together all day long.

But I don't know when it started, everything changed...

When women sleep, they have a habit of singing.

What song to sing... no one knows.

When a man sleeps, he can't wake up at all.

The woman doesn't remember at all when she wakes up.

What lyrics are one knows.

Women can't sing clearly, men can't understand.

As for the tone... still can't imitate it.

Anyway, it is said that it sounds like mourning.

After a long time, the two had conflicts.

The conflict became more and more intense, and gradually shifted from singing to other things.

Women think men cheat, men think women are vexatious.

Logically speaking, in this situation, they should break up directly, but the two quarreled again because of the monster they raised together.

The woman felt that this monster belonged to her, so it should belong to her.

The man felt that he had paid a lot for this monster, so it should belong to him.

Therefore, they fought hard, and finally died and went crazy.

The woman died in the room, the man was insane, and the monster disappeared.

Later, this room 213 became a 'haunted house' in the entire hotel!
All those who live in this room will hear strange singing in the middle of the night, and they will encounter terrible things.

If the person who happens to live in this room is a couple, then they will be affected even more.

If there are other monsters besides lovers, then... more ominous than ominous!
It is said that many people died in this room, but because the impact of the incident was too bad, they were suppressed.

The local people basically know about this, but they never talk about it...

"That's about it."

After Luo Chunyu finished speaking, he looked at the consultant and the others.

This story is not too scary, it seems that because it is too straightforward, the consultant loses the sense of fear that is imaginative.

Du Ruo's expression was a little lost, she didn't know what she was thinking.

And Kurosawa had already curled up into a ball, his body trembling, as if he was dancing a cha-cha.

After Luo Chunyu paused, he looked up at the ceiling.Her back was straight, only her head was tilted back, as if an invisible thread was hanging from the ceiling, pulling her neck.

She kept this posture and said in a hoarse voice:
"It is said that the woman stood on this chair at that time, and then hanged herself in the current position."

"Her body turned and turned, constantly spinning... Her beautiful eyes just stared at everyone living in this room."

"Especially... couples like you."

Luo Chunyu's voice was very soft, and it was precisely because of this that his tone became extremely strange.

Following her words, her head turned back to the normal position bit by bit, and her sight fell from the ceiling to Du Ruo's face bit by bit, her dark eyes just stared at Du Ruo, looking extremely horrified people.

Du Ruo shivered.

She just noticed a place on the roof that was obviously painted, and her eyes were a little dazed, as if she really saw a spinning corpse.

"Cough cough..."

The consultant coughed lightly, trying to break the weird atmosphere in the room.

Luo Chunyu's words just now are much more terrifying than the whole story.

But before he could speak, Luo Chunyu turned his head away.

She didn't look at Du Ruo, nor at the consultant, but stared blankly at the mirror mentioned earlier.

Luo Chunyu's position could not be seen in this mirror, only the consultants and the others could be seen.

"That mirror..." Luo Chunyu slowly raised his hand, pointed at the mirror, and spoke again in that weird tone:
"It records the situation at that time, and it also records the grievances of the two people."

"It is said that the breath of that monster has also entered it, so this mirror has a deep resentment."

"It affects the two people reflected in it, making them entangled forever even in death."

"It is said that occasionally it will show a face, and the person who sees this face will often die tragically like the two people at the beginning."

When the consultant heard this, his back felt cold, and he subconsciously looked at the mirror.

Reflected in the mirror were Kuisawa and Du Ruo who were trembling all over, and... the consultant who was also trembling.

Now, the two of them and the snake started to dance the cha-cha...

The story ended here, and Luo Chunyu's expression also returned to its original appearance from that ethereal state.

She looked at the trembling two people and a snake, as well as the mature and stable silver fire dragon and the slime who knew nothing about the world, and chuckled lightly:
"Hehe, don't be too scared, it's just a story, don't take it seriously."

I have to say that Luo Chunyu is much gentler than Pei Yuan.

After she finished telling the story, she actually comforted people...

It's just that, before the consultant could feel more at ease, a line of prompt text from the system appeared in front of him again.

[The story is true! 】

"Really Nima!"

The consultant gritted his teeth and muttered softly.

"Okay, that's the end of the story. I'm going to work. If you need anything, you can find me."

Luo Chunyu regained that gentle voice. She sat up, put the chair back to its original position, glanced at the mirror, and then walked out of the room.

The consultant and Du Ruo slowly stopped trembling and looked in Luo Chunyu's direction.

After Luo Chunyu walked out of the room with a smile on his face, he turned around and pulled the door thoughtfully, closing it little by little.

Her smile looks very gentle, but...

The advisor noticed a detail.

From beginning to end, there was no shadow under her feet!

It may be because the lights in the room are not turned on, or it may be because the consultant is too nervous to see clearly.

But no matter what, he felt cold all over.

Luo Chunyu closed the door little by little, until finally, when there was only a gap left in the door, she stopped, and at the same time left a warning:
"Remember, don't look in that mirror!"

Before the words could be heard, the door was already tightly closed.

For some reason, as Luo Chunyu left the room, the room felt even colder.

A deadly silence filled the room.

After an unknown amount of time, Kurosawa's voice sounded: "Can you say something, don't hold back?"

After hearing Kurosawa's voice, the consultant fumbled for the remote control tremblingly, turned on the TV, and then a high-decibel sound came from the room...


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